• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

How to counter act against a NRI


Mar 21, 2013
Agreed it's a silly question but yeah cause of DXM's easy available and other dissos are not, and K's too short lived and too harsh on the bladder,so I've come up with some deliberate attempt at making DXM more comfortable and better tolerated. The primary counter player appears to be its prominent NE reuptake inhibition (the SSRI activity is okay, I'll just skip my AD when taking it). Some years ago I've even tried to go for low-dose DXM alone as an antidepressant but the NRI part is too abundant. Made me panic with higher dosages and even below my heart doesn't like it at all.

Is this even possible, to abolish the effects of a NRI being active in your system? And what drug might fit this purpose the most, something like clonidine or rather beta blockers, or alpha blockers? I don't want to end up with a vasoconstrictive poison mix, that I am nicotine dependant probably doesn't help either (e-cig, no smoking anymore, miss the harmalas).
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I looked into it and found beta blockers best suited. I'''''d check with s.j.p or sekio.
Do not take beta blockers with anything that increases NE signalling! The unopposed alpha agonism can cause dangerous increases in blood pressure.

Something like a very low dose of an a2 agonist (clinic one or tizanidine) would be safer, but honestly it is not a great idea to add antagonistic drugs to a dirty drug in hopes of making it feel more selective, as dosing will be complicated due to the metabolic fate of both drugs interacting.
Do not take beta blockers with anything that increases NE signalling! The unopposed alpha agonism can cause dangerous increases in blood pressure.
This was what I had back in my mind.. would e.g. carvedilol be better?

So yeah, tizanidine - isn't this a peripherally selective agent? Or does the anxiety arise from the body load of too much NE? Clonidine unfortunately felt dirty too (it's the one I can get most easily) so I didn't try higher doses, and guanfacine isn't available here.

I know it's not that of a great idea, just hoped it might take the edge off nevertheless, like with e.g. beta blockers it wouldn't really hurt having one longer in my system as needed, just make me a bit lazy when it's time to sleep nevertheless after a trip maybe..
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So would carvedilol be better than e.g. propanolol?

Asking cause I am thinking about trying out a beta blocker in general due to a severe anxiety problem which generalized somehow to anxiety of anxiety syndrome with racing heart etc.. while knowing that its not real.. maybe a beta blocker can help me overcoming this.
I find pyrazolam, clonidine, mebicar & afobazole help well with severe anxiety, with mebicar being the most effective one.
Btw, I recently tried one cough tablet with DXM and already fell nervous ... gonna stay away from that one.
Pyrazolam will help for sure, it's a benzo. Clonidine, yay, it for sure is alleviating just I know too little about how adrenoceptors work for having a good feeling when using an a2 agonist against NE pressure ... many doctors are equally wary about clonidine and e.g. Xanax, the one cause they know so little about the other cause it has a bad reputation... afaik cloinidine is a good aid for things like withdrawal, panic attacks, stim comedown etc.. but that's just my 0,02 cents and I hope to find somebody more educated here to shed some light onto the variables :)

Mebicar, aye? This one's raised my interest before, when I first discovered that bunch of russian meds, but then again nobody appears to really believe into them... So you'd say it really works and is more than just place/nocebo?
Mebicar certainly works, that is if you actually feel anxious. I mean, it doesn't have any euphoric or hypnotic effects like benzos or other drugs so if you're looking for "recreational" purposes you better look elsewhere. But for anxiety it does the job.
I mentioned pyrazolam since it's a bit of a special benzo, it also isn't euphoric or hypnotic unlike other benzos and I also don't experience habituation or addictive effects. (While ironically the heavy hynotic ones like clonazolam & flubromazolam have the opposite effect and keep me awake.)
It's the most functional one of those designer benzos imho.
I wonder why it was never marketed.
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Yeah I too remember pyrazolam of being very functional.

Nowadays with prohibition flowering again and me stuck with the very rare lorazepam every now and then, I miss it and MXE and all the good stuff... But mebicar might be a viable option. Have to look into it.
Stocked a lot of pyrazolam just before the UK blanket ban was enforced and webshops gave big discounts, so I still have a lot. But yeah, nowadays it might be hard to find.
Did the same and ended up with a letter from authorities and my ex gf flushing all the goodies down the toilet :(
Thank you.

Yeah it was sad to lose her and my well equipped stash including some true rarities like 4,4'-DMAR but the true horror was that for maybe 8-10 months I believed to have to face a prison sentence of around a year or more, for possession of these now-illegal RCs in quantities above these for personal use (I never dealt, never. Thankfully we have innocence presumption and they can't prove something that wasn't but paranoia added its own bits and pieces...) in one of the wealthiest but in some aspects quite retarded western European countries ...

The bullshit happened when I feared an OD off some mislabeled RC and wanted to go to ER. Unfortunately the landlord, some fucked up guy who just finished burnout rehab and intended to help other people but couldn't help himself, saw me and offered to drive me himself to the hospital.. There they didn't know what to do, and took the pseudo-medical/pharmaceutical info I tried to tell them, as a sign of mental illness and put me into psych ward and under antipsychotics. I went delirious from risperidone before, and everything repeated.. if I were in real danger, I would have died right there. Landlord eventually called the police, leading to said investigation.. He absolutely wouldn't have had to, and he blamed me for him now having to deal with authorities (wait- who called them?)

Anyways I am over it (am I?), now I just have some more stuff to dissociate from, and my underlying condition's still there but at least I am not living in that country anymore. Here, where I do live now, people don't go to prison just for possessing drugs (afaik). But it's very hard and very expensive to get my driver's license back, also involves total abstinence from things like ethanol, anything with a benzodiazepine skeleton, etc.. so I am still in progress of recovering.
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I feel your pain mate.
In 2012 I made a stupid mistake by smoking a herb and something went wrong, it was like someone put a knife in the middle of the front of my head. So I called 911 and they put me in the psych ward (of course) and gave me seroquel, which didn't help much. After I was discharged things went worse every year, in summer I get some sort af attack and can't stand any light or sound and become hypernervous while in the winter I feel more relaxed but also depressed. So I went back to the doctor and explained everthing and, judging from my symptoms, he also wanted to send me to the psych ward, even though I explicitly stated that this happened becos of smoking that herb. But it's no use, we barely know how the human body works and how meager our knowledge of the complexity of the brain and the immune system are, but doctors and scientists don't have the balls to admit this. So instead you must have inevitable some "psychological problem" and they put you in the ward so they don't have to admit there poor scientific knowledge.
The ‘evidence-based' approach to medicine, in which clinical tests are the only truth, and any evidence from the patient which appears to point in a different direction from established dogma is deemed heresy.
I'm going to call trial and error on this one, as people react so differently, and anxiety is not caused via one single route.

A beta-blocker would be fine and low-risk to try though to take the edge off; fears about unopposed alpha agonism are poorly documented and the risk wildly and unfairly overplayed (harmfully so in the case of hospital admissions for stimulant ODs).
It's not really anxiety but a sensation of speedy overdrive, that may be nice in the morning but gets worse in the evening, along with tachycardia and AFAIK it's very likely due to DXM's prominent NRI activity, so ... but yeah, many thanks for your answer, I do feel much safer now trying out a beta blocker. I've read about that unopposed alpha agonism vasoconstrictive horror too and while I personally know of someone having been on 150mg of d-amphetamine per day and propanolol alongside that, and she still lives today, I just didn't want to end up in pain but seems, like you say, it's over estimated.

Bauhaus, oh shit. These synth cannabinoids are truly weird stuff, I've dabbled with some of them back in a while and had also very alien experiences which made me stop. Much, much more toxic and crazy than anything I've experienced on the more exotic dissociatives (and some are PCP derivates.. I don't give anything anymore for PCP horror stories, but people do.) Thankfully I didn't get a seizure (what you describe might have been seizure, maybe a frontal lobe one?) - I got seizures from f**king risperidone though, and once from combining O-PCM, weed & psilos (again, a cannabinoid, even when so many call it safe, personally I don't think so - but it's certainly much safer than a random synth one, let alone a herb mixture made off an unhumanly potent synth and containing hot-spots) ... How are you today?

And yeah, it's an unfortunate truth that medicine/society goes crazy when something involves taking DAEMONIC DRUGS ... so it must just be a mentally impaired junkie, 'right?