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How teenager lost five months of memories under the thrall of ice


Jul 21, 2005
How teenager lost five months of memories under the thrall of ice


HOURS after her latest ice binge, Jess looked down at her new phone and frowned.

The date on the screen read October 21, 2011.

But the teenager was convinced it was only May.

She twisted in her chair, turned to her boyfriend and said: "No way, this isn’t working properly’’.

But when she turned on the nightly news, the awful truth smacked her in the face: ice had robbed her of five months of memories, of a life that had flashed by in a dull haze of smoke.

And the drug was threatening to steal her future.

The straight-A student, a sweet 16 stunner, had become addicted to one of the most destructive drugs around.

Her decline began after mixing the wrong crowd with softer drugs like cannabis.
Then one night, four years ago, she was sitting in a circle at a squalid junkie house with people twice her age when one passed her a glass pipe packed with crystal meth.

“Are you sure you want to do this?’’ asked her older drug dealer boyfriend.

“Yeah, I’m up for anything. I don’t care what it is, I’ll do it,’’ she said, before having her first, long toke.

The effect was instant. She dropped to the floor. Her eyes widened. A look of shock crossed her face, and she passed out.

Ice, the highly addictive drug which shows no prejudice, had won its newest victim.

It made her feel prettier, smarter, stronger, and Jess immediately wanted more.

For the first two days, she floated in dream world, believing she could be a ballerina, a firefighter, the Prime Minister ... anything was possible.
She stared at herself in the mirror for five hours straight, losing track of time and space.

But she hadn’t counted on the ferocity of the comedown.

“It was hell. I promised myself I’d never feel like that again. I just want to go back to that magic land,’’ she says.

The bright brunette thought she had found her perfect escape from personal issues.



For months she lived in the filthy Breaking Bad-style junkie house, smoking by candlelight in the former doctor’s surgery, using a bath and a bucket as a toilet.

Junkies would drop in on the way home from school pick-up, forgetting about their kids in the car as they smoked.

“You sweat like a pig on ice,” says Jess, who would break into her mother’s house through the manhole just to have a shower.

She forgot to eat for weeks on end, smoked ice every day to avoid the comedown, and barely slept.

At times, she felt suicidal, and planned her own death.

“One minute you’d be thinking of ending your life, the next you’d be taking a smiley selfie — it messes with you that much,’’ she says.

When the free drugs ran out, the high school dropout and her boyfriend turned to crime to feed their $1500-a-week habit.

She’d rob the local 7-Eleven, fake study to get Centrelink payments, steal milk, clothes and food, and brutally attack strangers and loved ones with fists and knives.

She winces as she remembers staging a burglary at her mother’s house, stealing jewellery and pawning it off.

“I think of that person now and can’t believe it was me,’’ she says.

The weight slipped off her and she became gaunt, dehydrated and malnourished.

During one hospital visit, as she lay hooked up to a drip, a doctor warned her organs would start to fail if she didn’t start to eat — and she could die.

Even the other junkies were worried about the girl whose round cheeks had hollowed, teeth were decaying and skin was greying.


Continued with more pics and text and user comments -

Hmm, this story seems more than a little embellished, but who knows.

The Australian media sure is having fun emulating the American moral panic from a decade ago. :\

The effect was instant. She dropped to the floor. Her eyes widened. A look of shock crossed her face, and she passed out.

classic ICE

I often like to toke-up on the ice-pipe when I have a hard-day ahead in the next morning and I know I need to get a lot of sleep the night before, I find a strong hit just knocks me out cold and leaves me feeling fresh in the morning.
Blah blah blah more fear mongering. Don't the media have anything better to do than scare suburban mums with stories of dangerous drug dealers out to get their kids hooked on ice (which will apparently wipe out 5 months of their memory...)?
The article is saying one day she just looked at her phone and 5 months had passed? That has to be an exaggeration, sure you can "look and suddenly x amount of time has passed" but it doesnt really happen that suddenly like turning on a computer you "wake up" and see its 5 months later. That is ridiculous like she went and got a new phone it said she must have been aware time was passing.

I wish the article got into much more detail about the marathon sex and crazy horniness she had as a side effect, with a few images but alas these meth articles never get into that effect, just the addiction and life destroying parts.
“Yeah, I’m up for anything. I don’t care what it is, I’ll do it,’’ she said, before having her first, long toke.
Did anyone else find this a bit hilarious???
Seems like a line from a bad drug PSA
The first time she tried meth she fell on the floor and passed out the article says... That makes no sense, no one passes out after taking meth, its a freaking stimulant. Do these journalist know nothing at all about drugs?
i wish the article got into much more detail about the marathon sex and crazy horniness she had as a side effect, with a few images but alas these meth articles never get into that effect, just the addiction and life destroying parts.

I think this is definitely over-exaggerated, but on the other hand kids doing meth isn't okay in my book.
OMFG I so so so wish so hard I wish that we'd see at least one or two stories that are that are actually repreaentive of the people were talking about, a show capable enough to be capable portray individuals representatives of their people, their friends, family, community, culture and whatever other groups they're a part of.

Gland the thing is that the shit I'm describing would be just as dramatic and see in just as much if not more money. The Industry has been sick for a long time now. Real sick, and looks like it'll only get sicker.
I think this is definitely over-exaggerated, but on the other hand kids doing meth isn't okay in my book.

My friend once put some meth up his anus and had the greatest experience, so you are definitely speaking for yourself kiddo.