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How should this work out? (Combination)

Psychedelic Jay

Jun 23, 2009
4 bars, 5 somas, 3 hits of acid, 8th of Dro, 5 lorcets and a 20 pack?

This is to be amongst three people.

How should I go about this?

I've never done this big of a combo at once.
I do have a nice GABA-a PAM and opiate tolerance.
I've never done anything in combo with acid.
i wouldnt mix bars or somas with acid man especially the bars...its gonna kill your trip...but i say a hit of cid each and just roll like 4 fat blunts throughout the trip and if anyone is haven a bad trip thats where the bars come in
Mixing any of that shit with acid will be a waste. Take the LSD solo. You want to experience the trip to its fullest. Marijuana may enhance the experience though, just stay away from the pharms and alcohol.

As far as the rest of the stuff without the acid or marijuana...dude, your mixing 4 downers (alcohol + opiate + benzodiazepine + sedating muscle relaxant). In the past I'd be able to do that with no problem, in fact I had but that was because I was tolerant to all of them but with harm reduction on mind, that isn't recommended.
Mixing any of that shit with acid will be a waste. Take the LSD solo. You want to experience the trip to its fullest. Marijuana may enhance the experience though, just stay away from the pharms and alcohol.

As far as the rest of the stuff without the acid or marijuana...dude, your mixing 4 downers (alcohol + opiate + benzodiazepine + sedating muscle relaxant). In the past I'd be able to do that with no problem, in fact I had but that was because I was tolerant to all of them but with harm reduction on mind, that isn't recommended.

I am quite fond of the 4 downer combo you mentioned.
I purposely consume alcohol, benzos and soma to potentate each other, and it saves money...
I most always consume any opiate with alcohol and Soma.

I might not smoke, depending on if my anxiety will act up on me doing so...
dude, id say take the acid alone, smoke some on the comeup, hit the beers about 3-4 hours after peak, save the rest of the shit for the ride down
I enjoy the combo of opiates with benzos and Soma but the alcohol messes with the experience I search for. Marijuana I love with opiates & benzos.
The only thing that will enhance LSD is ecstasy, mushrooms, ketamine and marijuana. Downers decrease the effects.
uh...id stay away from that...its a straight deleriant, unlike K, so it might make you go to another world, but you wouldnt experience true ego death
^PCP isn't a straight deleriant, it's a dissassociative (like ketamine). Still, I don't think PCP is the best drug for combining with other psychedelics.

I mean to increase my chances of achieving ego death.
I know you do or don't...

Some of my favorite recipes for ego death are- LSD, Pharmahuasca (or ayahuasca), and mushrooms. DXM (or ketamine) and mushrooms with a bit of acid is pretty good for ego death. My personal favorite is probably 5-MeO-AMT, LSD, mescaline, and DMT, some mushrooms couldn't hurt although I've never done that combo with psilocybe mushrooms, only with Amanitas. I love mixing a tryptamine or two with a phenethylamine or two (mescaline + LSD + Mushrooms is great). Weed I include in every drug experience. Combining psychedelics is really the way to go to achieve ego death, you just need to adjust dosages appropriately (many psychedelics potentiate each other) and go in with a good mindset. You should also know what you're doing, this is not recommended for novice trippers, be careful.

Downers definitely decrease the chance for ego death, but they can greatly improve the trip and I've experienced ego death while on downers, but only on opiates. If you want ego death and to do a downer with your trip, I recommend a medium dose of an opiate, a morphine derivative ideally. GABAergic drugs tend to make ego death impossible.
^PCP isn't a straight deleriant, it's a dissassociative (like ketamine). Still, I don't think PCP is the best drug for combining with other psychedelics.

er yeah, my bad, thats what i meant...got my terms confused...my point was that it wasnt as 'psychedelic' as K
I definitely agree with you there. The ego death that one can get from pcp isn't as good as what comes from other psychedelics, just like the pcp trip, there's something weird and kinda scary and insane about it. It doesn't feel as pure, and it doesn't really feel like true ego death to me. It also isn't the safest drug to combine with other psychedelics, due to some of its unfavorable mental effects (at least for me). In terms of pure, classic ego death, I think acid is probably the best drug for reaching such a state, especially when mixing acid with other psychedelics.
Downers definitely decrease the chance for ego death, but they can greatly improve the trip and I've experienced ego death while on downers, but only on opiates. If you want ego death and to do a downer with your trip, I recommend a medium dose of an opiate, a morphine derivative ideally. GABAergic drugs tend to make ego death impossible.

O.K. I have opiates.

I know a hippie who combines acid and heroin in one I.V. shot.

But since I'm doing both orally, I know that they both won't hit as hard.

So, the opiates are a go? I will save all of my other downers for later tomorrow morning.