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How often a year is everyone using empathogenic drugs ?

About how often a year do you use empathogenic drugs?

  • I don't use empathogenic drugs, never have

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • I quit

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Once or twice

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Three to five times

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Six to twelve times

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • More than twelve times

    Votes: 8 17.4%

  • Total voters


Nov 15, 2012
whether it be mdma, mda, mde, mdea, mdai, 5-mapb, 6-mapb

I know everyone knows harm reduction and has their own time wait, how often have you used so far this year? (and the year before if you want to list) and are you keeping the pure magic loved up blissful feeling while rolling?
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I think twice this year. I'll be trying it a few more times before the end of it, but they'll be combos only. :)
4 times a year with some psychedelics in between.

Damn tolerance breaks haha. Sitting on 2 year old MDA cause i keep using 4fa, apb's or mdma at festivals so i can't roll on MDA at home.
By the time my break is over there is another big event i wan't to roll at xD
my goal is once a year, but due to a lack of good parties/festivals, time, good quality mdma or people who'd like to do mdma at the same time as me, it's been a few years already.
Three times this year, those being my first three times. I'll probably do one more at least before the end of the year, maaaaaybe one around the New Year mark as well.

3-4 times a year is a common rule of thumb I hear around here and elsewhere, what do people think of doing it 5-6 times? Enough time for the brain to recover?
Three times this year, those being my first three times. I'll probably do one more at least before the end of the year, maaaaaybe one around the New Year mark as well.

3-4 times a year is a common rule of thumb I hear around here and elsewhere, what do people think of doing it 5-6 times? Enough time for the brain to recover?

everyone is different and youll hear different answers based on harm reduction and most importantly peoples experiences.

I abused mdma. In fact my first roll i did some triple stacks from tampa or miami I think that were orginally from netherlands that were 225 mgs if im not mistaken, and second time five days later did 1.5-2 pills so thats like 300-400 mgs. Two days or three later I was in the depths of depair , i remember being in my room and wanted the feeling back and I broke down and cried. (not knowing about harm reduction , I dont think it was on the internet in 2000 because I researched mdma , read lots of stories, learned about Shulgin, learned about best to roll to trance music, vicks, all the typical roll stuff back in 2000) like a week later or maybe sooner I did some again -it felt good, not magical so essential I lost the pure magic my my third time due to 1. high dosing 2. using way to freqently.
some weeks I remember doing them every other day for the week then some weeks I would skip a couple weekends, but all in all I ended up doing thirty nights of rolling (sometimes more than one pill a night), in six months. During this time after about night ten to twenty the good feelings werent happening much at all, I would always go on vacation and go out with friends to roll down in daytona beach Fl ,I lived states away and would specially go there to roll bc it was a good atmosphere or so I thought for rolling, and rolling just became so mundane, on about number twenty five rol I relized I was chasing a high and I felt bad. I ended up stopping and using it months later and they magic never returned so I stopped for thirteen years. Mdma was the only drug that got my interest because the first couple times I felt on it. This year Ive did 5-mapb twice , once in early april at 110 mgs and got the magic back, it was lovely; however got some real bad sides so tried another batch at 50 mgs early July (three months wait) and on a scale of 1-10 , it was about a 4 at most, it was still nice so finding your sweet spot with anything -its better to start low bc if you start high you can never go back down. That's my story

Moving onto the main question, from previous experience, and knowledge about empathogenic drugs, I think its best for myself to wait as a rule of thumb three months

Black, you make a great point in that you have to be around a person (s) you totally are comfortable with rolling with ans most importantly positive people. Since I started doing it with my girlfriend we can roll just about any-wheres , as long as its us two.
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Personally I have been doing it once a week for the past two year I think, recently I stopped and thought about it and realised I was being a bit stupid so decided I am going to take a long break. Not really sure how I started taking it every week and normally I am very strict where harm reduction is concerned.
Poll added, would be interesting to see how often everyone rolls on average :D

I've lost part of the magic sadly, but that's my own fault for abusing the shit out of this beautiful drug. I've done tolerance breaks of over a year but can't seem to get back to baseline tolerance. I do feel some magic still, I still very much enjoy rolling but there is something missing. Used to roll every week to every two weeks for about 3 years with the occasional binge, after that about once a month for 3 years and finally once every 3 months to a year these last few years (I got wiser :D)
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I quit MDMA and use psychedelics now giving me some different sort of high pleasure. Worth noting is that I don't have anxiety attacks afterwards.
I quit MDMA and use psychedelics now giving me some different sort of high pleasure. Worth noting is that I don't have anxiety attacks afterwards.
What psychedelics if I may ask? Depending on what kind I do get anxiety afterwards, though LSD and mescaline are an exception to this. Mushrooms, 2C-B, salvia, AL-LAD, truffles, DOC and MDA all gave me rebound anxiety. I'm pretty sensitive to this though
I never used any other psychedelic besides truffles. Right now my vision is a little bit off, but it should return to baseline with time. I should add that I have been suffering from major depression and psychotic episodes for 8 years now. Most of the time I have stayed 100% sober and therefor learned how to fight off my mental breakdowns. Truffles can be challenging though (I like to trip at high doses ^^) and bring you down to earth by full force, but if you know how to focus on something else it will go away in a blink of an eye. My mental state has been the perfect teacher for trips ^^. Truffles help me to break out of my overthinking loops and allow me get a new perception on my old daily life patterns. MDMA is great in its own way, but psychedelics can give you highs that MDMA simply can not. But this is simply my opinion.

Real LSD-25 is on my to do list, but I can wait till I find a reliable source. First of all my vision has to get better. It doesn't bother me that much, but I don't want to worsen it.
Before, between 6 and 12 times.

Now, 2 times since the beginning of the year. And I'm not sure I'll try again this year. We'll see.
I Roll 5-6 Months Between Rolls Twice A Year Rarely Once If Situations Makes it that Way. But I Only Do it 5 Months After Once or Twice A Year And Try And Wait 5 Years Or Longer Before doing that Again Every 6 Months is Like the First Time every time.
I Roll 5-6 Months Between Rolls Twice A Year Rarely Once If Situations Makes it that Way. But I Only Do it 5 Months After Once or Twice A Year And Try And Wait 5 Years Or Longer Before doing that Again Every 6 Months is Like the First Time every time.

Good to hear its like the first time every-time. Five years or longer or five months?
I haven't had a roll in 10 years
I'm hoping to do it in a few weeks
Shitting my pants just thinking about it.
I've probably used MDMA 8-10 times in the past 13 months. About once every other month or so averaged out.
Done real MDMA about three or four times, I believe. No interest in doing it again. Rolling just isn't my thing; the feeling of stupidity and mental slowness just doesn't appeal to me. The effects just aren't worth it, in my opinion.
Done real MDMA about three or four times, I believe. No interest in doing it again. Rolling just isn't my thing; the feeling of stupidity and mental slowness just doesn't appeal to me. The effects just aren't worth it, in my opinion.

Mental slowness and stupidity huh im sorry you had that effect but not i. Haha