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How much weed do you smoke?

I typically buy an 8th at a time and try to limit myself to smoking ~$10 worth a day... I try to stay under $10 a day but most days I don't. It all depends though, if I'm with friends we can easily burn through whatever quantity is put in front of us.

I just started a new job though, so for the next few weeks till I get paid, no weed for me :( or at least not very much haha.
Few vape hits on most days. It really depends what I have planned for the day, though things being planned rarely stop me from smoking early in the day.
Joint a day during the week, like 4+/- grams a day on most weekends...theres like 4 of us that just laze around at a friends apartment burning our money away, doing absolutely nothing productive...its a hard life :(
I usually go through a dub in about a week's time. I'll usually smoke once a day, but only just enough so that I'm high.
I only smoke on weekends, usually around ~4 grams between Friday and Saturday.
I used to smoke every day, multiple times throughout the day or when I had a job a few times a day after work. I would smoke a lot more when with friends than if I was jut chillin at home. I used to buy 1/4 a week and it would last pretty goods, all of my friends shared. Now I smoke roughly once or twice a week (if that), and I can't specifically remember the last time I actually bought my own bag. Life can change a lot in a few short years.
ive calculated it out (took fucking ages).
in an average year i will smoke around a pound of weed to myself.

roughly a Q a week, give or take the odd time when its lots more weed or when i take breaks.

so yeah, roughly a pound over 12 months
I have a good supply of bud.

I smoke about 3-4 grams a day If i am with people

I will be happy on 1 gram a day by myself.

If i have a girl I smoke less and give her alot (Chivalry) My game is better when im not high anyway =).

I smoke anywhere between a quarter and an oz a week.

When you're smoking ozs, you might as well make that into BHO or some hash and consume....

I take a break every few months for 30 days. I feel this cleans my system out completely and I can get high off 1 bong rip.

I love weed.

oh yeah EDIT: I do not smoke those 3.5 grams out of glass usually when i'm with people... I feel that rolling joints/ blunts is a more social atmosphere cause you can pass it around and not worry about lighting it... Blunts roast slower and i'll fill each one up about a gram each so as you can see it burns quickly.
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Lately, everyday. I usually buy a quarter (7 grams) and it will last me about a week or two, missing a day or two. I've been kind of a pothead lately. I actually just smoked. I knew this one kid who when asked how much he smoked he said "I throw 5, 5 times a day." haha
No problems with attaining weed here. I smoke when I wake, at work(which only helps me work better), at home, and when I go to sleep. I'm smoking now. Even caught myself half waking up in the middle of the night to hit a cashed bowl. All in all, by myself, about a 1/3lb a month.

Everyone just needs to save all their seeds and throw them everywhere. Make it grow so much they can't even mow it enough.
No problems with attaining weed here. I smoke when I wake, at work(which only helps me work better), at home, and when I go to sleep. I'm smoking now. Even caught myself half waking up in the middle of the night to hit a cashed bowl. All in all, by myself, about a 1/3lb a month.

Everyone just needs to save all their seeds and throw them everywhere. Make it grow so much they can't even mow it enough.

Oh I cant wait till I can do this!!

smoking half an ounce a week for the last 6 months.. smoke when i get up before work when i get home and sometimes if i wake up at night.. I could cut down if I wanted but It doesnt really affect me negatively except for being short a lil money each week..
Prob 4-6 times a day. Usually sit down chill and hit the bong a few times once a day, a blunt on the go with friends between classes and quick one-hits from the roor randomly.
I have a good supply of bud.

I take a break every few months for 30 days. I feel this cleans my system out completely and I can get high off 1 bong rip.

What a GREAT idea. Seriously.
I think I might be to psychologically in...but I should give it a try huh.
Everyone should give it a try.
I mean, we'd totally save on pot AND be really stoned at the end.
Just augh! What am I gonna do during that month? Drink?
I vape once or twice a week (weekends), and when I do, I probably consume about 0.2 grams to myself if I go all out (I get wrecked off that much in a vapourizer). I'd typically then average out to around 0.3g a week, or 15.6g a year. I guess I'm lucky - I have an unlimited supply of good stuff, but I don't really need that much. Everything works out well!
Shit! It seems the weed business is booming. 1-2g/day is usually enough for me, a daily smoker. But I wanna cut down. If only it wasn't so damn inexpensive where I live. (Hah!Never thought I'd say that!)