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How much sрeed?


Mar 26, 2019
Never used sрeed, but need to stay awake tonight to do wok and Im falling asleeр after 2o mg oxy and a bottle of wine so I messaged my dealer to get me some amрhetamne. How much to tak to stay awake and do all my work. Its my 1st time with sрeed?
If its Meth take 10-20mg orally. If its atleast somewhat pure amphetamine sulphate start with 50mg and see how you feel. If its amph pill just try one at first.
I assume alot of it is amphetamine paste in that part of the world?. I hear it's common in the UK?
If we assume it is dl-amphetamine we are discussing. You would have to have it tested before even suggesting a dose would be in order.

Let's do as if you tested it and it has a purity of 50%. Half of the powder is dl-amp the rest inactive filler. In reality purity can range from zero to up. And active fillers can be used so be wary. A good oral dose of dextro-amphetamine for a first timer would be 5/ 10mg. Dextro is more active but the levo part is centrally active also, unlike levo-meth-amphetamin. A nasal decongestant otc in USA.

10 mg of the powder would contain 2.5mg dex and 2.5 levo.
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fuckin BL, obviously he doesn't have time ti test the shit, man! He said work to do 'tonight'... How the fuchsia are we supposed to help ppl here on this site when posters are unwilling or unable to read the goddamned OPs parameters for the question? READ

Based on anecdotal and subjective experience, a good first time dose for amp salts(generic adderall is what I know) would be ~30-60mg IR or ER.
fuckin BL, obviously he doesn't have time ti test the shit, man! He said work to do 'tonight'... How the fuchsia are we supposed to help ppl here on this site when posters are unwilling or unable to read the goddamned OPs parameters for the question? READ

Based on anecdotal and subjective experience, a good first time dose for amp salts(generic adderall is what I know) would be ~30-60mg IR or ER.

Actually, he said "need to stay awake tonight to do wok". I presumed he had a marathon stir fry to complete... ?
Yeah, um..10mg dextro is a nice therapeutic dose, as far as recreational goes or like really needing to study for hours on end I would recommend 30mg
We have no idea how potent the Amphetamine in question is or if it is even Amphetamine for that matter. It could be bunk and it could also be one of myriad different Amphetamine/Cathinone analogs.
fuckin BL, obviously he doesn't have time ti test the shit, man! He said work to do 'tonight'... How the fuchsia are we supposed to help ppl here on this site when posters are unwilling or unable to read the goddamned OPs parameters for the question? READ

Based on anecdotal and subjective experience, a good first time dose for amp salts(generic adderall is what I know) would be ~30-60mg IR or ER.
That't why we did play and pretend. And you are right about the reading we are to late tonight is yesterday, but the info could come in handy in future times. I wonder how awake Nick91 is atm. I underestamated it big time the first time I really went for it.

10 mg dex is admittedly conservative, but twice the prescribed starter dose opiatkrzy.
If you can stand it you can up it to whatever. But 30 is to much for me in one go, spread out no problem.

But ime speed or d/l-amphetamine. Has more kick to it then pure dextro. If anyone can explain why please do. As I always read about dex being better. It is smooth. But lacks the manic drive and euphoria of d/l. So making a dose equivalent is icky.

A reason to start out small, you can always add more.
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I fell asleeр before my dealer got back to me lol.

If i meant meth I would have said meth. Here we dont have it.. At least I never met anyone using meth. Im talking about the usual street amрhetamine

I have no idea how рure it is as I have never taken it.

No idea what dextro and dl-amphetamine is. Here where I live there is only meth and amphetamine aka sрeed.

No need to be so salty.
Got that correct, it's same over here. Speed is racemic/ dl-amphetamine. Meth is, or was, unheard of where I reside. Just the old school people, the 60 years and older, know about it. One reffered to it as Pervitine.

But on this global board. For example in America 'speed', which is a equal mix of dextro and levo-amphetamine is rarely seen.

Dextro-amphetamine is prescribed in my country for ad(h)d and narcolepsy. It's profile is more medical but lacks euphoria and drive when compared to regular amphetamine imo.

You slept maybe that was for the better. I overdid it my first real go and it kept me awake 24 hours +.
I remember getting real grumpy when I came down. It creeps up on you, very easy to go overboard.
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I don't know where the
If i meant meth I would have said meth. Here we dont have it.. At least I never met anyone using meth.


No idea what dextro and dl-amphetamine is. Here where I live there is only meth and amphetamine aka sрeed.

The above two statements contradict each other...
I don't know where the

The above two statements contradict each other...
I meant рeoрle here all know about meth, its a drug with a big name, but mostly its just usual street amрhetamine everyone is using, not so much meth cause its hard to get it.
Just the old school people, the 60 years and older, know about it. One reffered to it as Pervitine.
Thats what they call meth in Russia, рervitine or simрly Vint. Old school junkies cook it from eрhedrine the same way they make Krokodil from codeine based tablets. In the US the most common way to take meth is smoking, but in Russia they inject it cause the final рroduct is not crystalls.. But basically its the same meth..
So basically what I'm getting out of the one post is that the meth I'm buying in USA (new york) is probably not even meth, but a crystalline amphetamine instead?