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How much oxycodone for an opiate-naive individual?


Jun 5, 2010
A few weeks back I had the pleasure of my first opiate experience. I took just 5 mg oxycodone, but being completely opiate-naive I did feel the effects, though I found them a bit subtle. But, also in a way they weren't subtle. It is hard to explain. Anyhow, I have access to 4 more 5 mg pills. What would be the best to do with these? Should I use them seperately for 4 5 mg doses? Is it that opiates at certain doses are subtle, and their effects have to be learned to be appreciated? Should I take 10 mg instead? Other than the 5 mg a few weeks ago, I am completely opiate-naive. I have extensive knowledge about opiates, but can't figure out how much I should take the next time. I am afraid to waste these pills, as they won't be coming around again. Please share your thoughts on the matter. Thank you. :) By the way I weigh 140 lbs.
if you liked 5mg, then 10mg will be great. that is considered a really low dose, almost non-rec, but that is because junkies have no class. 10mg will not chemically remove you from the world for a couple hours; even better, it will make your world better for a couple hours.

but people on here will tell you to take all 4 at once.
If you did good on the 5 mg, I would personally take 10 mg next time. It should have you feeling really nice. Then you'll have two doses :)
Forgot to add that I could combine with a low dose of alprazolam (.25-.5mg). Would that take away from the opiate buzz, be dangerous, or enhance effects?
Forgot to add that I could combine with a low dose of alprazolam (.25-.5mg). Would that take away from the opiate buzz, be dangerous, or enhance effects?

Depends on your tolerance to benzos. If you have no tolerance, even that low amount could take away from the opiate experience. IMO it's best to wait till the opiate buzz wears off then take some benzos for come down to fully enjoy both.
I would just take 2 5mg with that tolerance. You should catch a nice buzz. Don't take all 4 at once, it might be too much for you and all that acetametaphine can cause nausea.
Take 10mg. I don't like taking benzos right away with my opiates as I think they're both best separately - unless at night and I want to sleep.

Search opiates and /or benzos and you'll get a shit ton of VERY similar threads for more input/information.
I have been doing quite a bit of research. One thing though, as I have no tolerance at all will others suspect that I am using something? I have heard of completely opiate-naive individuals being sent into the land of nod with such "small" doses.
im like you,no opiate tolerance and i find 10mg crushed and then swallowed just perfect.


and stay safe

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^not trying to be a smartass, but benzo tolerance wont affect his opiate buzz. unless you were referring to him adding the xanax. probably just bluelighting high?

10mg of oxy should not be too noticeable by others. for me (no opiate tolerance), you would not be able to tell unless you checked my pupil dilation with a penlight. you will not nod on 10mg. you probably couldn't nod on 20mg. you'd probably reach the dose you throw up at far before noding with oxy alone. add a benzo, and the story is different. 10mg of oxy and half of xanax, people might notice. might.

you can combine with xanax? if you are a habitual benzo user, I would without question (IMO opiate+benzo>either alone). but if you do not just know benzos would make it better for you, there is a possibility it will get you more fucked up, but dull the opiate euphoria.
The way I figure it is you can get high two different times by taking half your pills one day, and the other half next time. You said you had 4 5mg oxys so chomp on 2 of them, and save the other 2 for another time.
How long should I expect to feel "nice". With the 5 mg's I took I wasn't really sure when the effects ended, and the next morning I experienced some very vivid dreams. Was this coincidence or could the effects really last from early evening into morning? Again it was all subtle, but very pleasant. Will 10 mg's be less subtle?
^not trying to be a smartass, but benzo tolerance wont affect his opiate buzz. unless you were referring to him adding the xanax. probably just bluelighting high?

10mg of oxy should not be too noticeable by others. for me (no opiate tolerance), you would not be able to tell unless you checked my pupil dilation with a penlight. you will not nod on 10mg. you probably couldn't nod on 20mg. you'd probably reach the dose you throw up at far before noding with oxy alone. add a benzo, and the story is different. 10mg of oxy and half of xanax, people might notice. might.

you can combine with xanax? if you are a habitual benzo user, I would without question (IMO opiate+benzo>either alone). but if you do not just know benzos would make it better for you, there is a possibility it will get you more fucked up, but dull the opiate euphoria.

An opiate naive get nod from 20mg. Not guarenteed it will happen, but it can. Way back in the day, 20mg would fuck my day up. I'd be in and out of nod all night, sometimes thinking is was too much. To go back to those days would be great.

Stick with the 10mg doses, you will get a nice high from it, and as others have said, you can get 2 doses.
Thank all of you for your input. I did what you all told me to, and did 10 mg's twice. Wow. The first time was heavenly, but unfortunately I fell asleep rather early. The second time I didn't think it was going to hit me, and then wham just like the first time. 10 mg's was perfect. I probably shouldn't have done it 2 nights in a row, but I did. I can understand already how and why opiates are so addictive. Anyway, thanks for the advice!
Combining opiates and benzos together is normally a bad idea unless you have a fairly solid tolerance to both. They can potentiate each others depressive respiratory effect and are a fairly dangerous combo imo.
I am glad that I did not combine the oxycodone with any benzos. It would've been risky, and the oxycodone was really enough by itself.
i would recommend 10mg... and redose another 5mg one hour later if you feel it necessary
Forgot to add that I could combine with a low dose of alprazolam (.25-.5mg). Would that take away from the opiate buzz, be dangerous, or enhance effects?

I would say take 7.5mg with the benzo you have. It should def intensify the effects, and then the next day you can take 12.5mg of just oc and have a great finale :)

I remember when I was jus starting out on those lil 5mg's, great times. If I could go back to them I would in a heartbeat. Be careful though, I said I would never get addicted and now here i am doing over 80mg's a day easy, and then taking 40mg of methadone at a time in between the oc's.
I did take them already, 10 mg's each dose without benzos. I want more already. They certainly do have enormous addictive potential, but the good thing, or bad depending on how you look at it, is that I do not have regular access to opiates. The oxy was a lucky come by. If I do end up having the oppurtunity to use oxy again, I would stick with around 10 mg's. It is funny, because the 2nd time I didn't think it was hitting me right, and then bam- pleasure.