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How much is too much? (MDMA)


Jul 13, 2012
From scientific but also personal opinions, how long does it take your brain to recover from a medium roll on mdma, and how often is considered a fair amount to avoid the long term side effects? For me I try not to take mdma more than once or sometimes twice a month, also when I do I keep it low around 150mg and so far haven't had any obvious negative side effects.

So how about other people? How often do you think is too often for you? And do you think once every two weeks is a lot? I used to do a lot less often which is why I am starting to question to myself if I think I am overdoing it or not.
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I think the correct answer is highly personal. Everyone's different. IMO. once a month is too much and will catch up with you. But that's my opinion. I use once every 3-4 months. I've been using for 11 years now and still get great rolls.
In my experience, the more often you do it, the worse you will feel afterwards. I started off doing it every 2 months with no major side effects but I've had several occasions when I did it several times in the month. I guess it really depends on the situation you're in. For example, the reason I did it more than often for a period of time was because I had friends around whom I haven't seen for a long time and great parties. I believe that if you had a great time (whether you had or hadn't molly) then the comedown won't be as bad as when you look back, you will be happy about the memories.

One time I did a whole gram with my significant other (her first time, urge to redose - stupid) and all we did was sit in a room talking and watching a documentary. It was so insignificant that I felt pretty terrible about it afterwards. My gf experienced serious anxiety issues for following weeks and she was very disappointed by the drug. Obviously, she couldn't have avoided the physical side effects but If we actually had a purpose, occasion to take a drug, I believe that she would have had easier time dealing with the comedown due to emotional nostalgia.

Can't say much about the dose, but from my own experience, doing more than one redose is pointless.

I hope I got my point across. It's easy to abuse the substance but it's best to try and enjoy things without it and take it only when you know for sure it'll be worth it.
It's different for everyone but if you don't want the effects to start fading, losing the 'magic', worse comedowns, you should really not use more than once every 3-4 months, for some people I reckon even that could catch up with them. Obviously dose should be kept on the sensible side too, and no more than one redose, if any.
.3 of pure stuff tested with reagent made by chemist whos a friend of friend so I guess I cant completely vouch but I puked 10 times. so depends on how good or bad your molly is, what its cut with, if it was straight meth .3 would prolly kill me (idk if that's true I shouldn't say it but 20 mgs of Ritalin im twacked)
.3 of pure stuff tested with reagent made by chemist whos a friend of friend so I guess I cant completely vouch but I puked 10 times. so depends on how good or bad your molly is, what its cut with, if it was straight meth .3 would prolly kill me (idk if that's true I shouldn't say it but 20 mgs of Ritalin im twacked)
Completely irrelevant to OP's question. What are you even talking about?
There's a sticky right on this forum that says 1 to 1.5mg per kg of the user. Then factoring in tolerance would be an individual estimation, and hopefully through working up slowly one would be able to find their sweet spot in accordance with the specific situation they're in. Eg. You dropped last month, 2 weeks ago, even 2 days ago, etc. Though obviously we all know how often we should take this stuff. :)

OP, the answers will vary from one extreme to the other. I have abused mdma like no tomorrow, as did a few others around me, and even though none of us had gotten any major damage from it, that might not be the case for another individual.

In your case, it seems like there's barely anything to worry about. That pattern of usage is not abuse in the slightest, so don't worry if that's how often you're really taking it! Especially if you're a healthy individual with a health-conscious lifestyle, that's all the more better for you as it will allow you to bounce back from mdma use with ease.

Edit: About the once every 2 weeks bit, yeah that's kind of pushing it, assuming that interval is constant. But once in a while should be okay.
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I use drugs in general no more than once a month. Last year I used drugs 8 times (MDMA 4 times, LSD 1 times, MDMA+LSD 1 time, 2cb 2 times). I've also smoked weed a couple of times,. I don't drink alcohol.

For MDMA I use the 1-3 mnd rule. Usually I use a little bit more during the warmer part of the year, and have a longer break during winter. I never have shorter breaks than 1 month.
When rolling, I use between 120 mg and 250 mg, depending on setting - but usually stay under 200 mg.
I would say anything under 200 mg and your good. After that side effects out weigh positive feelings. Then again my friends my chemist ha SMH.
Btw, do different drugs cross over? As in if I take speed or katemine should I not take mdma for a while? Or can they be considered separate? Not that I usually use any other drugs though to be honest but would be nice to know.
ketamine and mdma/speed are independent, but there might be a slight cross-tolerance between mdma and speed, but it's probably only going to be noticable with heavy use. i haven't noticed any kind of effects of yearlong partying on speed at least once every two weeks on occasional rolls.
From scientific but also personal opinions, how long does it take your brain to recover from a medium roll on mdma, and how often is considered a fair amount to avoid the long term side effects? For me I try not to take mdma more than once or sometimes twice a month, also when I do I keep it low around 150mg and so far haven't had any obvious negative side effects.

So how about other people? How often do you think is too often for you? And do you think once every two weeks is a lot? I used to do a lot less often which is why I am starting to question to myself if I think I am overdoing it or not.

from my experience , and I have what i consider a good bit with mdma, it depends on many things. dont take any 5-htp or sertonin releasers-ssri's anything close to rolling -just dont. using l dopa a month or so everynight before a roll makes supposely makes one roll ike crazy-never tested this .

I would say generally the three month rule is fine. I know one time I was using every other day-pathetic I know-and lose on average was rolling every weekend for six months- and I screwed my chemicals up -That is why I feel strongly about taking breaks -that was 13 or 14 years ago, I was stupid and I still got a good feeling while rolling but the magic just left. After this six month binge, I waited four months and tried it again - no magic, just stimulation and I felt it , but it was over fast -I lost the magic. Two months later I tried it again, same thing

this was back when mdma was pure(got mine from daytona beach) and I honestly thought it was mixed with heroin because while rolling the high was what i imagined heroin to be,(ive never tried heroin), but after listening to stories from some people think it was pure mdma. (these were 2000 rolls) fifteen years later- most of the stuff is methylone(which shows up as a bath salt) or fake on the test kits. always always always test your stuff if you even think about takng mdma!
I know one time I was using every other day-pathetic I know-and lose on average was rolling every weekend for six months-

Apart from losing the magic do you think it had any other negative affect on you physically or mentally? This is what I'm most scared of...
Once every 3 months is the sweeet spot, every 4 is even better
tbh my pet spider has insuffalated alot of mdma in his time along with kangaroo ether and doc all that happend is i called a spider a nigger
Apart from losing the magic do you think it had any other negative affect on you physically or mentally? This is what I'm most scared of...

I do, I felt dumber , like my logical skills were impaired for quite some time-esp the few months following. I took another dose after about four months from the abuse, and the magic only lastly very briefly, but it was there- the roll was skill there for many manys, the euphoria, and the afterglow lasted the next day I remember but that magic feeling was super brief and thats the last time I seemed to have experience it. I waited two more months again(same batch) and didnt get anything but stimulation so in my experience using too much 100% uses up the magic. My first two rolls were magical bliss for many straight hours, next few ehhh okay, I wasnt educated and did stupid shit, like snort 1/4 a pill and take a half, whenever i felt like it-wish I knew then what i know now.

Once every 3 months is the sweeet spot, every 4 is even better

I agree three months minimum to preserve the magic optimally, and you want the magic to always be optimal. I think think it made my brain not work as good as it was supposed to, that said, after a long long break , for me 3-4 years, I think my neurons or whatever strengthened and connected again. but in all id say a six month break it was maybe 80-90% back to normal-my brain chsmity, the remaining 10 % just took longer- I culd be wrong but its me just guessing how my body possibly felt at the time

Be okay if you dont get the chance to roll with friends you feel comfortable rolling with , or the right setting to save up for when you can. Theres nothing worst than wasting a night of rolling in a bad settling-I did it way too much. So dont be afraid ,yes afraid, to wait 5 plus years if the opportunity doesnt arise. mdma will keep otent as long as your alive and for many decades to come

A club with friends with Dance/trance music are the best, in my experience-i actually prefer this over being initimate with a girl-of course I think you have have both but if I had to pick one or the other, Id choose clubbing with fanaastic music- brb gringing on the girls while rolling showing them how I hump, and just dancing with everyone with music of pure bliss, and a feeling of love I never want to end -im in heaven .

in that context I was 19-20 doing this, and now that im 15 years older and have a girlfriend so I couldnt do that or id feel horrible so no grindng now a days unless its her
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@innerpeace : Can i ask why you say not to use HTP? I've researched it and the general consensus i got is its great for the comedown but also advised to take it a few days before you plan to drop (with a day break) so your mind can get used to it and build up; apparently it increases the drop more. Which I want because i really want a boost.
From scientific but also personal opinions, how long does it take your brain to recover from a medium roll on mdma, and how often is considered a fair amount to avoid the long term side effects? For me I try not to take mdma more than once or sometimes twice a month, also when I do I keep it low around 150mg and so far haven't had any obvious negative side effects.

So how about other people? How often do you think is too often for you? And do you think once every two weeks is a lot? I used to do a lot less often which is why I am starting to question to myself if I think I am overdoing it or not.

I use half a gram every time I do it which is about once a month, sometimes more sometimes less but I try to not let it get more as I don't want to fuck with my tolerance too much. The only reason I do it so much now is because i'm in my last few months of uni! Thats why i'm looking into supplements to try and increase the drop which has obviously decreased through the amount i've used in the last 6 months-year.
Reading through the forum i'm starting to think half a gram is too much for me (Especially being 5ft1) but I guess I can't lower it now! I do get quite negative side effects though, which is again why i've been looking into supplements for the comedown and suicide tuesday which I pretty much always run into.
At my highest it was 200mg and I used to do wayyyyyy more than the recommendation (I did it at least every weekend). If you're using more than that you're going to burn your receptors. Average dose is 120mg.