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How much further can we go (as a species)

If things go the way they are going men are probably going to be instinct within a hundred thousand years. this is due to the y chromosome. When two x chromosomes connect making a female they have mechanisms to correct any errors that may have occured in the dna. This is not so with the y chromosome. It's a mess and could lead to the sterility of all future males. Unless we take control of our evolution. It's inevitable.
ummm...hate to point this out, but without males there aren't gonna be any more females either pretty soon, lol. That was a pretty dumb theory, no offense. lol.
the theory was taken from an article i read in popular science. It makes perfect logical sense. Without a mechanism to clean out errors in the code of our dna our children, and their children, and so on will eventually have more and more defects within the y chromosome. There is a possibility for the y chromosome gene pool gets so defective that we wont be able to reproduce anymore.

unless by the time it happens there will already be technology to replicate with only two females, making only females

This technology in fact is around right now.

You gotta take technology into the factor. I believe everything is possible just need the technology to implement it.
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I once heard a "fact" taken from something.. i forget what.. i will look and post a link if i find it..

It said that at one point the worlds population was down to at least 2000. They say that they can trace rna structure back to around that number of individual sources i really forget.. just a low number.. near extinction relative to our population now... RNA is only passed by the mother... all of her offspring have her exact RNA. Males get their mother's RNA, but they don't pass it on.

Spyke.. I think what he was getting at with that, was that males will be born with more defects... hence becoming infertile... eligable males will come few and far between. They will have to somehow control our evolution in order for our species to survive...

I imagine, in the very distant future, (if we progress through these phases), that there will be a transmission of the human body into something different.. a whole generation will be some kind of asexual thing... really wholly female in a sense, yet more complex...

The masculine and feminine will be at one, or in some way, at one, be it artificial, or otherwise...

the point boing.. we will have to somehow, control our evolution... naturally, in this state, we would be dead... we would not be natural. We will be purely sovoreign and independent... perhaps also, at this point, with infinitely advanced capability.. the stuff we only dream of... that would be considered magic to today's eyes.

I think terrence mckenna was on to something myself... We are evolving exponentially.

or maybe not... just some formula...
read some of it.. good stuff.. I especially liked that someone else has observed patterns....

nobody's flamin...