How many Bluelight Couples Do We Have??


Dec 18, 1999
How many people here are hooked up(with another Bluelighter)? Did you meet here??
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
Well, I know of 2 couples who met through the board and have had or are in relationships.
I also know of at least 2 other couples on the board who post who were a couple before they came to bluelight, the other where a bluelighter introduced their partner to the board.
I also know of one internet, long distance affair where the two parties met through the board.
But it's not my place to say who any of these people are. Just don't like to see question go unanswered. And anyway, I'm sure there are quite a few more.
miss apple
How is it, miss apple, that you come by all this information? Your ability to acquire data has me quite worried...
I know of RuRu and Flower (no worries, it's not an invasion of privacy; I've seen RuRu post it at least twice), and the last one is obvious...*(pucker up sweet thang)...mwah*

Now if we can only bribe or whip (meow!) the others outta you, my curiosity will be sated and life can go on as before.
...what does it take to bribe an Aussie apple?
- or - many licks does it take to get to the information center of an Aussie apple?
...let's ask Woodsy Owl.
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 13 January 2000).]
yea you was right Mr. Sticky no big mystery here and but both wanted it be a mystery to start until it became something real and not just the so called rave love, since we did meet at a rave for the first time in person, that way after a while of being together we figured it was time to let you allin on it. that was a great post for me to do I lovd that one.
This board means alot to me, it seems all that is good in my life has come from this boar, my friends, my introduction to the rave scene, my girlfriend, and some great times...
Hope to see ya sooon mah sweetieee........

[This message has been edited by RuRu (edited 13 January 2000).]
me and E.....
just kidding. Rollo and Rolling lady are like an old married couple....J/K
But on a more serious note I have made some kickass friends through this silly little board. Peace
"if man is ever to solve that problem of politics in practice he will have to approach it through the problem of the aesthetic, because it is only through beauty that man makes his way to freedom."
Bingo! rollwitit has named one of them - the ones who came onto bluelight as a couple. But that doesn't solve the others.
As for you Sticky boy.....I'm shocked! Speechless even. No, I'm never speechless (no kidding I hear you say
). But at the same time, how could I forget the obvious one? *mwah*
*blush* *giggle*
And RuRu....I'm sorry, I forgot about you and Flower as well. So there are two more that I'm thinking of. Ooh...and I just thought of another ex-couple who met through bluelight, but that's gone a bit sour lately

BTW A good gossip NEVER reveals her sources Mr Sticky. So you can bribe and whip me all you like but your curiosity will never be sated. Hmmm....I like the sound of that

Woodsy Owl? Sticky Beak? I don't get it.
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 13 January 2000).]
Nah, entirely too soppy. You all know anyway.
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 13 January 2000).]
Sorry, I guess that's American pop culture from the late 70's and early 80's.
I'm sure you've heard of Tootsie Pops, right? Standard round sucker with a Tootsie Roll blob in the center. Well, this one particular animated commercial had a kid asking a tortoise how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop. The tortoise sends him to Wise Old Owl (oops, I mixed up my pop icons...Woodsy Owl was "give a hoot, don't pollute," so drop the Woodsy part) who licked twice and then bit into the center and declared 3 licks was all it took. Kid looks saddened and incredulous and the commercial ends...
Dammit, all that explanation and no climax, no punchline, just this
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
3 licks? It'll take more than that
I'm into editing posts today
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 13 January 2000).]
Tootsie Rolls are this cylinder shaped brown candy with a brown, white and red wrapper that twists at either end. I believe it's supposed to be chocolatey flavored, but it's more like a fusion of hard candy and taffy, not chocolate textured at all. Well fuck that I think about it, I can't even really explain what kind of candy it is.
They are so engrained in American culture that I thought they would have the same recognition as McDonald's, or at least Target or Wal-mart.
Maybe I'll e-mail you a picture of one someday...or maybe I'll buy you a case when you visit so you can take them back to Oz and trade them for blue jeans and cigarettes.

I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
Maybe we can swap passwords and edit each others posts every now and then! Sure would confuse the kids...
Does that editing mean you figured out what a Tootsie Roll is, or are you just making me look stupid?

I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 13 January 2000).]
hehehe that could be funny
No, I edited the post because I *knew* you'd have to then respond as to exactly *what* a Tootsie Roll is and I just wanted to save you the hassle and save the other bluelighters reading yet another post from both of us. But seeing as how you *did* post the explaination anyway and I have now learned yet another thing about America and it didn't stop either of us posting, I should really go back and re-edit my post. But I can't be bothered. I'd rather write a justification for editing the post in the first place.
Mr Sticky, I think you and I are addicted to posting. Do we have jobs? Do we have a life? When do we eat and sleep? When do we actually have time to go out and take the pills we love talking about? Though come to think of it, when was the last time either of us posted about ecstacy? That deserves a whole new post

What was this thread about again?
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 13 January 2000).]
Oh STOP it you two!
You're as bad as a certain other long-distant, flirty Nth American/Australian, met-through-bluelight couple, who now may or may not be slightly estranged. And who used to take up KILOMETRES of board space giggling and simpering at each other. Honestly!

I know of only one very definite met-through-bluelight couple who have now been going strong for over 2 months. But I ain't saying...
[This message has been edited by Pillcat (edited 13 January 2000).]
We have a winner!! That was another of them....

Actually, that was two of them
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 13 January 2000).]
and i know another couple on top of that

im boooooooooooooooooooooooooooored
[This message has been edited by jonoUK (edited 13 January 2000).]
[This message has been edited by jonoUK (edited 13 January 2000).]
Urbalyst and I are a couple....We didn't meet on here though. We met through a friend... but he introduced me to the board...
I'm currently dating someone who is also on this board. (hello gorgeous! if you read this) We both were bluelighters before we met and bumped into eachother at a meetup. The weird thing is that neither us knew the other was going to be at that particular meetup.
I'd say I'm pretty darn lucky!
Witness to ChaCha !!!!
...and they are the nicest people on this Earth too...
*****BEAN me up Scotty*****