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How long should an 8ball of Molly last me?

By the way
your an ass real big ass I was not necessary. keep your nasty comments to yourself

Your posts weren't making sense for a minute then your bright all the sudden. You got major issues. By the way, this is a harm reduction forum .I will not keep my comments to myself. If you don't like it leave. Don't waste good peoples time.
This is possibly one of the dumbest things I've read in a while. OP, I really hope you're a troll (but I can see from your horrible typing, you were actually fucked up).

Sorry, but the only things left to say here will need to be kept to ourselves; it's unfortunately clear you're well beyond any kind of reasoning here...

Should of thought of that before sounding off.
3.5 grams would probably kill you, wtf? how can anyone find that pleasurable? You would be puking your guts out the entire time. That's not MDMA
3.5 grams would probably kill you, wtf? how can anyone find that pleasurable? You would be puking your guts out the entire time. That's not MDMA

and people put their faith in drug dealers and the black market.

dude you cant even get "LSD" anymore.. its their job.
make money.
I've done well over half an 8ball in about 9 hours.
Jesus Christ.

What will happen if I keep redosing?
The heightened euphoria will decrease and stimulant psychosis will set in. A long traumatic (emotional) recovery*. Possible death.

Is this safe?

Thank you
You're welcome.

Disclaimer - If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza... You're gonna have a bad time.
3.5 grams of Molly should last you roughly 2 or 3 years. Look for a better connect.