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How is the weather where you are today?

argggghhhh huge peeve to step outside and feel my back slicked in sweat in just seconds!!!

fall is my favorite season, too. it was pretty rainy last year, though. it sucks when it's wet.

can't stand winter, though. the snow is extremely annoying, especially when we get legendary dumps that take days to clear away. don't even get me started on the salted roads
I don't love the snow and ice, but I can tolerate them. I don't like precipitation in general. I just don't care for the sensation of being wet, y'know?

Fall is a beautiful time of the year though, but somehow I still feel like I like winter best but I'm not sure I could articulate why that is. On paper fall id obviously better

Fall > spring though for me because Spring starts off great and ends horribly, fall starts off bad but ends beautifully. Spring brings with it dread, fall is hopeful and exciting.


It's begun cooling down more, though I just checked the weather and this coming weed appears to all be in the 80s. Maybe it's less humid than before? I never typically look at the weather I just walk outside and experience it so I never know the actual temperatures or hmidity calue or anything.
Fuckin gorgeous here mate. Suddenly switched from a total wash out to summer overnight.

Bit too fuckin late mind you...
Fuckin gorgeous here mate. Suddenly switched from a total wash out to summer overnight.

Bit too fuckin late mind you...
Nothing against the good days or anything but I love the winter, those cold nights watching stuff with the wind howling outside or rain thudding down.

Just not used to the heat that’s all.
Nothing against the good days or anything but I love the winter, those cold nights watching stuff with the wind howling outside or rain thudding down.

Just not used to the heat that’s all.
I'm with you on Winter, love it. The first snow of the season is magical too. At least with the cold, you can pile on the blankets or bundle up to stay warm.
Fall > spring though for me because Spring starts off great and ends horribly, fall starts off bad but ends beautifully. Spring brings with it dread, fall is hopeful and exciting.

i'm two ways about it. at the end of spring i'm dreading the humidity of summer but there are also the good times you can't have any other season and the clothes are easier to get off
partly sunny, a little breezy and maybe 80*f.
nothing to write home about if I had one. 😁
rainin cold foggy....shit.....across the oven most of da time
good day batman GIF by 1331Creative
2C but feels colder. December in Canada so shouldn't really complain til at least -20
Oh had sun, clouds, wind, a little snow mix and not so bad.
I would consider it a decent day to be out but some would think otherwise I suppose.
SNOWING , the kid that did my driveway moved. I grew up with dad talking about lazy folk with snowblowers and living in the city we don't get 6ft dumped a day but man i hate shoveling. Good exercise i suppose but the sound of the shovel scraping the pavement drives me batty. I'd rather pay some teenager or adult anyway, helps me and helps someone else
SNOWING , the kid that did my driveway moved. I grew up with dad talking about lazy folk with snowblowers and living in the city we don't get 6ft dumped a day but man i hate shoveling. Good exercise i suppose but the sound of the shovel scraping the pavement drives me batty. I'd rather pay some teenager or adult anyway, helps me and helps someone else
Yikes it just started sleeting or hailing or some shit on me in Baltimore