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How intense is a single hit?

don't really take a massive hit on my glass pipe. i'll just load a bowl, smoke half of it over a couple minutes with little tokes then smoke more if i need to. pretty fucking stoned within 5-10 minutes though then it's just a matter of topping up.
Larger amounts of weed actually decreases serotonin while smaller amounts increase it .
I can find a link for the study or utfse

Stick to ur pipe as long as u can buddy . trust me . start hitting big hits and your tolerance goes up . eventually a pipe may not even work and a stronger method like multiple bong and or vape hits are needed .

Saves u money too . having a low tolerance .
You can always lower it but it takes time and abstinence.
What I would really reccomend is that u try hitting one hit off a vape . I think you'd fall in love
Hits from bongs are so intense for me that I usually can't hold much of the smoke in - don't get me wrong, though, what I do hold in gets me insanely high...

Joints are OK but I personally try to stay away from papers because it's not as good for the lungs - besides, it's always faster to just load some into a pipe or a bong and light it up from there.

If I had to put my money on one device that can get you reliably, you know, 'high' off of one hit and that is comfortable, instead of a bong, which is usually not comfortable to take big hits from, at least in my opinion, I'd have to go with the Helix brand of pipes that funnel the smoke through their clear chambers. That shit is my shit! Peace.
anything rolled is hard to get a big rip

bongs and bowls, yes

if you are in for a long term, all day every day weed habit, the most efficient way to smoke is just one giant hit, every 2 or 3 hours. sitting around taking medium hits one after another doesnt increase your high all that much and is a huge waste of weed

joints and blunts are a good way to run through a fat bank account

***THC and CBD are all about how fast you can get them in your system, this is why long drawn out periods of smoking are inefficient, and you will notice much better effects for less weed if you can get one or two giant hits very quickly
1 hit can easily be more powerful than 100.

Anything rolled is hard to get a big rip? That's lies. Anything rolled is easy to get a big rip. If you're saying shitty blunts and joints are rolled... well they're not. They're put together and shaped. It takes a true master of the craft to roll a joint or a blunt and you know it's going to hit good.
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anything rolled is hard to get a big rip

huh??? You must not be smoking well rolled stuff. In my experience, with a well rolled blunt, you can take as big as a hit as your body will let you. Maybe not bong big, but still huge. Bigger than any bowl.
huh??? You must not be smoking well rolled stuff. In my experience, with a well rolled blunt, you can take as big as a hit as your body will let you. Maybe not bong big, but still huge. Bigger than any bowl.
Ive always found it interesting that Im much more likely to have a cough attack from joints and blunts than I am from bongs haha.
Hmmm. Interesting. I wonder why that is. I rarely have coughing attacks but I feel like I have them as frequently for each. Bong coughs are much worse though. Bongs and blunts really occupy 2 different niches in the smoking world.
With blunts the harshness is too much to take too big of a hit. With joints I can get the best kind of hits - huge but really smooth. Bongs give me the most punch for my money but turn weed into a laborious experience at times and also fuck with the taste of the weed once they're dirty (or if the weed doesn't have any flavor then all you taste is your shitty bong lol)
I hate bong taste. Most bong lovers will just tell you that it's not a problem if you keep your bong clean. That's obviously true, but how many people keep their bongs clean? Not enough, that much is true.
I think the claim that vaporizers make you use less is very subjective because I totally disagree. I have bought quite a few of the best ones and in every situation I used A LOT more with a vape then any other method. The statement that the leftovers are still usable is direct evidence that if there is anything left then you are not getting as much as if it were smoked. Been smoking for 25+ years and have never paid for anything because I have an endless supply so there is no reason for me to be bias one way or the other. I do not know of anyone my age that has been smoking as long in a similar situation that uses a vaporizer and I would bet the majority prefer bongs.

The science of what gets you the highest is simple. The more THC/drug that enters you bloodstream at one time, the higher you will get. Its why bongs get you higher and it is the same reason immediate IV infusion of any drug gets you higher then any other method, even slow IV infusion of the same drug. The amount and speed it reaches the brain is everything.
I don't hold the smoke to long as around 90% f the THC is absorbed by your lungs in a few seconds so holding longer means you get more byproducts besides THC. I punch hard but don;t hold to long through a bong. Bongs suck as they are noisy. People living in close proximity ie an apatament can do call the cps,livin in sa cmplex meansd they will smn[[]]Cpmlex Mays smell the sdmoke thogh
I think the claim that vaporizers make you use less is very subjective because I totally disagree. I have bought quite a few of the best ones and in every situation I used A LOT more with a vape then any other method. The statement that the leftovers are still usable is direct evidence that if there is anything left then you are not getting as much as if it were smoked. Been smoking for 25+ years and have never paid for anything because I have an endless supply so there is no reason for me to be bias one way or the other. I do not know of anyone my age that has been smoking as long in a similar situation that uses a vaporizer and I would bet the majority prefer bongs.

The leftovers are terrible trust me. I ran out of weed and only have about 2g of leftovers from vaporizing, and smoked about 1g of them trying to get high in blunts over 2 hours. The other 1g was too singed. I'd guess that the 1g of leftovers only got me as high as vaporizing about 100-200mg of the original cannabis. Smoking also burns a bunch of other shit that you probably don't want in your lungs.
Make food with the vaped stuff. It's real awesome, tastes fine. After 2 or 3 weeks of smoking volcano with my roommate we got enough to make a whole tray of brownies, that would last us until the next batch of vaped weed. We smoked a lot though, so we would have an 2oz's of weed. I would have never smoked the stuff though.
a single bong hit is intense if you dont got a tolerance. my friend passed out from one with no tolerance. a joint/blunt/pipe nothin special
a single hit of some crippy dank stuff is like shooting yourself with an AK 47 in full auto