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How high are YOU? v. winter has come! time to face the white powders, eh.. walkers*

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Half inch line of A++ heroin. Anything more is overkill lol, can't even keep my eyes open!

Cigarettes, weed, tramadol and hopefully valium later today.
i have found real heroin. i have not had heroin like this in years. no matter how much good i hear about this guy?s or that guy?s it ends up being really strong synthetic crap.

this stuff is so good it literally brings tears to my eyes. he keeps it in a seperate bag and you have to specifically request it. it?s powdery and unlike his normal he doesn?t have it pre-divided into paper folds so you have to bring your own receptacle. i?ve been using receipts.

the block he sells on is terrifying. and i am no wimp about open market areas. i stand out like a neon ?fuck me up? sign to both sides. no cop would step out of their car on it but i?m afraid they?ll get me on the way back to mine. been thinking about offering him more to meet me off of it but i don?t want him to think it?s a setup.

don?t have to worry about that until next time and right now i am in bliss.

i can?t pee while i?m on it. now that?s good dope.
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^^^ jelly AF yo. making me want to drum up some poppies.

OT: couple of beers, some dxm melatonin and shit before bed. i got to get up mid-morning tomorrow for a meeting, after noon i'm free to get shitty i guess...
Few lines of heroin and a bowl of weed.

This .2 of dope is gonna last me longer than at least a .6 of the second best dope I've ever gotten. Tried a lot of dope too so that's saying something. Supah flame.

i have found real heroin. i have not had heroin like this in years. no matter how much good i hear about this guy?s or that guy?s it ends up being really strong synthetic crap.

this stuff is so good it literally brings tears to my eyes. he keeps it in a seperate bag and you have to specifically request it. it?s powdery and unlike his normal he doesn?t have it pre-divided into paper folds so you have to bring your own receptacle. i?ve been using receipts.

the block he sells on is terrifying. and i am no wimp about open market areas. i stand out like a neon ?fuck me up? sign to both sides. no cop would step out of their car on it but i?m afraid they?ll get me on the way back to mine. been thinking about offering him more to meet me off of it but i don?t want him to think it?s a setup.

don?t have to worry about that until next time and right now i am in bliss.

i can?t pee while i?m on it. now that?s good dope.

Sounds like some high quality #4. Lol I know how you feel on the block too, not always a fun place. Saw 6 different shootings (not like as they happened) when I went last Friday and my buddy almost got straight up kidnapped in a separate deal (although it was in the wealthier part of town).

A good thing to remember about open air though, is usually they all want to keep business flowing so they don't fuck with customers as much as other dealers. At least that's what I've seen and heard. Still sketchy though.
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Meth, meth, and more meth. Just smoked the worst foily of my life, burnt the fuck outta the foil, dope didn't get burnt though.

Waiting on the heroin till payday.
Eh back at work!! Picked up my methadone script and some extra ones for run and some oxycodone aka ones I can snort I guess shoot too. But I don’t just short or plug!

i am feeling good 40 mg methadone oral and 45 mg oxycodone snorted!!
220mg ox split through the day with some really good weed 25 mcg fent patch for tomorrow because I only have 60mg of ox to last till Saturday but I actually found the fentanyl a bit of a let down the last time I ran out of ox it was barley staving off withdrawal but for now I?m just home from work so gona chill have a bath put some Bob Dylan and some Johny cash and chill the fook out for half an hour ?
^PRN, i like that haha.

I'm drinking beer; hangover is gone now! Last night I had a ton of beers, tequila shots, and 10mg adderall.
Chillin in my lair snorting primo dope. A bump of this shit the size of a pea is enough for pleasant numbness and euphoria. Just doing a tester line of this gets me higher than like 6 generous lines of the best quality street dope I can get :0 Can't wait to get a gram, shit would be a month supply.

Not even gonna try IV, I would certainly die lol. No benzos either.
Just awake and been to the chemist for my goodies so starting today with eight 300mg pregabalin oral and eighty mg OxyContin will take more ox as the day goes on and today is the day I become a bluelighter
drinking beers about to pop some phenibut and my chill on extra. really want something more, it would take some luck though
drinking beers about to pop some phenibut and my chill on extra. really want something more, it would take some luck though

I have been interested in phenibut lately. What does it do exactly? I have heard that it is similar to alcohol but without the potential drawbacks of alcohol as far as one's physical health is concerned. Is this true? Though, I have heard that one cannot take it every day? Is this also true? And unlike alcohol, it's also a nootropic? Is this accurate? If so, what tends to occur when one combines it with adderall? Do they cancel each other out? Or do they synergize and enhance one's focus and thinking even further? Also, does it cause a hangover of any kind? And would it be fine to take in the morning as nootropic? Or since it has been compared to alcohol, is it something to take in the evenings only? Also, what are its effects on dreaming? I have heard that it increases the amount of time that one remains in REM sleep.
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it's a GABA analogue. if you take it with alcohol, it makes the alcohol hit harder i guess... it is sometimes marketed as a sleep aid, which i think is funny because it takes hours for the effects to reach a peak. i get a super weird feeling (hangover?) when i take too much, i would describe it overall as a dirty downer. Russia came up with it originally to help their astronauts' anxiety or something. you can't take it every day because tolerance builds and it probably isn't fun to withdraw from if you take it every day at a high enough dosage. i am not sure if it is nootropic at all, but theoretically you could drive on it like benzos. not that i would recommend taking a lot of phenibut. definitely feels weird if you take too much or combine it with different things. i have no idea what it does in combination with an upper. regardless, phenibut is cheap and legal, and a legit booster to other things. if you are curious about it i would take it in half gram increments and read some reports on it over at erowid or something.

i dont know if that helped at all. phenibut is interesting to me yet not something super special.

edit: rereading this post is a nightmare. let me be more explicit. phenibut makes me more talkative, less inhibited, more emotional, and makes me feel tingly in higher doses (2-4 grams).
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So good morning everyone and happy Easter to you all
This morning I started with 80mg OxyContin insulfated and 180mg ox parachuted orally and a bong of nice clean hash resin only problem with it is it?s so soft and oily it blockes the bong after only a few bowls does anybody else have this problem ?
Anyway I?m going to have a cup of tea and a smoke and put on some mamas and papas and wait on the ox kicking in and enjoy my bank holiday weekend
Probs wash the car as I think that?s expected on bank holidays
Stay blazed and have a great Easter guys
NR out
4.3g Thai Green Enhanced Kratom, 1g Wild Lettuce, 100mg Caffeine, 400mg Magnesium, few drops CBD Oil, 25mg Diphenhydramine, 30mg DXM, 10mg Hydromorphone (and another 10mg for later - it has such a short half-life these stuff... that's why I throw all the other things in the mix). Now I'm waiting the mandatory 30 minutes for the potentiators to get active, than I eat the Kratom and Wild Lettuce, wait another 30 mins and than the "fun stuff" comes).

/edit: found some Pregabalin 450mg - this fits perfect into the mix :)
/edit2: if you guys somehow get the chance to try wild (opium) lettuce.... I mean, I quite like it ;-) 1g of the powder is imo a low dose. today I just use it as a potentiator, but a couple days ago I tried 4g of the powder in capsules.... probably I took some benzos before, but not a lot, guess 1mg Clonazepam and 3mg Bromazepam. However, about two hours after I took the 4g of wild (opium) Lettuce I kinda nodded away / blacked-out for about 3-4 hrs.When I woke up I had no headache or hangover - was just tired and relaxed. It's not active on the opioid-receptors, though the feeling is very similar. If you're short on real opiods and can get your hands on this stuff (Tea, Powder, Extract,Tincture - has to be all legal) than I'd definitely try it. Imo it's also a quite good alternative to Kratom.

Have a great weekend everybody!
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ugh, what a week. my current laptop is dying, the motherboard i bought to complete my new PC build was DOA, and I might not be able to go back to school this month because I don't have health insurance.

on the plus side, i've got beer...!
60 mg Methadone (decreased from my normal dose of 180 mg)
480 mg OxyContin (6x80 mg increased from my normal dose of 2x80mg)
600 mg Tramadol
600 mg Pregabalin
6 mg Clonazepam
25 mg Diazepm
2 mg Lorazepam (I am not the biggest fan of lorazepam so I look forward to changing the prescription back to either Bromazepam or Alprazolam (You have not idea how much I would like to be able to get a prescription of pharmaceutical grade Etizolam))
??? mg Cocaine (99% purirty) Nasal
??? mg Cocaine (99% purity) IV

I have just done an IV injection of 100 mg Cocaine as I started this post I was too high and shaking too much to hit the right buttons, so

Even though I do absolutely everything imaginable to take care of my veins that are absolutely fucked up. I am actually surprised over how much damage my veins have taken considering the relatively low amount of injections I do.

I have been doing an all nighter not sleeping at all as I have a deadline tomorrow for a paper I have to submit for publication (hopefully). So I just went over to my bed and lay down as I was enjoying the euphoria and the sounds of birds which, for me, is the music of spring. As a person that have suffered from servere depression lasting for years sometimes and just generallu suffers from tendencies to depression and anxiety I love the coming of spring and more longer days. During the winter I have a tendency some days to sleep from 18.00 to 05.00 (which is made possible by my medications). Sometimes I regret that I waste half of my days sleeping and thus missing out on the possibility for a lot of good, interesting and social moments as well as reading and writing considerable less.
But I juist can't handle psychologically to stay awake any longer so sleep becomes a kind of salvation - and waste of the gift that is life.

I hope everyone are starting to have some "spring like" days and enjoying the sun that comes with them (as well as having some nice drugs to enjoy also (Remembering harm reduction ofc. :)
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