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How High Are You? v. Well I'm Pretty Darn High

Whosey, Remember to keep the water at 80C or lower, that's when morphine starts to break down.
For dose I usually brew about half cup of powder actually a lil more. Maybe a cup I dunno I jus drink it.
I'm sober and wish I didn't want some tea myself right now, gotta stay strong.
I know you were asking another poster, but I have been on methadone and am currently on subutex. Benzos and methadone go together like peanut butter and jelly.... Wonderful feeling. I have an extremely high tolerance to benzos, 40 mg or more of kpin to feel it, while on methadone I got the same effect with 8 to 10 mg kpin. Being on subutex I need that extremely high dude of 40 mg to feel it. I don't get a euphoric feeling off subutex, I have energy and am more alert, able to focus. If I miss a day my mind feels like it's being cooked like scrambled eggs.
I dont know how so many bluelighters can be ok with just taking a bump of fent from someone. Even if they are a friend fent is so active in such tiny doses (sub milligram) it seems like you really are putting your life in your hands even taking it. Unless you had some sort of certification it was fent and prepared it yourself. Lethal, it makes my palms sweat thinking about it.
I d:eek:nt know how so many bluelighters can be ok with just taking a bump of fent from someone. Even if they are a friend fent is so active in such tiny doses (sub milligram) it seems like you really are putting your life in your hands even taking it. Unless you had some sort of certification it was fent and prepared it yourself. Lethal, it makes my palms sweat thinking about it.

Addicts don't always make the most thoughtful decisions particularly when they are sick.
Unfortunately we couldnt. But after that experience, i believe strongly that it was 2cb
It was such a pleasant mdma high with the visuals of acid.. Like a perfect in between.
I definitely enjoyed it

Did you check pill reports?
Lookin like a pretty bad track record, I'm doubtful on 2cb but who knows now adays the drug game has changed alot state side.
More often than not its Methylone, piperazine, or amphetamines.

Good vibes girl.

Hangyourhead: cool thanks g

OT: way to faded all day
dosed 30mgs methadone orally
IVd 100mgs heroin on the come up
Twas Game over after that
Sounds like a good day my maneee, 30mg of done is perfect w/ IV heroin (I'd need like 250-300mg IV tho personally, but 100-50 wouldn't be bad either considering synergy w non-blockade dose of done). Just need like 20-30mg valium subd to go w/ + cannabitch (that loud pack and pussy summed up into one word hahaha)

4.5mg alprazoooo subL (total for tonight)
IV. 0.5mg bupre
shot and a beer at the bar + just cracked a Corona
smoked a $25 rock of some shitty crack w my dude (and it was free, some ole head tweaker bought it)

Maybe another mg of alpraz but idk, continue drinking this shitty Corona (not my pick that's for sure, it was in the fridge from a party we had at the crib) and smoking doja. Maybe a cig soon if I'm feelin' due to alch, xans, and bupe knowing with a benzo and weed it's more full-agonist IMO/E. Coming down from crack always requires a cocktail for myself. Fuck it, I prefer insuffL or IV cocaine hcl, never buying crack again unless it's from another state and it's yellow-tint raw shit.
Woke up and starting drinking beer. Popped .5mg clonazepam and continued drinking with my dad then had dinner. It was really nice to see him since I never do. Anyway, I just snorted a fat line of H and I'm drinking a Yuengling.
I know you were asking another poster, but I have been on methadone and am currently on subutex. Benzos and methadone go together like peanut butter and jelly.... Wonderful feeling. I have an extremely high tolerance to benzos, 40 mg or more of kpin to feel it, while on methadone I got the same effect with 8 to 10 mg kpin. Being on subutex I need that extremely high dude of 40 mg to feel it. I don't get a euphoric feeling off subutex, I have energy and am more alert, able to focus. If I miss a day my mind feels like it's being cooked like scrambled eggs.

Damn! Only 2 out of 20 people I asked said they like bupe better than 'done.
Really having 2nd thoughts about this. I love my methadone, but just wanted to try something else. I'm sticking with 'done .
For good reasons too, Methadone is a full agonist opioid, buperenorphine is a partial agonist opioid. Buperenorphine withdrawal can be just as bad as Methadone withdrawal.
I'm still pissed though, my clinic used to carry brand name Methadone pills. The 10mg tablets were DOLOPHINE made by Roxane. The 40mg were METHADONE DISKETTES also made by Roxane. They made me feel euphoric everyday without raising my dose. Now, for about a year, I have been stuck on cheap shitty cherry flavored liquid Methadone. It's so weak, esp compared to tablets. The tablets were so potent and euphoric.
I'm seriously going to call every Methadone clinic in my city and ask if they carry tablets. I have take homes, 13 of them, 2 weeks worth. I have to take an extra 20 to 30mg to feel the euphoric effects of my liquid Methadone. OR take extra benzos. I lose drugs like that, which aint cool.

Thank you guys so much for the information, now I know for sure to stay on Methadone.
40mg methadone

Watching "Flight" in IOP program. Great movie choice for that haha. I'll be here for another hour then going to grab a couple beers and take my last bong rip. PO visit tomorrow :(
Did you check pill reports?
Lookin like a pretty bad track record, I'm doubtful on 2cb but who knows now adays the drug game has changed alot state side.
More often than not its Methylone, piperazine, or amphetamines.

Good vibes girl.

I don't believe it was a piperazine, based on the psychedelic action. I find piperazines to have a very "stiff" hallucinogenic property, wehereas this pill I took had a very "flowy" property. And it wasn't sketchy at all. Pipes make me feel really sketchy.
Feeling sad for no particular reason (no anxious or depressed just sad)

Already had a brew of poppy straw going thankfully, just added honey and now waiting for it to cool down.

Got a bunch more straw left for another time + maybe three more doses of pods I think.

I'm either putting in my two weeks notice this Friday or next, gotta get the ball rolling so I can move to them greener pastures.

Edit: making another dose of straw tea. First one was too weak. Sigh
Edit2: all the straw tonight. Yuuup.
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5 strong beers during the day
2 glasses of wine
2g of local outdoor marijuana joints and bongs
0.2 amphetamine paste snorted (damn it hurts)
3 cups of coffee
50 mg hydroxyzine
75 mg amitriptyline
70 mg oxazepam
10 mg prazepam
1g paracetamol for that fucking headache

gotta sleep now
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Got a light ope buzz going on strong enough to feel it but weak enough that I won't be noticed during work. I didn't want a strong high at all so my tolerance will stay low because I'm drinking pod tea every Friday (I figure once a week is safe enough). I got four more weekends of glory until I run out! Timing it perfectly with the end of my current job :). Too bad I'm too poor for regular use. Fuckin rent n bills n food, mang...

ATM: just ate a Wendy's #8 (spicy chicken bacon ranch asiago sandwich) now having coffee before I pop the pre-work 5mg valium maintenance dose.
(I don't know how specific BL likes us to be these days? I was around about 7-10 years ago and from what I can gather this post adheres to current rules. If not, I apologize).

Wow. My state just changed pleasantly, dramatically, EXTREMELY :) I'm just speedin' quite thoroughly, sipping wine and will be spending some time working on my writing (mustn't waste these opportunities!). Later: Volcano and benzos for beddy by...
I do have an intention behind this experience, and that's to come up with an idea for a short story. So, I decided I would set my English Lit major full ablaze on fire :D

"Unless someone shows up with enough speed to alter the outcome of six superbowls, there might not be a final chapter!"
- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, from one of his books (I cannot remember which).
Sounds like a good day my maneee, 30mg of done is perfect w/ IV heroin (I'd need like 250-300mg IV tho personally, but 100-50 wouldn't be bad either considering synergy w non-blockade dose of done). Just need like 20-30mg valium subd to go w/ + cannabitch (that loud pack and pussy summed up into one word hahaha)

4.5mg alprazoooo subL (total for tonight)
IV. 0.5mg bupre
shot and a beer at the bar + just cracked a Corona
smoked a $25 rock of some shitty crack w my dude (and it was free, some ole head tweaker bought it)

Maybe another mg of alpraz but idk, continue drinking this shitty Corona (not my pick that's for sure, it was in the fridge from a party we had at the crib) and smoking doja. Maybe a cig soon if I'm feelin' due to alch, xans, and bupe knowing with a benzo and weed it's more full-agonist IMO/E. Coming down from crack always requires a cocktail for myself. Fuck it, I prefer insuffL or IV cocaine hcl, never buying crack again unless it's from another state and it's yellow-tint raw shit.

This post is fuckin awesome nikka, it was a nice high if I did that much dope or zo's ontop id prolly die tho.. lol

Defo gonna use cannbitch! Hahaaaa!

Could really go for some benzos I just get so destructive on them.

Never smoked rock but you shoulda shot that shit hyh.(terrible advice)

OT: 35mgs of methadone dosed this morning
200mgs of heroin shot threw out the day/ 2 shots
Just ate some shrimp pasta and smokin a parli

Feel good. Might crack a coors just for shits, it is after all the beer of banquets... lmao

Need some paaaat.

Where the fuck my nikka ykm420? ????

Topham: good choice on the Wendy's spicy chicken shits dank.
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