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How High Are You? v. Probably Pretty High

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Gonna smoke a spliff on the way to sushi, then return a bunch of cans, buy some shag, finish chrismas shopping, and then buy some more beer. Yay for productivity.
I´m tired and sleepy. Have just eaten a home made lasagna and will try to watch a movie. That´s as bad as it gets..
Oh lord woke up, took my AD, fell asleep for three hours, woke up, ate, chilled, ate again, took 2mg ativan, fell asleep for two hours, woke up and here I am...

No focalin today is cool. Finally I could stick to a day off after so many promises to myself. I can't do work on this much ativan anyway.
I'm on my level for sho!
.3gs of quality Tar Heroin (smoked)
9mgs of Alprazolam (oral)
100mgs of Doxylamine (oral)
50mgs of DPH
40mgs of Dramamine
Nicotine (camel Turkish golds)
Caffeine (Redbull and sweet tea)
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Spent the last 24 hours in withdrawal... kratom is three days late and my pill/dope connect wouldn't answer. Was real shitty, but that only makes this heroin that much better! Gonna be a good night...
Still opiated from the 80mg methadone I took like 3 days ago, 10mg just given to me. Just prolonging the point I'll switch to a taper back to 0 with loperamide comfortably.

Got more weed, more mids, so eddibles friendly. My best medicine. Finished my mixed drink from before, strong, and having 1 pint 5.9% shit american adjunct lager to add to it. Smoking just 4 tonight
10% imp porter for now, lots o weed too... Gonna save the rest of my bupe for next weekend. Also took 5mg valium when I woke up earlier woo.
droped Clotiazépam, prazepam, ethyl loflazepate, diazepam, alprarolam and loprazolam (all in relatively small doses to get back to sleep, when i woke up after a few hours sleep..... it's sunday, gotta sleeep / rela a bit but allin low,by my standards, dosages, also 2-3 shots ofs quality Voddy, with the benzos... managed to sleep some.... woke up bout half an hour ago 9 AM, no idea how much sleep i got last night though.... was MXE'ing htroughout the evening htne,night... just made myself a sandwitch, drank some coca-cola, feeling chilled, gonna wait a bit before tkaing my 50mg Ritalin ER... and no DREEEUUUUUGZ PhATTY TODAY :X gotta get some proper sleep tonight, and work early (ish) (leave at approx 8am) tomorow....

might linger a bit on BL again today

peace y'alll:)

p.S. can't find my glasses.... GRRR :sus:
300mg pregabalin and I always get sort of high in the morning :)
Very tired. Can´t sleep. My wife has tried all sort of massages + sex. Still did get me sleepy. I guess I´ll stay up.
Jet lag I guess..
aching everywhere, i'm battered and bruisefd, apparanrly i di lot's of accrobacies after dosing a huga last re-dose of MXE, after having been so reasonable all evening i ended up falling over many times, and such....:\ that'l teach me... + i don't have working scales atm, henc the recent probs.... :(

i feel still quite 8(

oh, and i lost my glasses, so can't see shit :? .... better find em effers before monday or sh*ts gonna hit the fan!!! :sus:
My last spliff had me pass out for much too long. Fuuuck haha. Gonna stick with beer now until later today when I go to sleep.
Ritalin and paracetamol kicked in, feeling better, still no glasses, but ashing some clothes and gonna try to continue cleanin.... wish me luck!

Chain smoking ciggs, .... could do with some of your ganja "sirTrphanHat" ;)

Edit 9.5 K posts exactly since 2007.... lol... wonder if i will hit ten K before new years.... unlikely... meh we'll see!
Oops I smoked some more. U can have sum fatass. Soon as u empty ur pm box haha.

Time for breakfast! And maybe more beer?
Finishing the last of my beer before bed. I don't get my car back until Friday morning, waaahh. Can't wait to drive it afterwards though! Mmmm. An extra pedal and an extra gear is all I've been thinking about for months now. And its been years since I've owned a standard. *drooling*
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