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How High Are You? v. I'll Trade You My Shirt For A Grilled Cheese

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I'm pretty high, I ate a firecracker a smoked some really good weed
Not high but my brain is fried from Topamax that I am prescribed for headaches. I am forgetting the most common of words. I substitute the word "thing" for most words, or even "smurf" these days. It is beginning to affect my work. But it makes me mellow and lose weight. Win win. Dumb and thin or Smart and Fat. what do do?

Time to get new meds
ate a firecracker smoked some dabs and ate some bupe. now a chocolate milkshake and some more dabs%)
This has been a day that felt like a week, mostly good :)
Normally the happy times seem like time is going fast and bad times make it go slow, so today was like a gift of special treasure I somehow received with everything just feeling so good and at peace.

Also planning two experiments. Both involve a few mirrors. One involves a macaw, the other a raccoon.

Gonna take my seroquel and spend some time with a pet before I go to sleep. Oh, and I am drinking a Shiner Kosmos Reserve beer - that name seems perfect for the beer I'd want to drink at the end of a day like this. %)

I'd like to radiate some love and happiness to any bluelighter (or other person) who sees this...<3
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Topamax sux ass..I'd major problems with it-it was an unpleasant loss of words...literally. My Neurologist recently brought up possibility of Botox...don't want to..especially b/c I hate the word onalotabotchalytumnotoxin. (onabotulinumtoxin)...altogether the word just bugs the shit outta me...so it's a no-go. ;)
^ Botox will make ur pain worse guy.

80 mgs oxycodone, feels good man. gonna smoke 2 nugz i found.
Took 400mg tramadol that hasn't yet kicked in, took 12mg bromazepam that hasn't yet kicked in and am smoking my wake n bake.

Nice sunny weather out. I'll finish my joint outside in the sun. :D
buddy at work gave me a gram and a half of some awesome weed and omg its got me higher then ive been in a while.
@Whosajiggawaaa...no Botox happening anytime here, with me... only migraines in death would that happen. I'll stick with the 3/10 that imitrex might still work.
180 mgs oxycodone and now only 1160 grams of oxy left. w/d dope sickness is coming gonna try ensure its self imposed with a taper.
.5mg clonazepam
100mg of caffeine
a couple one hitters.

Got a 4 hour shift then back home to hit the bottle.
Ugh down to 20mg, 10mg tomorrow, but I was just taking 70mg last week... rough WD's as in Methadone "The Worst Opioid to Kick IMHO" 70mg for over a yr and now since I smoked THC I get a very hospitable 7-day detox, fuckers. If I pulled out a couple hundred in cash that dirty clinic would forget all about the mg of THC in my piss. Take the piss you fucking money-hungry, careless fucks that don't know a damn thing about addiction "Oh wow, you were addicted to nicotine OH MY!" Get the fuck out.

2mg clonazepam sl, 1mg around noon and 1mg around 3 or 4 pm sublingual ROA. Can't feel it, other than minor WD-relief atm.

Cheap 80 prf vodka and the "Beast" Ice (Milwaukee's Best Ice 5.9 abv).

About to pack a bowl of quality bud, wish I had shrooms to take my mind off this shit and WAY MORE WEED than I have as of current.

IV 0.17g heroin, just helped a tad. Seriously, I had the bright idea to shoot 0.3g of raw cocaine, BADDDDD comedown

Oh and pregabalin, a lot.
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Beer now, after a shower imma take my valium and smoke a spliff, maybe have another beer.

Fun times.
Imma goin HAM tonight.

No, not the pork product that smells delicious when properly cooked, but is always sadly disappointing when you eat it. Nor is it me going hard as a motherfucker a la Kanye and Jay Z. No, my e-friends, it's the much more simple: heroin, Adderall, marijuana. Those words just look beautiful right now. They merge in a delightful way.

Heroin has a hold on a part of me that I still don't fully understood. It's been a friend and a savior. It's been there when I was alone, it picked me up when I was down, and it introduced me to new and different realms of peace and pleasure. A guide through this life. It's been a thief and a destroyer. It's driven me to isolation, brought me to despair, and kicked me when I was down. A poisoner of the mind and body introducing me to new realms of pain and discomfort. An insidious Svengali draining away the soul from this life.

So beautiful and so ugly.
Happy over here

You know what ROCKS?!?! Nodding out unexpectedly an waking up up still high !!!!!! :) :) :)
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