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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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Royce: we da bes!!
Bingeboy: thanks for the education, didn't know that.

I'm wide awake in the middle of the morning and sober wtf. My sleep schedule is royally fucked.
20ug microdose of very high quality lsd this morning. No other drugs.
Well, I'm a spineless motherfucker. Only lasted 70 hours without codeine even though the original plan was at least a week off, took 500 mg about 20 minutes ago. But holy shit, that break was very needed - from shaking and feeling my whole body ache to being coated in a warm, fuzzy, blissful opioid blanket.

I wish everyone a good nod!

E: SirTophamHat, do you really have that high of a base tolerance to opioids that even if you haven't taken any in a long while you'll still need more than normal? I'm quite lucky not to have that tolerance, because I never got too physically dependent/tolerant to opioids in the first place, always taking breaks before it gets too high. As is apparent in this case, 70 hours was enough to restore most of the tolerance.

E2: why is the word "opioid" not considered a word on Bluelight while "opiate" is? Pretty weird if you ask me.
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I have a naturally high tolerance to opiates. 30mg of oxy will get me high but I'll need closer to 80 and potentiators to go to nod ville, and that's with 0 tolerance or recent use. Mr normal dose of kratom is at least 10g, hydrocodone does nothing to me, etc. The only drug (partially) in the class that I'm sensitive to is bupreorphine. 1-2mg gives me an excellent, long lasting high. Never tried methadone fwiw.

Just drove one of my roommates to work, back to drinking before I eat breakfast and do some work.
Good morning everyone this morning it's coffee and 2-4 mg subutex. I'm trying to be good on it was taking damn near 12 mg in the morning bout 4 days ago and then another 12 mg or so through out the day. I'm trying the (less is more) with it to see if I get a better opiate effect! I miss it badly and want to feel sorta high at work! I don't have potentiators except Benadryl eventually might mix them and see I do have WGJ but can't seem to make myself drink enough for effects! So far the last few days my pupils have been smaller and I feel like on stims at work. Hope this works out I miss that GLOW opiates gave me!
pretty buzzed. =D. had a valium earlier this morning and a few beers this evening.

smoked & vaped some flowers just now so i'm properly faded :).

90mg of hydrocodone is wearing off quite a bit slower than usual due to potentiation with Cipro. As is 1.75mg alprazolam. Gonna have maybe 2g of phenibut, enjoy that for an hour or so, then go to bed.
~1g phenylamin (3x iv)
40mg methadone (2x oral)
2mg clonazepam (oral)
24mg bromazepam (4x 6mg oral)
~85mg diphenydramine (3x small doses oral)
and as allways lotta weed

still not tired (i dont take stims normally i only take downers)
tomorrow i think ill skip the stims and take alot of methadone and broman while smoking (best combo ever, besides a good speedball hehe)
6 mgs of buprenorphine plugged
0.5 mg of clonazepam
0.5 mg of lormetazepam
and a couple of beers

Feel pretty good but holy shit do I need a break from my "recreational" subutex use. 2 months ago I just had to snort 2 mgs to get a proper high going and it lasted half a day, now even with 8 up the butt I feel decently high for like a couple of hours lol
Quitting oxy lasted 5 days this time. My excuse is the rain. I just feel it in my bones. But I don't need an excuse..

So 10mg oxy and some dabs
Today started at 4mg subutex snorted! With 2mg every 4 hrs. I feel it better now then almost been a week since my taper from 24 mg a day now it's around 8-10mg a day. I feel more in my eyes and I can feel that opiate buzz in my head sometimes a tingle here and there but no GLOW that we all know and love! I hope one day when my shit evens out here in a week when my blood level goes down to where I'm at it will be a better high for me.

ComfortablyNumb95 I think we are in the same boat I can also plug my subutex and get very little from it anymore I feel better when I combine snorting and plugging but small doses like 1 or 2 mg each! Taking 4 mg tops when I first wake up. Then it's 2 mg sometimes 3 snorted every 4 hours I feel way way better then when I was doing 6-8 mg at a time
Had kratom a few hours after the glaucine (took too much of that, 150-350mg is pretty much the feel good dose range) and that is wearing off but just had 1mg alprazolam and about 1.5g of phenibut just 15 minutes or less ago. And 600mg seroquel instant release (the XR is only good for sleep at higher doses and long sleeps, and decreasing yours and others telepathic abilities - not sure if everyone who is telepathic gives off drug telepathy that can be used in the case of antipsychotics and is seems glaucine to weaken the telepathy and telepathic attack powers of other people. The Seroquel XR is better for fucking up the ability of other people to use telepathic attacks because it lasts longer. You can also take higher doses of it.

And yeah, 8mg of codeine would just barely be noticeable. Don't know if that could be a cop though, I'd expect the donut patrol to offer something stronger than that, like OCs.

hey man I have a question. With all do respect what is with the telepathic stuff, you seem pretty obsessed over it. I'm just curious and interested in why u feel that way or any kind of evidence u have to believe it to be true. If u r just fucked up like me then I apologize.
Got a couple edibles and girl scout cookies today, dunno if I'm gonna have any tonight... After I threw up this morning I've only had a few drinks over many hours. My body needs a break since I've been drinking daily for over six weeks just about. Bad news bears.

I guess I'm pretty much sober then... Huh. Boo.
thoroughly cooked :|

had some beers earlier... gonna save the valium for the weekend.. =D
morning fellow wasted ppl :)

½1 a joint when i woke up
2x2mg clonazepam
2x20mg methadone
a bit phnylamine
~135mg ketamine my first k hole! :D danm i was tripping balls my sitte drove me home while i was not 100%


and then i see my fellow that lives over me he's dropped he's keys on the dope run but first when i got back i called a locksmith my friend is from iran so he has a tendency to talk farsi(he's dialekt) when he gets stoned and tired so i came strait from a nice khole to trying to helt mey friend that was weird

i just hope ill find a little today to make a nice chilling day with a friend or two(that went out the window but still interresting day hehe
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hey man I have a question. With all do respect what is with the telepathic stuff, you seem pretty obsessed over it. I'm just curious and interested in why u feel that way or any kind of evidence u have to believe it to be true. If u r just fucked up like me then I apologize.
I have been wondering the same thing myself.
ComfortablyNumb95 I'm on maintenance. But I've done so much research on buprenorphine to know less is truly more when your on maintenance. I'm experiencing this right now. When I was taking reg agonist meds more more more was what my brain told me lol. So for a while that's what I was doing with subs even tho I wanted to be at a low dose. Now I'm there and happy even tho I wish it was more just like back when I first discovered subs. But that was over 4 years ago. I didn't know what they were except they fucked me up when I took a whole 8mg I think that's the point in my addiction my tolerance skyrocketed! But I'm wiser now and enjoy what I can get loving a productive life on my subutex and not looking to score beans ( oxy, perks, Vic's, dones, ) even tho I'm not even at a year off full agonist yet March 31 was my last time I took methadone and 7 days later I caved and went to my doc for subs. They have saved my life and I'm great duo except I still like to feel something due to broke back injury why I got hooked in the first place. So you take them recreational? What kind of brakes do you take from them?

Also this morning I am taking some coffee to wake me up and 4 mg subutex
Followed by 2 mg every 4 hrs might even take some Benadryl later on.

Sirtophamhat - sounds like your body is shutting down from drinking I have been there before its rejecting the alcohol from over consumption maybe take a few days off or shit even a week enjoy some opiates here and there lol that's what I would do brother!
650 mg codeine. Feeling like I've got a mild cold, goddamn it. No wonder when it's like -25 degrees outside, but still hate it. Well, the codeine helps of course.

Joe Bean: funny, I did take up opioids to take a break from alcohol and now I can't drink anymore. I mean I can, but not like before. Just a week ago I was getting sick on my 2nd day of a mild bender, which was unheard of before. And even when not hungover, it still takes effort to force alcohol down nowadays instead of drinking it like sweet water. I guess it's a good thing, because alcohol is way too harmful to have as a habit, but still I like a good drunk once in a while.

By the way, props for choosing to live a productive life on buprenorphine instead of wasting it on other opis. Keep it up!
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