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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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me and my girl just IVed 125mg and 100mg 3FPM each respectively. fuck time :D happy new YEAR
3.5mg alprazolam
1.5mg etizolam
IV heroin + cocaine
80 prf Jack and copious amount of it
Marlboro Reds
Caffeine via Redbull
1g phenibut
It seems everyone was drinking but me.
I'm so worried about me being sober from Opiates, Benzos and even knowing I wouldn't have a problem with a couple of beers I'm always choosing to play safe. I wonder if I'm over concerned. I mean, not even a joint - I don't want to risk but don't want to become a radical person.
I should be able to know my limits. Just not prepared to "gamble" with my luck and success at the moment.
^You can never be too safe man. You've come a long way, better to be overprotective than not at all.

As for me I took a big dab earlier in the evening, then got drunk as hell with my best bro at the club. Afterwards, I headed home and snorted a 30mg oxy. I feel absolutely fantastic. :) Really hope everyone else is having a great New Years as well. Peace everyone!
I woke up at 11pm, went to the store for beer, and now I'm back at home, drinking and listening to music and reading.
I worked from 4:30pm to 2:30am, so my NYE was at work.

I still binged though like it was 1999! (For young'uns that was something we said in the 1999/2000 era.! No Y2K apocalyptic apocalypse. Phew!

My day was just a mélange of drugs. Deals before work, during work, after work. Woke up with a few resin hits off of crack stem. Then heroin. Then more heroin and weed. Added caffeine and a triazolam before work. Then realized work sucked, so got some crack delivered. Then heroin. Then crack. Then another triazolam. Then another shot of dope. Then I got coke from a co-worker. Shot up some coke. Unfortunately no more H at that point (saved last shot at home for after). Then 0.5mg of Xanax. Then got more crack. Then finish IV coke. Crack. 0.5mg of Xanax. Last of crack. Get another line from co-worker and then go shoot it instead of sniffing it. Then left work and got crack. Came home and then it was crack, weed, and a last shot of dope. Now it's just rotating back and forth between hitting the vaporizer and hitting the stem.

Pretty busy day.
Barely noticeably hungover, had a shitty NYE. Going to take codeine soon and hopefully nod out.

Happy New Year BL!

E: 600 mg codeine and 300 mg pseudoephedrine in. Feeling nice and euphoric.

Wonder how many people are hungover right now and how they're nursing that hangover. What do you prefer to use to ease the symptoms?
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Pretty boring New Year's, have nothing interesting. Just had 17.5g (estimate) of Kratom a couple of hours ago and had a cup of White Zinfandel wine less than an hour ago with 400mg Seroquel. Intend to take like 0.5mg alprazolam in a few minutes. Happy New Years, Bluelight.

Last year was incredibly interesting but chaotic and often painful and/or frightening. Hoping to get some things resolved this year that could not be done last year and hoping it is a better year for me and any of you who did not have the year you would like to have had. Though I did find some interesting things out about myself last year, including something awesome :)
Too bad about the suppressed potential I dealt with, hoping this year that potential is realized...
IV 250mg heroin
1mg etizolam sub'd
2mg alprazolam sub'd
600mg cimetidine
Marlboro Reds
3 shots of Jack Daniel's Fire

Might sub-l another Xanax bar for good measure + plug 0.75-1g phenibut (although the hcl form burns for a good 20 mins! like fucking hell, worth the onset though and avoidance on the sickeningly sour taste)
Barely noticeably hungover, had a shitty NYE. Going to take codeine soon and hopefully nod out.

Happy New Year BL!

E: 600 mg codeine and 300 mg pseudoephedrine in. Feeling nice and euphoric.

Wonder how many people are hungover right now and how they're nursing that hangover. What do you prefer to use to ease the symptoms?

I had a SEVERE hangover earlier today. I puked til I was dry-heaving painfully over my toilet, hating myself and the demon drug alcohol. I woke up at 4 AM and experienced waves of nausea until about 11 AM, it was terrible. I feel alright now, though.

All I had to ease the pain/nausea was some mid-grade weed, too. I took a couple aspirin but promptly vomited them into the toilet, waah waah waaaaaaaah.
I much rather would've initiated the new year Carl Landrover-style, with plenty of crack cocaine and heroin. YEAH!
lines of oxycodone mixed with high quality chinawhite. call em dopeballs. eachline is a guaranteed nod, a deep one too almost always with nod-dreams.

My intake:

240 mgs oxycodone
100 mgs diacetylmorphine.
1 mg loprazolam (will take 1 mg more before bed).

feeling really, really good.
Took a few Etizolam Mds to help nurse myself back to health after last night. way too much mdma and 2c-e, fucking fried my brain like an egg
Woke up at midnight to the sound of telepathic attacks and now I have drunk most of the bottle of White Zinfandel wine and I am about to do 20g of Kratom and then I am burning a painted smile into my face so I'll look similar to Jeff The Killer. People are going to end up dead before this is over. And I will feel no remorse as I cock the shotgun I am going to obtain and blow my head all over the wall.

I've injected dirty toilet water so I can use my infection attack again and I've already made my dad sick for attacking my pets and myself and sometimes you just need a more lethal weapon and for now I'll just infect the worthless souls in my area.

Also had a bottle of Shock Top Twisted Pretzel Ale and going to have another with some Ibuprofen so I can do the burning with as little pain as possible.
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I waited too long to stock up on booze and now I have to wait until 7am. People told me this state was round the clock but there's really a moratorium between 230 and 7. My last state was midnight to six. I think Nevada and maybe Louisiana are the only states without restriction.

On well, gonna get high and eat instead I guess.
^ in my country stores are allowed to sell alcohol only between 10 am and 10 pm. So yeah...

OT: 500 mg codeine. Nice. Enjoying one of my last days of peace before I have to go back to being a productive motherfucker.
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