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how hallucinogenic is MDA???

phat pants

Aug 26, 2003
how hallucigenic is MDA???

Just a question that has been plauging my mind since saturday night...

at high dosages, does MDA have the ability to have acid like hallucinations???
No. Its not that hallucinogenic. You'll see small things that might not be there, or are twisted versions of reality but full blown "out of this world don't know where I am in reality" immersion isn't what you'd get from MDA.

Welcome to Bluelight :)
Hmmm, interesting subject :)

My very first experience with MDXX (which happened to be BOTH MDA and MDMA) was a full blown psychedelic experience. This was also my first experience with any kind of stimulant whatsoever.

After 6 hours of dancing around my friends house, while listening to FatboySlim's "You've come a long way baby" , I had to go home.

While sitting in my room, speeding my ass off,
I began to see the most fantastic visuals, I have ever seen.

I saw the most intricately colored (rainbow-ish) crystal flowers grow out of the carpet in my bedroom. No minor hallucination, these crystal flowers were 6- 8 feet tall. They would grow to full length in about a second, and then disappear. This happened for quite some time.

Apart from my first LSD trip(back in the late 90's) , nothing has compared to the visuals I have seen on MDA.

Enjoy. :)
I've had an experience with pretty goddamn wicked visuals on MDA - comparable to say, a level 2 shroom trip. I've not done acid so I don't know how it compares, but I really doubt that it was anywhere near as intense. If you want to add to the hallucinogenic properties of MDA, smoke a little (good) weed as you're just starting to come off of your peak. You'll start seeing shit.
the hallucinations werent has hard as an acid trip though...a little mellow-er but still, same shit you would see if you were frying...

anyways, thanks you guys...you guys helped a great deal =D
I don't know if its just me being a light weight with MDA or what but i've had some pretty weird visuals from MDA that i've never got with any other hullicinogen and ive done quite a bit of Acid and Mushrooms. They aren't your typical hullicinations for me though, its more like the mda plays mind tricks on me at high doses. Ill see something and not even notice it at first because of how blurred my vision was ( examples: friends with sunglasses, wires growing out of my computer, and extra person in the room lol which turned out to be a lamp etc. ) & after a few seconds of looking at this object ill finally be like WTF this cant be right and i kind of focus in and realise what ive been tripping on. I know that probably sounds like gibberish and might not even qualify as hullicinations to some of you but it seems VERY real on mda. I think its just that my vision gets so blurry on a high dose of mda that my mind try to componsate for what i cant really see to make out and associate it with something familiar in my memory...make since?? MDA visuals remind me of a weird dream. Anyways enough jabbering PeaCe.
i dont no what this mod is talking about, i have crazy ass visuals from mda at high doses, people are diferent, you just dont have the mind fuck like on acid but personaly i get more visuals and crazier visuals on mda then on acid, evryones diferent dont forget dont just tell someone what the so called fact of the moment is on a drug
ive had more vivid real hallucinations on MDA than on lsd... the feeling behind it is totally different, and not comparable.. but visually, i think mda takes the hallucination cake.
I have quite a bit of experiance with MDA, and it has always proven itself to be quite hallucingenic.

The visuals arn't very LSD like, but they are different in a good way.
Ive done MDA a couple of times by accident think its was mdma. The visuals are quite strong especially when you smoke some weed during the peak. Iv'e seen some crazy shit Like seeing people morph into objects such as a Tree, Seeing my friend next to me and seeing him in front of me at the same time, things breathing & of course great visuals. I say its almost too much for me to enjoy especially at a rave, Id prefter mdma over mda!
I’d have to agree with the majority here. I too find the hallucinations on MDA to be much more intense. On LSD I find there’s more of visual distortion patterning, color shift etc… Not to mention the paranoia that can accompany LSD. With MDA I have seen things are not even there. I’ve seen people turn into animals. Once I looked out my window and saw a stealth bomber in my backyard. The pilot looked at me a waved goodbye and the plane took off. Now if that’s not a full blown hallucination, I don’t know what is…%)
the visuals i have experienced on MDA are definitely distinct to those on LSD. as with high-dose MDMA, or AMT, it's a different type of hallucination - rather than the acid or shroom-like patterning & fractal-based movement hallucinations it's a more tryptamine like, shape-shifting, distorted visual experience.

looking at a carpet on acid (for me, anyway) produces rippling effects & textural deviations, whereas MDA is more likely to conjure up a shape inside the carpet that becomes a distinct object. seeing things such as people wearing glasses, or beards, or people who aren't there - that's typical MDA visuals for me, whereas acid / shrooms are more a subtle change in what's actually there rather than a manifestation of something arbitrarily.

i've also found that MDA is a much more psychosomatic / suggestive visual experience. it's like you can actively see what you imagine to be there, rather than being passive like on acid. although taking acid with other people means that you can (generally) see what they're seeing, it's more likely to be warping than an actual full-on hallucination - whereas on MDA (partially because it's more empathic IMO) you can share exactly the same total hallucinations as another person who's also on it. i've seen flying golden globes of warmth rushing around our house / garden, and sat for ages watching them with my soulmate. we found that by willing the globes to do something - for example, to leave the room we're in and circle the garden - they would. it's that kind of interactive, comprehensive visual experience that for me makes MDA so appealing.
I cant comment in regard to other hallucinogens because I have never had them but I often see things that are actually there but my brain tells me they are something other than what they really are.

For example I saw a pile of ashes on the ground and couldnt understand what they were doing there.

Next day found out it was a low bush ground cover tyhing.

I think that when on E our brains become lazy and just accept that the first idea of what fits that shape or form is what it is.

Well that was until last weekend when I went on my usual walk in the park while Eing on a pretty good dose and this time I actually saw a group of people moving amonst the trees.

They were about 50metres away..........as i drew nearer they just seemed to vanish and there was only trees there.

As far as I was concerned at the time I was 100% convinced however that this was a group of people........6 or 7........but what really freaked me was that they were walking around so they couldnt have just been the trees mistaken by my brain for people..............or could they????
Just recently on MDA bickies and some g, i was standing in my kitchen with a mate and i was having distinct visuals of a waterfall about one metre in front of me, i could even 'feel' the water runnning through my fingers when i reached out to it(unsure if the g had anything to do with it).
I would definatly have to agree with the idea that your brain just accepts the first thing that comes into it, regardless of whether its right or not(also true on high doses's of MDMA).
The glasses on ppl are common as fuck for me aswell, therefore id have to say that the visuals on MDA are more of shit that isnt actually there.
Although when i smoked cones during the night, the pattern visuals like on mushies or acid showed their little faces :)
dr seuss said:
the visuals i have experienced on MDA are definitely distinct to those on LSD. as with high-dose MDMA, or AMT, it's a different type of hallucination - rather than the acid or shroom-like patterning & fractal-based movement hallucinations it's a more tryptamine like, shape-shifting, distorted visual experience.

looking at a carpet on acid (for me, anyway) produces rippling effects & textural deviations, whereas MDA is more likely to conjure up a shape inside the carpet that becomes a distinct object. seeing things such as people wearing glasses, or beards, or people who aren't there - that's typical MDA visuals for me, whereas acid / shrooms are more a subtle change in what's actually there rather than a manifestation of something arbitrarily.

i've also found that MDA is a much more psychosomatic / suggestive visual experience. it's like you can actively see what you imagine to be there, rather than being passive like on acid. although taking acid with other people means that you can (generally) see what they're seeing, it's more likely to be warping than an actual full-on hallucination - whereas on MDA (partially because it's more empathic IMO) you can share exactly the same total hallucinations as another person who's also on it. i've seen flying golden globes of warmth rushing around our house / garden, and sat for ages watching them with my soulmate. we found that by willing the globes to do something - for example, to leave the room we're in and circle the garden - they would. it's that kind of interactive, comprehensive visual experience that for me makes MDA so appealing.

That is one of the best descriptions I have heard. Well put!=D
i found most of the trippy phens quite suggestive in the way the visuals work.

mda has produced soem well weired situations....where for all intents and purposes closed eye visuals/situations are to dang reall.

had a funn one over my mates house... he had smoke rings coming out of speakers in time with the music.....so odd..

i find shrooms just distort things...

only time had real hullicantions was on PCE (analog of pcp) which i never want to repeat...

i swear it neraly scared me to death.....
have any of you guys seen like tunnels of bright lights that just go in circles making like a cone shape and just start circling when you open your eyes???
Let me start off by saying that Mda is my favorite thing without a doubt, blue omegas ring a bell to anyone. Anyway one night I ate 2 and 1/2 of them and I was seeing shit that was not even there and I could no longer decipher what was real and what was not real. I would have to say that I have had some very good hallucinations while messing with Mda I just wish that those blue omegas would come back around just once.