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how exactly do I inhale?

Whenever i hit the pipe/bong/blunt/joint.. I never hold it in.. And i get blazed like no other.

It all depends though. When im low on weed, I inhale as hard as i can, and hold it in as long as i can. Always works.
Imagine you're 12 again. You are smoking the joint and you see your mother standing right there, you take a big gasp of shock. Do that and hold until you learn.
Others have done a pretty good job, I'll just jump in to clear up some terminology:

Puffing is taking the smoke into your mouth. You close your throat and suck in with your mouth to pull in smoke, sort of like a baby would suck a pacifier. Purse your lips and pull in. Nothing should be entering your throat or lungs at this point. After puffing, you should inhale through your mouth to pull the smoke into your lungs. If you don't do this, the smoke will be in your mouth if you open it and will come out in one concentrated cloud if you exhale. You can take and then inhale multiple puffs to get a full lung of smoke.

You can also inhale directly into your lungs. You can get a bigger hit at once, since your lungs hold a lot more than your mouth, but the smoke will be much harsher this way. I don't recommend it unless you're using a water piece.

Your problem doesn't seem to be an issue of smoking it wrong, but more so an aversion to tobacco. Can you get cannabis, or just hash? If you're stuck with has hand tobacco spliffs bother you, you might want to smoke straight hash from a bowl.
alostlittlebird said:
You know how to take a deep breath into your lungs, expanding the chest and sucking air through the mouth and directly into the abdominal cavity (like a doctor would have you do).

Do that, but put your mouth around a pipe first :)

Hold it, too, as long as you can, and let it all condense and absorb.

People please stop telling him to hold it in as long as possible, you've got everything you want out of the smoke after the 3-5 second mark. Any longer is just carinogens. And what with this being a harm reduction site that ain't a good thing to be telling ppl to do.
if u dont know if ur inhaling or not,just wait tell you get harrased by an expereinced smoker,works wonders,thats how everyone learns not to be a dumb shit,hell....the way i learned i was retarded (while smoking cigerretts,i havent ever ONCE..wasted a mouthfull of weed smoke in 5 years of smoking),was a kid called me on it (not inhaling),and told me to prove it to him that i was inhaling(kause i was arguing that i was)........so he called me on it again ,and i guess i wasnt inhaling 'sighs"......so he said to suck in all ur smoke in ur mouth and say "mama's home"!!!!!!!!!!!Hhhaahha.so il say the same to you'z noobz!