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Misc How Do You Prepare Kratom Powder?

I usually take 5-8g of good, powder Kratom, weighed in a cup with the Tare feature.

Then, using that same Tare feature, I do the Reverse Toss n Wash:
1. Tare your Kratom-filled cup on the scale.
2. Fill your mouth half-way with water.
3. Scoop up about 0.4-0.5g of Kratom at a time.
4. Then, insert spoon in to mouth carefully, and use your lips to make a seal over the spoon and let that hydrophobic Kratom mix with the water a bit, then pull out the empty spoon.
5. Go back to step 2, wash, rinse, and repeat.

Best of luck with your Kratom experiences! It really is a miracle plant, which helps opioid addicts live a normal live since plain-leaf Kratom is so weak that if you stay within the recommended dosage range with a moderate opioid tolerance (5-8g, max twice a day), then you won't get high due to the delightfully weak opioid nature of plain-leaf Kratom.
I have increased my tolerance to opioids to such a high degree that the store I go to in Tempe, Arizona sells extracts in pill and powder form, and it's super expensive, and I never get any effects even if i take 15 of the 10x capsules... any advice?

It is widely known and accepted that headshop kratom is s**t. You'll want to order your goods online. Most people with an opiate tolerance find 1-2g of UEI to be effective. UEI is sold by many, many online vendors. Sorry I can't give any more details.
^ UEI is an ugly blemish on the kratom industry, as are all extracts, imo. They go against the "natural," plain-leaf nature of the plant and extract the 7-OHM and Mitragynine, or at least that's what they tell you... UEI is especially terrible, as most batches have allegedly been found the contain morphine and its analogues, meaning it had been cut with opium-based opioids (maybe sythetic analogues) to boost potency. If you must buy an extract, stay away from UEI and 10-15x extracts and get something simple, or just make your own kratom extract by simmering the tea and evaporating the water. I made an extract with "premium" (lol) indo kratom that I couldn't even Toss n Wash without almost gagging, and it was simple AND fun using water and a touch of lemon juice, plus I knew exactly what was in my extract.

tl;dr: Stay away from extracts and invest in plain leaf Kratom instead for a much cheaper price per dose.