How do you keep up with the pace and intensity of life?


Jul 23, 2014
I don't understand why people say life is short. I mean, this year, I'm 26, but it feels like an eternity has gone by and other people say that I have 50+ more years of it left. I don't think I can do it yo. Just thinking about it makes me want to commit suicide. It's so tempting. I mean why should I endure 50+ years of suffering just to please others?? That's literally what it is cuz I seriously don't give a fuck. So much shit has happened that I just can't wait to die. The problem is that even one day feels like forever to me and having this day repeat itself for 20,000 more days in an infinite loop is really gonna drive me insane. Life is expensive too. If I were to put a price on it, I would reckon it cost $100/day just to stay alive. I guess another way of rephrasing the question is, how do I keep up with the pace of life without feeling too overwhelmed?
I believe that the mind has many different states of being, and that these states of being are brought upon us by the quality of our thoughts and actions. Basically think and act with a pure mind and happiness will follow. Think and act with dark and foolish mind and sadness and suffering follows.

With that I know that when I am feeling dark and gloomy and feeling lots of suffering, I understand that it is a result of my carelessness. So what I do is I try to collect as many good deeds and bright thoughts as possible. It really works. I become like a light in the world. Now if only I could master that, I would stop falling into such stupid pits of darkness from time to time! They are very hard to climb out of!! Love yourself, love life, be there for others, and all of that kind of stuff. It will change your life and change who you are and how you see the world. I don't mean love life in a fake way either. I mean actually care for life. Ignore thoughts that get in the way. Just start loving life in the moment. Nurture it, and it will nurture u back and u wont want it to end!!
To answer the question of the OP's thread title: I don't. That's why I get high.

Our age numbers are inverted, you're 26 and I'm 62. As such, while you're looking at the road ahead of you, I'm looking in the rear view mirror. And there are 2 things I can impart upon you

1) the world itself is not going to get any better, people are by and large self centered assholes who don't really care what kind of shitstorm you're enduring. But guess what?

2) ...fuck em and the horse they rode in on. You would be amazed at the survival skills you possess if you just let go of the baggage people try to force upon you.

It's a numbers game, kid. Because even though they're in the minority, there ARE a lot of good people in the world who can help lighten your load. Can't find a job? Can't find a meal? Can't find a hit of anything? Keep knocking on doors, you're going to find people who will help you make your way.

3 months ago, my wife wanted to help a girl she knows (she's 31} kick H. We had a spare bedroom all ready to go for her. While bringing over some of her clothes, she brought a friend of hers from high school she hadnt seen in 9 years. He was just passing thru town on his way to LA and stopped in for a one night visit. Bad move on his part. She wanted to run to the store, so he tossed her the keys to the new 2017 Nissan he had just driven off the lot 2 days prior.

A week later, having disappeared with his car, her asshole boyfriend falls asleep at the wheel at the end of a week long tweak run and eats a light pole. This poor guy was stuck in a strange city with no ride, no money, no family that would help him. Turns out he stumbled thru the right door: 3 months later, guess who is occupying the spare room? This dude we didn't know from Adam is part of the family now, and the demons he was trying to escape from by moving to LA with the clothes on his back (and an easy first time buyer's program), at least for now, have been given the slip.

BTW, his name is Kyle. Just stay in the game kid. You never know...
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Hey guys. Thanks so much. I really appreciate the advice. I mean I really try to stay positive, but my life is sucking so much ass that it's hard to do. I think I'll figure it out though.