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How Do You Hustle For Drug Money When You’re Broke?


Dec 22, 2015
I'm on a point here wondering what other people do. There's no need to be ashamed here, if there's a group of people who understands what it's like to hustle for dope, it's us at Bluelight. I'm not making a suggestion about anyone in particular, but I bet 50/50 you've had to hustle for dope at least one time - reader.

I busk at the liquor store. Meaning I play guitar for people to throw change at me. This is actually a decent income stream if I play long enough. It's better than minimum wage. I made $200 in a few hours one day in 2015. There are only a few points in my life where I've done this. I should do this more often regardless of any dope. Even on a good year, the extra cash feels impeccably good to kale.

I've pawned off music equipment and guitars before. Sometimes I've got them back. Sometimes not.

Payday loans. Back in 2017 and 2018, I was pretty reliant on payday loans to make the world go round. If si wasn't using so much, I definitely would not have gotten stuck in this trap. I eventually did when I paid off the last loan and didn't take another,

I've asked family and friends for cash. This is hit-and-miss. The ones who are dead against my substance abuse aren't as into it. Sometimes people have been happy to help. I try not to do this too often. It's a sad feeling knowing someone who loves me is giving me money for drugs. Sometimes I've lied about where it's going.

When I was much younger. I stole money from my dad he had stashed away, a couple of hundred dollars. I stole cigarettes flat out from a friend's apartment once that belonged to his dad. Thankfully I did not keep this pattern up. This was almost 20 years ago.

About 11 years ago, I shoplifted the liquor store twice, I was caught the second time. I stopped after that.

Blank cheque deposit. This has been done at two different points. Once last year or January. This fucked my bank account twice as well.

Sold dope. I've traded illicit substances for cash for a few brief spats in my life.
Sold drugs. Sold stuff. Grew plants during planting season and sold them on FB. Super easy to set up.

In my less proud moments I did stuff that I hate myself for to this day. Even though I’ve paid them all back, there was a time when I would steal to feed my habit. That was a very dark year.

Sounds like you should be busking daily.
Yeah coming up with monies to sustain drug habits has always carried a stint in the local jail if/when I got caught.
What havent I done but never had a crime against another person other than a coupla assaults on leo.
Will have to revisit this as it has been quite some time passed and would have to dig it all up to post accurately.
Glad to be free of the chains that bound me to addictions.
Yeah coming up with monies to sustain drug habits has always carried a stint in the local jail if/when I got caught.
What havent I done but never had a crime against another person other than a coupla assaults on leo.
Will have to revisit this as it has been quite some time passed and would have to dig it all up to post accurately.
Glad to be free of the chains that bound me to addictions.
You and me both. Still hard for me to believe I let it go on as long as I did.