How do you calm down of a REALLY strong trip??


Oct 24, 1999
Just out of curiosity- sometimes I get TOO fucked up off of E where it is just WAY too strong, you know those trips where you're body is WAY too heavy,and you have no idea what's going on and is making you kinda dizzy?? Well is there anyway to calm it down so that you can enjoy the trip more?? NOt that I don't enjoy those FUCKED UP feelings but... sometimes it's just kinda boring..???
I hope someone helps me with this...
I know exactly what you mean and so ill tell you exactly what i do in that situation. when i get too fucked up and i start freakin out, the first thing i do is sit down, close my eyes, and get lost in my own breathing. i drown everything else around me out. This helps relax myself. then i simply tell myself over and over..."you knew this was gonna happen if you took such and such pills(LSD,shrooms). get off your ass, enjoy it while it lasts because you paidmoney for this feeling and its not something to be wasted." it usually works for me. gives me a new mindset and the will to get up and dance and party again. hope this helps. its all the help i can give. PLUR!
I don't know what drugs this is true for, but the last time that I did a bag of Super-K i was fucked off my rocker and puking my brains out (I give new meaning to the phrase "K-hole"). Anyway, some girl in the bathroom gave me a handful of peppermints and said "eat this. the sugar will bring you down." i don't know if it really worked because when i stood up to walk out of the room my roll had just hit me, but i started to get my eyesight back sometime later (for some reason when i did K my eyesight would always totally fail me and i couldn't make out faces for the life of me.)
for me, on a really strong roll that's getting too intense (to the point where i feel like i'm going to throw up but i don't want to throw up my pill) laying on my stomach helps, curling into a little ball, or cold water or cold air. anything cold.
for acid, when my trip is climaxing, i get really claustrophic and it freaks me out, or i start this mental shit where i start analyzing everything and getting myself paranoid.... that's when i jump in the shower, because for some damn reason, the bathroom is my happiest tripping place. it totally frees my paranoid mind and i feel like i'm in heaven, the water relaxes me.
alwayzzzz PLUR & happy :) rolling... hugzzzz
*I said "no" to drugs, but they just wouldn't listen!*
**I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it**
***Every man dies, but not every man truly lives.***
yes, e-girl, that is true. if you get too fucked up on k you can injest anything with sugar to bring to down a little. for some reason the k lowers your blood sugar level. i usually just tell people to drink a coke. carbonated beverages have as much sugar as anything and it usually helps to bring you out of your k-hole quicker. i don't believe this is true with x though. i don't think it has anything to do with your blood sugar level. but if you want your x to hit you faster, drink a carbonated beverage, the carbonation helps break up the pill quicker, and gets it in your system quicker.
Yeah, and maybe we should go to college, stop putting gel in our hair, and start wearing blue jeans.