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How do people know the mics/ug of their LSD?

Interesting links, psood0nym. I think most of us are so used to semi-natural drug products like cocaine and cannabis that we tend to overestimate our general ability to gauge drug quality by sight. I can make a pretty educated guess on genetics, growing technique and sometimes even region of origin with a look and taste test of good pot, but the best anyone can do absent a formal lab test with blotter is compare subjective intensity to past experiences, which would be difficult enough to do if LSD weren't so notoriously unpredictable in intensity and effect. Even with a 2C I can sort of 'feel' a general sense of how high a dose I've had - with LSD I can tell in very broad terms if it's a small or large dose but trying to distinguish between say, 4 and 6 hits of the same batch on different occasions, let alone of different batches with months or years in between, is pretty arbitrary - and even if you can make those relative comparisons accurately, you would *still* need at least one confirmed dose in ug to calibrate your 'scale' accordingly.
WoW well azgaza i am on my way !! This is simply amazing, and im sure the availability in your town is quite amazing ! Can u take anything to get tested x,Rcs,coke)??

Yes, they can test on most RC's and you can test all powders, liquids, blotters, pills etc.
I personally don't worry about how many ug's are in the tabs Ive bought, the most important thing for me is that I recieve LSD and not some RC. However I'm not against recieving RC's as long as I'am advised prior to purchase.

Ofcourse a higher amount of ug per tab is desired but at the end of the day I could care less.
^ true, but thats very rare...

People don't know. Bottom line. But, somewhere along the line, the numbers became an estimate of potency (which is kind of funny, because LSD is very subjective dose-wise). People seem to still trust these numbers they come up with, maybe because their dealers told them these numbers and they think their dealers really know (I'm going to guess that this is only true about 10% or less of the time). Always take only one hit (or less) of a batch if you are inexepierienced (or in not in a great set/setting), to test out how strong the stuff is. Trust people who have tried it recently, they give you a subjecting report, but numbers are pretty useless in my opinion.
I'd be somewhat suspicious of anybody that claims to have had a 250 mcg dose, yet is still able to articulate their thoughts on such a dose.

Although this is merely a personal anecdote, I have a somewhat funny story to back up what you said. The one time I had blotter that was tested (by someone on this site, rolling stones ~200 mcg) we decided to each take two. 2 hours into it, we decide to put on The Wall by Pink Floyd. After 20 minutes, my friend leans over and goes "dude, something's different". We stare for an additional 10 minutes before realizing the sound had been muted....

We had trouble following even simply conversations. Our mind kept bouncing around like a kid with an ADD problem.
I personally don't worry about how many ug's are in the tabs Ive bought, the most important thing for me is that I recieve LSD and not some RC. However I'm not against recieving RC's as long as I'am advised prior to purchase.

Ofcourse a higher amount of ug per tab is desired but at the end of the day I could care less.

That for me is the main reason for always testing a hit from a new sheet; to make sure its LSD. I've actually never encountered another substance on blotter, but I know it can happen; so its the main reason to test.

It doesn't matter much wether there's a lot on there or there isn't. Before I've had hits around 180 ug, wonderful because one was enough, but recently they've been 60-70 ug, and the simple solution is just to take 2 or 3 instead; as long as its LSD there's on there you can safely do that.

And to all the people who claim 'its not possible to test'. Maybe where you live; but here it IS possible. I'm not saying its definate that that is exactely the amount on each blotter; because its a little variable even on one sheet and I'm not sure wether they waste LSD while testing or not, but you dó get an indication; ánd you're sure whats on the blotter. So yes, it ís possible to test your LSD; but only if you live in the netherlands.
I guess I'll go back to measuring doses by "how many hits of *insert print/approx.date* I am used to "