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How Do I?


Oct 13, 2003
Hey Fellow BLS...Maybe you can help me with this question and answer I have. I'm out of coke but have a lot of it stuck to the mirror I use it on. I'd like to know is there anyway I can get it off so its not sticking on it anymore and useable for snorting? I'd be using it on the same mirror.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but just trust you guys to give me a good answer on this.
Try a razor blade or a credit card to scrape it into a friendly little pile.

Razor Blade would be more effective, but not everyone has those on hand.
Ok Thanks. I have both so I will just keep trying to get more off. Thanks so much for your reply.:)
You're welcome. Welcome to BL, are you really a stripper? : )
odds are (as i'm sure you figured out) if the coke is stuck so well to the mirror that you can't get it off with the razor or card or whatever you were already cutting your lines off, then it's probably hopelessly lost...

though i doubt it would be THAT stuck to a mirror. hopefully you got enough for at least a small bump..
lol join date 2003 huh. Well congrats on coming out of lurking. I guess fiendish trying to get the last bit of coke will do that. Could always try crawling around the floor in-case a tiny rock was able to jump off ;)
I recommend simply licking or "numbing" the rest of it straight from the mirror....it gets absorbed into your bloodstream well this way, just like snorting(same type of membranes), and you can practically get all thats left, without taking forever trying to scrape every last bit off.
Thank you all for getting back to me:). I was able to get some small bumps for it to hold me over till tonight.
Yup been a member lurking since 2003. I love this site and all the great info I get from it.
I used the credit card really hard and I didn't get tons but enough.
Again thanks for coming to my aid.
well, a bit OT, but take it from someone who has learned the hard way-- DON'T bang coke/free base, and your veins will pay the price. I.e., your best best way have been to wet a cotton and rub it around on the mirror enough to get it to where you'd get a rush banging it.

Granted, the rush is ff-king incredible (those who have been there will be familiar with hearing "the bells of st. mary's" after you send the shot home. But I'm now 4 yrs since my last shot of coke and my veins are still shot. Learn how to make base using baking soda and smoke it. IMO, you snort it, you're wasting good coke.

I'm not a "coke fiend" the way I am with opiates, so I can get away with smoking it once a month or so, and then put it down for a month or two. If you have a similar "habit," learn to base it, get yourself one of the little glass pipes that comes with the rose in it, use a few pipe filters, and you'll get much more bang for your buck.
Next time please try to create a subject name that has something to do with your question - "how do I" is pretty vague and will be of little use if someone is scanning subject lines looking for info on coke!