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How do I get the best ROLL experience ?


Jul 12, 2002
I've learned of vic's inhalers, glow sticks and blacklights, of course, and I'm sure there are a lot of other things I still have to learn. I posted my Ultimate "at home" roll toys topic and got no response to my querry at the end. By the way, it seems like a no brainer, but,is the term "Porn Star" used to say that you are video taping yourself and your lover or does it mean something else entirely? (stupid question, but at one time, you had to ask too, right?) I'm kinda a newbie I guess.
SIMON, Thanks, I'll be busy for days reading all these. I have heard a lot of bad reports about the passing out thing though, I thinnk I'll steer clear of that, I always want to remain concious.
Dont ROLL AT HOME! Its a waste! You have to do it at a club so you can dance your ass off and you can talk to all the Etards rolling there. I have never rolled at my house. I have always done it at a club. I have come home while I was still rolling and it sucked! You get such a vibe from the people, the lights, and music. When you are at home its just lame and boring. I get so depressed when Im home rolling.
I hope this is useful to you
Simon, I'm sorry. The first time I accidentally posted my message twice because I am new to bluelight and it was my first postings. Then, I got no response other than the condescending remark for posting twice. So, I thought maybe I ought to post in the Newbie forum so as not to annoy the "Pros". Then I seen your post about posting in two forums. GEEEEZE...........PWEEESE gimme a break, be gentle with me, I'm very easy goin'.......K? Pease
I reeally wanna go to a club now that I know how X feels and what to expect. But, I'm not a teen anymore so I'm not sure I'll fit. I'm still hot, but I am 32. "Look there's someone's mom!" tehe
JrnnyDoll.....Being 32 is no problem. I am 26, my friends are 28, one is 30 and we party harder than most teens....you should join us!
Your not a teen anymore?! You have to be at least 18 to get in. The age group of where I go is 16 to 35. You can find clubs where there is an older group of people. I hate these place because they have fights breaking out every minute. The bouncers feel you up when you are getting searched. And the people at these clubs are very anti drug. And to top all this off the MUSIC SUCKS!
Rave clubs are so differnt. The people in them are so nice! Everyone is sharing whatever they have(Water, cigarettes, candy and even drugs). The people there also look out for you. Once I passed out right in the middle of the dance floor and some guy helped me up and got me a place to sit and some water. Im so gald he did this for me. I was so drunk and im under age. I know if a bouncer saw me he would have kicked my ass out in a heart beat.
Whatever you do dont feel that you are too old to party with teens.
rolling at home is SO much better.. get a bunch of friends, a good stereo system, some black lights and glowsticks and have a damn blast. i like it better because you can actually communicate without trying to yell over the music. rolling at raves is fun, but ravings not all about drugs (another topic all together). besides, you cant get arrested as easily at home, which is pretty important to us who arent minors.
best experience:
lots of friends
good quality ecstacy
good stereo
maybe a few cheesy lights and photons
vicks is fun, but i think it gets old, have some around anyhow ;)
pretty much just anything that makes you happy, you and your friends make the experience, not the toys. just roll like its the last time you ever will, and have crazy fun! with the right people, ill have a MUCH better experience in a blank, empty room, then with crappy people and a room totally decked out for rollin.
Yep. I agree. Candyflipping is a guaranteed good time, and for me, better than MDMA alone. Take an easy dose of shrooms, so you don't lose touch entirely. I take 2 grams, but with MDMA often times less will suffice. Just enough to give it that oomph.
Also, for me, the music/DJ is absolutely CRITICAL. Bad music is almost as bad as weak rolls. Not quite, but almost.
Most important...roll with those you love, baby.
JennyDoll: breathe girl, it's no biggie :) (and it's Mman you should be bitching at anyway, not Simon ;) )
FunkayRavin, Kudos, Thanx, that's the way my man prefers rolling, I am TOTALLY new to all drugs. I only smoked pot for the first time last Christmas eve, then X a month before Livestock (Central Florida "Woodstock" type thing).
THE WOOD and SYCHR.... I did take Shrooms before the X at Livestock, put it like this, I was in attendance at 4 concerts and only remember the last one, but I rremeber what was going on in MY world and it was ALL cool, especially a beautiful girl at the Rob Zombie concert that could not break eye contact with me for the longest time, we shared like another dimension together for it seemed like a half hour.
The rest of the night, I danced on a stage right near our RV site that had an awesome DJ, this was my first "RAVE" I guess, EVERYONE was soooooooooo cool up there, they knew it was my first "real" X perience and helped me. The guys did bot get out of line, they were such gentlemen, I ran to our RV and got all the bottled water I brought and shared with all my "dancing angle friends", I even soaked a towel in ice water and brought vics inhalers to share, I was wearing a veery skimpy biini and was worried about giving the wrong impression at first, but that quikly went away. I even wrapped a towel around my waist and a guy gave me a sorta "carnival type ride" on my back on his knees as he was laying on the ground. WOW! That was COOOOOOOOOOOOL.
StarDragon, it's all good. I no offend. I no defend. I have GOOD time, No? Onai gashimas.
Candyflipping is a guaranteed good time, and for me, better than MDMA alone.
Defintetly NOT true. Acid and ecstasy are NOT a guaranteed good time. You are HIGHLY LIKELY to have an awesome expierence, but the MDMA def increases the effect of acid. Some people cannot handle the effects of LSD and may not have a pleasurable expierence. Also, if not timed properly, you could be coming down on some ecstasy and still tripping face. Not fun, or so i hear.
Hippyflipping (mushrooms and E) is the best thing, IMO
is the term "Porn Star" used to say that you are video taping yourself and your lover or does it mean something else entirely?
I think that your confused from the post I made about Toys on E found here
Where I said I would like to video tape a roll. Maybe I am the one that is confused, and your question has nothing to do with the post I had made.
PornStar---------I remember someone saying something about thier leg grtting in the way of the film............ something foolowing the porn star episode of toys thread..
My bad. Had a brainfade there...I was also advocating adding shroomage in the mix. It is what I was referring to. Shroomage. Acid can be a bit intense, I agree.
I must do too many drugs. I have lots of brainfades here. Hope I don't get anyone into a situation with any of my terminology errors!
But to underscore...
ADD SHROOMAGE. Hehe...you won't be disappointed.
[ 16 July 2002: Message edited by: synchrojet ]