• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

How did you get off your butt today V.3

Notice a lot of people doing a lot of cardio in here.

At the moment I usually gym 3 times a week. In that I do 2 different work outs
"Push" - Squats, Bench Press, Military Press, Lunges, Dips. I always begin with a few minutes rowing and running first. I usually do 3 sets of each not including potential warm up sets as a minimum x8-10 reps.
"Pull" - Deadlifts, Bent Over Rows, Upright Rows, Barbell Curls. I usually do longer on the rowing machine this day, feel like it helps break into deadlifts.

Today I never made the gym the past couple of days but I went for a 1.5 mile walk this morning and 1 mile this evening. Followed by 5 x 20 press ups, 5 x 5 chin ups, 3 x 10 shoulder press ups, 3 x 20 dips.

At the moment I feel like strength is good but I need to sharpen up my cardio in order to progress more to a more cut body shape. I think it's easily attainable but I need to cut drink and drugs to a minimal for the next month. Says the man with a beer in his hand lol.
Today I did 30 minutes of gentle yoga in the morning and afternoon and biked about 6 miles each way to work and back.
Had a run listening to Discharge - Why?

Really love that record. Best punk ever, forever.

Ain't no feeble bastard
No fucking scapegoat
Had to take my car to the mechanic shop early so I could get it by mid-day.

Besides it was my turn to do the groceries so a busy day after all. :)
thanks dealing with a groin injury that I had for a few weeks that did not cause issue during the race so activity is at a minimum right now
Did half an hour of wind sprints, went to a museum, bathed in the sun for a bit, had a 3 mile run after, then off to a friend's birthday party later.
1 hour park run (utterly trounced by my twenty-year old running buddies, but had a great time anyway). Then brunch at a restaurant with great views of the city. Then off to see some Rugby (world cup) tonight...
Been up since pretty early

Calf stands

4 sets of 10 reps of each at least.