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How did you get into the rave scene?

Well, I grew up super religious and never in a million years would have believed I would even be friends with someone who used any drugs or went to raves lol. But when I was 18 (Im 22 now), its a looong story but I ended up discovering the world and reality lol, outside of religion and I met two friends, one of whom is now one of my best friends. We met through a crisis situation and bonded during that time. One, Trisha, was 31 and a huge hippie, but so freakin awesome. I knew I shouldn't look up to someone like her because she wasn't christian but I couldn't help it because she was just fucking awesome. The other one, Candace, who is one of my best friends now was 5 yrs older than me . We spent a lot of nights talking about life and the world, and we had big discussions about acid, god and raves. Even after our crisis situation we all kept in touch and I really started coming out of my shell and out of christianitys narrow mind set, but hadn't touched drugs yet. My friend Candace was like a huge, old school candy raver since she was like 14, but had just had a baby and so completely slowed down and stopped partying to take care of him. But she told me all about raves and really emphasized that raves should be more than just about getting messed up on drugs, that they should be a celebration of oneness and music, etc. I learned SO much from Trisha and Candace way before I even went to a rave or did any drugs, I'm REALLY grateful for that because I went in to it with a lot of knowledge from older ppl who had "been there". Just like I was taught about LSD not as just a fun drug that fucks you up, but as an intense spiritual substance to be respected and careful with. So anyways, Candace also played awesome dubstep, drum&bass, etc techno music and I got really into it and fascinated by electronica. <3 Then I started to hang out with one of the "bad kids" who left the church i went to long ago, Matt, who became my boyfriend, (now my ex but still friends) and he was hardcore into the rave scene. So, he took me to my first ever rave and it was amazing. I wasn't even high that night but it was so immensely healing. That was during the hardest time I have ever had in my life and hopefully ever will, and I was like overwhelmed by the music and atmosphere. Soon after I tried E, and had the most amazing, healing experience ever and so when I put them together and did E at a rave, words can't even describe! lol. At that time the rave scene in the Okanagan, BC where I was living was really underground and not commercialized. Since then its really exploded and there are a ton of commercialized raves but still some underground ones. I love them all but I cherish the good, underground raves that come up. I live in the Kootenays in BC now and the rave scene is huge here, we're known for our raves and hippies here lol. We have Shambhala Music Festival annually. The vibe at most of the raves here in the Kootenays, even at the commercialized raves is really different from the Okanagan, I find. Probably because like I said, TONS of hippies and chill ppl out here. Even the commercialized raves are really a lot like the underground, more old school raves I started off going too. I love it. I <3 raving haha.

Sorry this is so long! I'm rolling and chatty. :)
I'm an 18 y/o male and have yet to find anyone in my area / school that is into the rave scene, let alone are even aware of it. Even though I've never been to one, I've been wanting to for a long time. The problem is, I don't even know where to begin. Most of the people in my area/school are either into the "urban hip-hop" scene or the "let's drink and play beer pong and flip cup all night" scene (if you could even call it that? the stereotypical college kid I suppose). Besides not knowing where to find out about local raves, I would end up having to go alone which really sucks. All of my friends are the stereotypical "I only use natural drugs" kind of people too, so the only drug they use is weed. I've had to hide my drug use because of this. Regardless of them even rolling or not, they see the scene as a joke, so they would never even consider coming to one.

How did you guys get into the scene? I know many of you might say that you grew up with a bunch of kids in your area that shared the same interests as you, but that's not the case for me at all. Anything outside of alcohol/weed is shunned in my circle unfortunately, and the association between raves and MDMA further decreases their dislike of raves. I dunno, going to a rave alone doesn't sound like a fun time, especially for someone like me who has anxiety when meeting new people, and who is a first timer.

The only time I've rolled was with a friend in my house, and it just didn't feel right. I wanted to go out and just go crazy and dance, something I've never felt in my entire life. For me it would just be so much more fulfilling to roll at a rave, I just wish I knew some people that were into the scene =/

What I would suggest for you, is to try googling your city, or area, with the term rave or dance party and see what comes up, and pay close attention to facebook events. The sad thing is that you might be out of luck, some areas just don't have a thriving rave scene, or even one at all a lot of times. :( Maybe see if there are any large rave type events, like Shambhala, Motion Notion, etc type events anywhere near you that you could travel too. You'd meet lots of ravers and maybe some in your area who are going too, and would know where some raves are being held.

Also, a lot of times the rave scene will be really under ground, because they want it kept away from the crazy ppl who just wanna get fucked up and stir up shit, so sometimes its really hard to find. I know when I first started raving, had I not of met the people I did, I would have never known about the majority of raves going on. Good luck! I really hope you find something! <3
PS: sorry for this being my 3rd reply lol. You said you don't want to go to a rave alone. Honestly, this might be bad advice but if I was you I would pop some e and go, even alone. You'll meet so many people and you'll meet people who love raving and know where raves are at. :) It's impossible not to meet friends on e, when you are in a place full of others on E. Trust me. :)
I was into acid house parties for a while before the Ecstasy came around and the music/scene slowly changed into what is known as Rave.

I got into that scene through clubbing and hearing about an illegal after club being held :)
didn't really even know there was such thing as a rave scene. Got introduced to a group of friends and against my will was taken to Ultra (didn't even know what Ultra was) and thus given my first experience of MDMA. Needless to say, I was hooked INSTANTLY.

It's amazing how many people flock to you when your friend is screaming "IT'S HER FIRST TIME!!!" lol.

I've gone to several raves alone, only to meet up with some old friends and forgotten faces. If it's a decent friendly rave, people talk and before you know it, you'll wake up the next day or two with a few extra dozen numbers in your cell, trying to pinpoint the faces to the life stories you guys swapped.

You'd be surprised how many people in the "college party" scene or the urban scene actually partake in going to raves and having a good time. They just don't admit it to save face :p

It always seemed that in Miami some how, some way, whether it was a sold out Tiesto gig or a small club scene, there was always someone you knew, or someone who knew that someone.

Hope you have a good time and connect with some fellow ravers! :)
Thanks for all the replies guys, I found an event that's going on in my area in early August. I'm just gonna go alone and hopefully I'll meet some chill people. I've been interested in going to one for a long time and I don't want to let my fears hold me back anymore. If I took some MDMA before going that would make it much easier for me to open up to strangers, but I don't want to give off the wrong impression that I'm only there for the drugs, so I dunno. Any advice on that? :D
I would orient yourself first, so you know where everything is, and maybe who looks interesting, then take it after you get there.
Thanks for all the replies guys, I found an event that's going on in my area in early August. I'm just gonna go alone and hopefully I'll meet some chill people. I've been interested in going to one for a long time and I don't want to let my fears hold me back anymore. If I took some MDMA before going that would make it much easier for me to open up to strangers, but I don't want to give off the wrong impression that I'm only there for the drugs, so I dunno. Any advice on that? :D

it's a rave. most people who go will be on drugs. why do you think they're so underground? i think that everyone who attends raves accepts that there are people on drugs, and even if they don't use e/lsd/w.e themselves, they are totally fine with other people doing them.
^^dont be afraid. To quote a friend of mine from last weekend "It's pretty hard to look like an asshole at a rave." There will be other people on drugs, there will be people coming up and wanting to talk to you, there will be people walking around offering backrubs/lightshows/vicks/etc. Just roll with it. It took me quite a few parties to come out of my shell, and i wished i had earlier, but thats also because i got started relatively late, and didn't go very often at first.
If you think you'll be more comfortable high, then do it. Like others have said though, wait until you get in and figure out where things like the bathrooms and chill areas are. And I wouldn't worry about people making judgment on you for being high... those people probably aren't worth knowing anyway. From my experience, even people who aren't on a drug at a rave usually understand and are more than happy to try and blow you up. I actually enjoy going to raves sober just because the energy of all the high kids makes me feel like I'm rolling. So fun. XD

But if you do decide to drop, don't over-do it. The last thing you want is to be stuck in the corner with your legs not working. You'll feel amazing and all, but you'll probably walk out of there feeling like you missed something.
in my circle of friends noone knew about mdma either. i gave em all free pills for their first time. they were reluctant but they saw how much fun i was havin so they said yes.

This went for the drinkers-only also. I broke my friends drug cherry just recently and now he's buyin Deadmau5 concert tickets and goin to festivals. LULZ
i never was really into electronic music but i didn't mind it. After my first time rolling at a high school dance, my friend was blasting Justice (waters of nazareth) in the car and it blew my mind. I started talking to this kid on my water polo team who was really into the EDM scene and started getting more and more into the music.
Towards the end of my senior year, i convinced 3 other friends to come with me to a huge massive in NorCal...changed my LIFE!! hahaha epic night.
Im lucky that I got to experience the scene right before it blew up into the mainstream thing it is right now/becoming =/
I found a club that was throwing parties without the whole "Guidiu" or "Gangsta" feeling to it.... which i hated....

when i first came into the rave i felt so happy everyone was nice and it was wonderful....
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I found a club that was throwing parties without the whole "Guidiu" or "Gangsta" feeling to it.... which i hated....

when i first came into the rave i felt so happy everyone was nice and it was wonderful....

That's exactly what I'm looking for... I hate the "gangster" and "guido" feeling parties. Someone is always looking for beef, at least IME. A few people suggested searching for local raves online which is what I did, and I found a bunch of events. I just don't even know where to begin (which one to choose mainly). I guess there's no way of knowing which one to choose though if you're a noobie, so I'll just pick one that sounds interesting.
They are easy enough to find on the internet.

Ravelinks is a good start. (no affiliation whatsoever)

But try to find a more active local forum.

There was only one other girl at my high school who raved.

Its not that big of a deal if you go alone, none of my friends were down for it so i went to one anyways.

Got there a bit early due to it being a questionably long drive. Ended up showing up early and met all the people throwing the party. Still friends with them, lots of good times.

Made lots of raver friends. Lots of good times, the scene here is small enough that if you have been a part of it for very long you know a lot of people....
I got into the rave scene by first going to trance/techno concerts of big headliners like Tiesto or Paul Van Dyk. Then after these events there were flyers on our cars of smaller events and this eventually led me and my friends to raves
haha yeah i'm looking forward to going to seattle this year if i'm not here in portland for the halloween rave!!

I'd just PM you but I'm still brand new here so I can't... but I totally think you gave me some vicks at Good to Glow in PDX back in... May? And I think I saw you again at USC? Maybe? Saw your pic in the pupils thread from Tiesto and you said Portland and I was like whoa... I think I know him!!
I'd just PM you but I'm still brand new here so I can't... but I totally think you gave me some vicks at Good to Glow in PDX back in... May? And I think I saw you again at USC? Maybe? Saw your pic in the pupils thread from Tiesto and you said Portland and I was like whoa... I think I know him!!

lol yeah that was probably me with the vicks at good 2 glow...i had the inhaler and the vaporub haha! although i wasn't at USC, totally wished i could have gone but i was broke. i was at freedom equals anarchy and showtek in seattle giving out glove/orbit shows so you might have got a show from me there!
Only read the original post but homie if ur still looking for advice here it is. I got into it cuz I have friends that were. But let me tell u.

My last event I went to, I could not fin ONE person who was available or wanted to go, I ended up going by myself ANYWAY because I got the tickets free from my dj friend who was playing that night.

At the start in the line I didn't talk to much, tho did make some casual convos with some people. But by the tome u get in there, people in the scene r so PLUR (peace, love, unity, respect, just in case u rnt deep into it enough to know what it's about) that people were calling me over and inviting me to join their group! Everyone is either really happy or rolling and happy so they are the most friendly joyous people u ever met. I got all their facbooks too an some of us stay friends for real even after the night was over, not to mention all the awesome lights music and dancing ur missing out on!!!

If ur really worried about anxiety I say get a pocket full of thizz, pop one before u go by yourself And I PROMISE u. Within the first 30 minutes of arriving u will have met (possibly local) friends who are way way chill and will have a blast.
