How comfortable are you with drug taking ?

Neural Shock

Nov 25, 1999
Let me give you a hypothetical scenario to start:
A circle of friends take E (amogst other thingys) now and again, responsibly, at weekends or during holidays. The odd time they go nuts too. Some of them are into it just for the buzz, they aren't into the details (but they are into looking after themselves all the same). Others want to know about the subjects so they can keep informed on what's happen to them. Some are well into the topics in the area of drug taking. Person A, for example, researches info on harm-reduction, prohibition and legalisation (amongst other topics). Person A periodically e-mails interesting links and snippits regarding the subjects. It's the type of e-mail that's social: like sending jokes to friends. Person B, in the group, gets upset one day with legalisation articles. He equates this with encouraging drug use (which it, for course, does not). He sends an angry e-mail about it.
This type of thing is silly really, and it'll all come out in the wash...
But now I'm wondering how many levels of thought are there with drug taking. There seem to be those who:
1) Don't give a shit. It's a good laugh, regardless.
2) They take them and enjoy them, but don't want to get into it or talk about it when they aren't actually doing it.
3) Those who take drugs yet believe they shouldn't be regulated, and that current drug education practices are fine.
4) Want to analyse it and figure out as much as they can about it (possibly too much into it
My personal feelings on drugs are:
They are only chemicals and are secondary to human existence. They can do great things, and bad things, but it's the users who are important. For example: I don't care too much if I can't find any drugs if I'm with my friends and there's good music to be had. But I am pro-legalisation. Also, drug taking (as a topic) really isn't worth getting upset about, is it ? Finally, it's a good laugh (just like getting drunk once in a while).
Sometimes I come across differing reactions within the drug taking community and I stop and go: Whoaaaa! What's going on ?
You find some people feeling guilty about it, and questioning themselves. Others want to deal with it on their own terms.
any thoughts, people ?
I tend to believe that drugs should be legalized, as this would create a tax revenue, would guarantee safety issues like adulterants, and would keep the prison system less crowded with harmless people who just want to sit around, watch cartoons, giggle at carpeting, or give backrubs. The problem is that the WoD has so many jobs that it would be almost impossible to re-educate and train and find jobs for everyone it employs (I imagine they had that same problem at the end of the Inquisition).
I know that I had to work through my own feelings once I began enjoying a life enhanced by chemicals. On one hand, I love my mother, and she always told me how wrong they were without trying them, and on the other hand, I'm my own person and pay my own way in the world and know things she doesn't. Drugs, IMO, aren't the evil, they're just chemicals. The evil arises when they're taken for the wrong reasons, at the wrong times, in the wrong mindset, and the psychological and physical addictions come to surface, which often is a warning of a deeper problem beneath.
I have learned more about myself with a few hits of acid and a couple of bitter pills than I ever did in all the therapy I'd ever gone through. It's just a shame that the WoD makes so much money for so many people and that the people are forgotten in the columns of spreadsheets and budgets.
"What happens to you here is forever..."