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How badly did I fuck up


Aug 7, 2022
Hi guys so I tried doing a cwe of paramol 500/7.46 I believe. First time doing it and like a moron I used a french press. I used it a few times and the solution was still a bit milky but I read this was normal with paramol. My dumbass thought a coffee filter was a french press (I know, stupid). I used 16 pills in total, used about 40ml of water and left it in the fridge overnight, and drank about 60% of it today. Should I seek medical intervention? I am so stupid
Hi guys so I tried doing a cwe of paramol 500/7.46 I believe. First time doing it and like a moron I used a french press. I used it a few times and the solution was still a bit milky but I read this was normal with paramol. My dumbass thought a coffee filter was a french press (I know, stupid). I used 16 pills in total, used about 40ml of water and left it in the fridge overnight, and drank about 60% of it today. Should I seek medical intervention? I am so stupid
Can i ask why you are wanting to take paramol?
Also be very careful with it. I overdosed on it when i was about 16 and given 24hours to live. It was extremely unpleasant and i dont just mean the 24 hours to live thing.

(My kidneys failed)
Hi guys so I tried doing a cwe of paramol 500/7.46 I believe. First time doing it and like a moron I used a french press. I used it a few times and the solution was still a bit milky but I read this was normal with paramol. My dumbass thought a coffee filter was a french press (I know, stupid). I used 16 pills in total, used about 40ml of water and left it in the fridge overnight, and drank about 60% of it today. Should I seek medical intervention? I am so stupid
Wait you took 16 pills in total? YES please goto hospital now. Dont wait. You will likely be fine but thats way too much.
As i say iwas given 24 hours to live but i took just over 50.
If you used only 40 ml of water there should be less than one gram of paracetamol left if you filtered it properly.
If you used only 40 ml of water there should be less than one gram of paracetamol left if you filtered it properly.
Well that is the issue, as I used a french press filter (the ones in cafeterias) instead of a coffee filter. Anyone here know if this would have removed at least some paracetomol? There was definitely some gunk that came out but unsure how much of that was paracetomol or other stuff in the pills. At most I would have taken 5-6g as I only took about 60% of the water and I had spilled a little of it to begin with. I'm also a big guy - 5'11 and 16 stone and I've taken some activated charcoal.

However if it turns out the french press was useless I will call 111 and see what they say.
If the soulution was a little coudy that's fine, if it was cool enough and there were no solids left you have taken just a regular dose of paracetamol.
If the soulution was a little coudy that's fine, if it was cool enough and there were no solids left you have taken just a regular dose of paracetamol.
It was unfortunately more than cloudy, relatively milky. I read this was normal with paramol due to the other things in the pills, but then I read another thread talking about using a coffee filter and NOT a french press.
It was unfortunately more than cloudy, relatively milky. I read this was normal with paramol due to the other things in the pills, but then I read another thread talking about using a coffee filter and NOT a french press.
As you said, you left about 40 ml of liquid in the fridge overnight and drank about half of that. The whole solution should contain no more than a gram of paracetamol based on its chemical properties, which is a normal dose. You drank half of it. So...
As you said, you left about 40 ml of liquid in the fridge overnight and drank about half of that. The whole solution should contain no more than a gram of paracetamol based on its chemical properties, which is a normal dose. You drank half of it. So...
Did you miss the milky part ? There was likely a bunch of it floating around in the water, not dissolved
And likely went right back in when pouring with no filter…I think that why you use a filter and not just decant everything
I did use a french press filter, I didn't just drink it straight, I just don't know how effective that kind of filter is for paracetomol. Definitely a lot of gunk came out though.
I did use a french press filter, I didn't just drink it straight, I just don't know how effective that kind of filter is for paracetomol. Definitely a lot of gunk came out though.
Yea there really no way for us to tell how much you took, you would have to look at the gunk at the bottom and determine how many grams that is and you’ll have an idea of how much you took
Yea there really no way for us to tell how much you took, you would have to look at the gunk at the bottom and determine how many grams that is and you’ll have an idea of how much you took
Most of that stuff is binders. If there were solids left in the final solution and he drank that stuff then we couldn't determine how much he took. If not then he took no more than a regular dose.
We're all just guessing here so if you're starting to feel off in any way, specifically abdominal pain, nausea, headache or dizziness, go to ER and tell them what you took. These are the signs of a paracetamol overdose that show up within the first 24 hrs.
We're all just guessing here so if you're starting to feel off in any way, specifically abdominal pain, nausea, headache or dizziness, go to ER and tell them what you took. These are the signs of a paracetamol overdose that show up within the first 24 hrs.
Most likely it would take more than 24 hours for any symptoms to show up in case of paracetamol overdose.
We're all just guessing here so if you're starting to feel off in any way, specifically abdominal pain, nausea, headache or dizziness, go to ER and tell them what you took. These are the signs of a paracetamol overdose that show up within the first 24 hrs.
Yes of course will do, completely fine so far. Thank you guys for your help.