How are you in one word vs. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

heart broken

this is hurting my poor little lad he may only be a cat but he is heart broken as well

Feeling down, with nobody to blame besides myself really. Finding it difficult to connect with people. Distance. Lack of interest in anything. Feeling incomplete. The downward spiral.

Things can only get better.
Wanting out.

7 months ago I moved back home to western NY after living in the Carolina's for 5 years. I thought it would be awesome. I thought I'd fit right in. I had completely forgotten why I left. Great people expect they are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too superstitious. A city full of superstitious dreamers.

Am I the only one who can't work their system? It's all about praying/dreaming/making wishes then people in the community answer (except it's all telepathically and SUPER fucking annoying). All I really want is quiet. All i get are more voices in my head telling me that I need to wish more. "We're trying to help you..."

These would be the voices that everyone hears but is "not allowed" to talk about?

I like being a loner, outside of everything. As I type this the voices repeat into me ear "no you don't".

It's been over a year of hearing voices all day every day. I think it's time to get back on drugs. What a fucking system. Hearing voices all day UNLESS you're a drug addict then it gets nice and quiet...go figure.

The fucked up thing is that I'd be happy if I was allowed to be myself.

at myself for being here still when i no longer want to be and the cunts who i should just take with me

We have been in one of the worst droughts for three years now. This morning I was just looking around at all the trees and the tiniest grasses growing up through the cracks between bricks and they all are obviously suffering. The trees are dying at the tips, the grasses are 1/3 the size they normally would be and bleached to a dull brown. All the plants are hunkering down, their suffering is silent, their powerful will to live and grow still alive--no energy for complaint, only for survival. They are adapting to what is. We humans have a hard time with this. We want to scream and cry when things get hard, when things change, when we don't get what we want or need. Some of these trees are hundreds of years old. This is not the first drought they have lived through. Maybe this will be the one that finally takes them down. But this morning all I can see is peaceful acceptance and getting on with the business of living and it is inspiring to me.
Very nice post Herbavore!
You are inspired very often and I enjoy reading your posts.
There is always something interesting, new, true, inspiring, insightful and helpful.
Besides it makes us feel good, specially if the message is addressed to those seeking for advice or help.

A really plus for BL I´d say! :)
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