How are you in one word vs. feelin' the feels

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good morning :) I am off today =D =D!!! But disappointed my bf got called into work. My boss even adjusted my schedule so we could have our only 2 days off together :\ bummah
I'm not sure what today is going to bring, but I'm ready for whatever and ill still have this smile on my face.
=D yay!!!

I get anxious anytime it rains..and it's raining.. If you'd like to know why I get anxious during rain see:


I'm in god forsaken Florida where there's no season to look forward to. One would imagine 55-65F degree temperatures in the winter would be lovely...But as a resident of 2 years now you become some kind of sandlizzard where you body is only able to comprehend 90degrees with 30% humidity optimal temperature. So scratch winter off the fun list. It's not even like you can wear cool winter attire like hats with oversized balls on top...or gloves. Just a hoodie that doesn't do the coldness in your bones justice. And then Summer is comprised of rain. Hurricane rain to be exact where it will be silent and still one moment and hailing and trees bending halfway to the ground the next as you seek shelter in your closet with the sound of your rafters struggling to hold the roof on your house. And nevermind the flooding... I won't get into that because the flooding portion of it deserves a book dedcated in it's name.

So yeah... I really hope you enjoy your summer. I'm going to be hiding in my closet waiting for hurricane season aka summer to pass so that I can jump on into winter.

/weather rant.

:staring at raindar: this too shall pass :|
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