How are you in One Word vs. A Smile is a Curve That Sets Everything Straight

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My academic standing has just been updated to graduand. Apparently I'm supposed to go to the ceremony, however I'm not sure I am that way inclined, I may just get my degree sent to me in the mail.
Extremelt happy! Its my last day tomorrow at work and I'm of for a vacation in montreal!

I've got the best girl in the world asleep in my bed right now. She makes me happier than anyone ever....but I'm still miserable. Still looking for reasons why I shouldn't be happy. There is no way a girl this beautiful and awesome could give a fuck about me. But she does....most of the time....the best a 22 year old girl could. But still, I've always dated girls too hot for me but this girl is a whole other story. And she's sweet as fuck.

Ugh. Maybe I'm not supposed to be happy. Or I'm subconsciously trying to fuck it up. But on a good day I'm maybe....maybe....maybe a 7. This girl is like a 9.6 from personality to looks to everything.

Basically the girl of my dreams fell into my lap and I'm more lost than ever.
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