How are you in one word ver. Feelings left between the pages

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I wish I knew! :!

<3 my thoughts are with you.


I am tired. Been dealing with a bout of insomnia as of late, so I only got a few hours of sleep. Maybe I'll nap before work.

Hugs hun <3

Excited! Cant wait to go to the gym :D
Now I'm pissed...can't find my Oakleys. $120 might as well of jus disappeared :/

I am on a king-hell run with the dope. I want to stop but my wife wants to keep charging ahead. I am not strong enough to be around it and not do it. I can admit that. But she's managed to piece together money all week, and tomorrow's payday. We are gonna be broke again by Saturday night. And the cycle will start all over again...I hate this shit...

between the evil demon of temptation, and the guiding spirits of health.....

Thanks guys, ^^ I had a really hard time today. I came soooooo close to relapsing. I'm glad my dealers said they had nothing.... but I'm feeling disappointed in myself that I even tried to call in the first place... ugh

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