(Skip to the 3rd paragraph if you want to avoid my ramblings/explanation)
So my main guy, and most of the others I know all got busted in a very bizarre way the other day and the remaining people I know have all gone dark. My girl decided to reach out to a girl she knows also deals with the guy and turned it out she could hook us up. We got a bag off her the other day and it was all good. A bit powdery, might be MSM-y, I honestly don’t really know what’s what when it comes to meth because for a long time now it seems no 2 bags have ever been the same, but the bag was good. Best shit I’ve done in quite some time now actually.
Today we went to pick up again and I’m not sure wtf is going on. My girl went herself, we were picking up a ball. The new girl has my girl drive her to one place, picks up and says it wasn’t enough so has her stop at another house down the street. The girl then hands her 2 different packs, has her drop her off somewhere else and she comes home. With like 4x the amount we were supposed to get, at first I thought she fuckin robbed her or something but no, she was freaking out too wondering if she handed her the wrong bag, but it doesn’t make sense cause the first bag that was supposedly light weighed over 8g. The 2nd weighed right on point.
The 2 bags are completely different. The first is what to me looks like the nicest crystals I’ve seen since I first started. The second is straight ‘shake’/powder with some small chunks. I’ve gotten used to a vastly different appearance in meth, like I said before, it seems like no 2 bags are ever the same. So it didnt really raise any questions other than why the fuck is there so much? I think I got my answer(we got ripped off?) but I don’t understand what it is. I’m not asking for an ID, just wondering if off my description if anybody thinks that it actually could be something else or if I just got some weird meth. I’m mostly concerned about bag #1 though
It looks like good, normal crystals(I think), but at first they were wet seeming. I could bend them instead of breaking them, I poured some out on a piece of paper and they seem to have dried? now but they’re still weird. I go to get the vapor rolling, and it takes a seemingly long time. Once there’s enough to go take a hit, the hit is kinda harsh and I exhale absolutely nothing. I’ve put a few small pieces in my mouth and as far as I can tell it tastes like absolutely nothing. It seems like it’s like crystallized water or something. I’m beyond baffled, but I think it’s getting me high? I’m really not sure what to think, and I know better than to ask for ID on here but has anybody ever experienced meth with these properties before? It also turns the whole pipe white pretty instantly if that’s an indication or anything
So my main guy, and most of the others I know all got busted in a very bizarre way the other day and the remaining people I know have all gone dark. My girl decided to reach out to a girl she knows also deals with the guy and turned it out she could hook us up. We got a bag off her the other day and it was all good. A bit powdery, might be MSM-y, I honestly don’t really know what’s what when it comes to meth because for a long time now it seems no 2 bags have ever been the same, but the bag was good. Best shit I’ve done in quite some time now actually.
Today we went to pick up again and I’m not sure wtf is going on. My girl went herself, we were picking up a ball. The new girl has my girl drive her to one place, picks up and says it wasn’t enough so has her stop at another house down the street. The girl then hands her 2 different packs, has her drop her off somewhere else and she comes home. With like 4x the amount we were supposed to get, at first I thought she fuckin robbed her or something but no, she was freaking out too wondering if she handed her the wrong bag, but it doesn’t make sense cause the first bag that was supposedly light weighed over 8g. The 2nd weighed right on point.
The 2 bags are completely different. The first is what to me looks like the nicest crystals I’ve seen since I first started. The second is straight ‘shake’/powder with some small chunks. I’ve gotten used to a vastly different appearance in meth, like I said before, it seems like no 2 bags are ever the same. So it didnt really raise any questions other than why the fuck is there so much? I think I got my answer(we got ripped off?) but I don’t understand what it is. I’m not asking for an ID, just wondering if off my description if anybody thinks that it actually could be something else or if I just got some weird meth. I’m mostly concerned about bag #1 though
It looks like good, normal crystals(I think), but at first they were wet seeming. I could bend them instead of breaking them, I poured some out on a piece of paper and they seem to have dried? now but they’re still weird. I go to get the vapor rolling, and it takes a seemingly long time. Once there’s enough to go take a hit, the hit is kinda harsh and I exhale absolutely nothing. I’ve put a few small pieces in my mouth and as far as I can tell it tastes like absolutely nothing. It seems like it’s like crystallized water or something. I’m beyond baffled, but I think it’s getting me high? I’m really not sure what to think, and I know better than to ask for ID on here but has anybody ever experienced meth with these properties before? It also turns the whole pipe white pretty instantly if that’s an indication or anything