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Homemade Bongs (merged)


Oct 8, 2003
I gonna buy a new bong soon and im stuck with this plastic one for now. Sometimes when i hit it the plastic next to the bowl burns. Is this bad for you?
Re: plastic pipes harmfull for your health?

i imagine inhaling plastic fumes on a regular basis is not healthy
man since your bong is fucked just do this:

You'll need:
- 1 Juice Pitcher (like the one ur mum uses for kool-aid)
- 1 1litre Pop Bottle
- 1 piece of tin foil (we aint gunna burn it)
- 1 lighter
- 1 pin

take the lighter and burn a hole in the cap of the bottle (lil bigger than a dime). Then, take the lighter and burn 4 small holes in the bottom of the bottle. Now, take the tinfoil, make it into a bowl shape, then mount the bowl inside of the hole in the cap. Screw the cap on (not all the way). Poke a bunch of holes in the bowl with the pin you found (maybe 12 holes total. dont want the herb to fall thru).

OK, now when you're ready to smoke, place the bottle contraption inside of the juice pitcher, and fill the pitcher with cold water until the 1l bottle gets enough water in it to make it sink to the bottom of the pitcher. Grind up 150mg or so of kronic and place it in the bowl. Light the herb, and slowly pull up on the bottle. Pull up until the bottle is 1/2 way out of the water, and then pull the bottle all the way out of the water. Let the water drain completely, unscrew the cap, and hit that mothafucka. Instabaked.=D
the only way that you could get plastic fumes from a pisser is if you were a retard and brewed a bowl for more than a minute or some other ridiculous amount of time...8)
you can get plastic fumes even if you dont melt it. just warming it will cause some plastic fumes. you may not get heavy amounts but i still wouldnt want to do it on a regular basis
sack of apples
piece of screen

i feel like i end up recommending this several times a day

hurry up and get that bong, buddy :)
LikuidKid said:
man since your bong is fucked just do this:

You'll need:
- 1 Juice Pitcher (like the one ur mum uses for kool-aid)
- 1 1litre Pop Bottle
- 1 piece of tin foil (we aint gunna burn it)
- 1 lighter
- 1 pin

take the lighter and burn a hole in the cap of the bottle (lil bigger than a dime). Then, take the lighter and burn 4 small holes in the bottom of the bottle. Now, take the tinfoil, make it into a bowl shape, then mount the bowl inside of the hole in the cap. Screw the cap on (not all the way). Poke a bunch of holes in the bowl with the pin you found (maybe 12 holes total. dont want the herb to fall thru).

OK, now when you're ready to smoke, place the bottle contraption inside of the juice pitcher, and fill the pitcher with cold water until the 1l bottle gets enough water in it to make it sink to the bottom of the pitcher. Grind up 150mg or so of kronic and place it in the bowl. Light the herb, and slowly pull up on the bottle. Pull up until the bottle is 1/2 way out of the water, and then pull the bottle all the way out of the water. Let the water drain completely, unscrew the cap, and hit that mothafucka. Instabaked.=D

hmmm.... sounds like a bucket bong to me
Whats so rad about glass pipes? Why are they better than say metal or wood?
metal and wood make the whole bowl taste like crap... well... compaired to a glass piece.... with glass, all you taste is the sweet sweet ganja, with metal and wood, you taste the metal or wood when you start roasting on it... and by roasting on it, i mean once the nug loses the green color... which is usually the first hit.....
making a homemade bong is the worst way to smoke it because it melts the plastic hose and you enhale it.


i need some help guys, i'm always making bongs, pipes, etc. just to see what i can make. Recently i tried making a double chamber bong and i was sure it would work but sadly it did not, can anyone post links or just tell me how making a double chamber bong should go, thanx
this graphic should help



  • doublebong.gif
    13.1 KB · Views: 1,468
hmmmm thanx for the graphic that pretty much what mine looked like, im thinking maybe the chambers were to big. i used 2 liters ill just try again thanx again
i dunno, friends and i once made like a 6 foot water bong.... we had to go to a spot where there was a hump in the ground and tilt the thing over so the water wouldnt spill and so we could still hit it... we had to inhale and exhale till we got smoke, then we removed the bowl and whatever smoke was in there was your hit.... we used, 1 liter bottle, and about 5-6 ft. of the cardboard rolls that fabric comes on *like at ben franklins or whatever the hell fabric mart place you know*.. used the liter bottle for the water part and used a metal stem and bowl from a regular bong.... it was great, although, ive never seen weed burn up so fast... but then again, id never been so high at that point *a little after i first started*