HIV/AIDS support MEGA thread

As far as women and aid, I found this

In the U.S., the proportion of AIDS cases among women more than tripled from 7 percent in 1985 to 25 percent in 2001. African-American and Hispanic women represent over 80 percent of AIDS cases reported among American women.


As far as the medication. It is horrible to take. I know this first hand. On December 28th 2003 I accidentally was pricked by a needle on my finger from a patient I had just drawn the blood of. Unfortunately I found out this woman was HIV + after the incident occured. The protocal for an incident like this that the person who received the poke must take this medicine within 2 hours of the incident to prevent them from contracting HIV. I took two different kind of medicines for one month. I couldn't tell you what they were called now b/c during the time I was taking them I was also taking phenergen (sp?) to prevent the extreme nausea and those three things together made me pretty out of it. The medicines that they gave me were to prevent the virus from replicating itself if it was in my blood. These are medicines they give to people with HIV to prevent them from getting worse. The problem is that the virus replicates itself and takes over your cells so fast that by the time peopel find out that they are HIV + there is no way to reverse all the replication that's taken place.

I am happy to say I am not HIV +, but it was scary to think that I could have been. I really thought that was the end of me, but I really feel for people who have to take that horrible medicine to stay alive. I think I would have rather died than felt like that. The doctor told me that the extreme nausea is not a side affect for everyone, but it definately was horrible and I'm glad it's over.
What is Human Immunodeficiency Virus

First, let's examine the name itself of the disease.

Human - This particular virus can infect human beings.

Immunodeficiency - HIV weakens your immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. A "deficient" immune system can not protect you properly.

Virus - A virus can only reproduce itself by taking over a cell in the body of its host*.

* A host is an organism that harbors a parasite (in this case, HIV) and provides nourishment and shelter for it.


Our immune system, or body system that fights disease, is pretty smart. Over time, a healthy immune system has the ability to clear the body of a virus that it has contracted- such as the flu or the common cold. However, when one contracts HIV, the body is not able to clear itself of this virus. The reason for this is still unknown and being researched.

HIV destroys cells that are responsible for fighting off infection- these are called the Helper T cells or CD4 cells.

What is a T-Cell or CD4 cell?
CD4 cells or T-cells are the “generals” of the human immune system. These are the cells that send signals to activate your body’s immune response when they detect “intruders,” like viruses or bacteria.
Because of the important role these cells play in how your body fights off infections, it’s important to keep their numbers up in the normal ranges. This helps to prevent HIV-related complications and opportunistic infections.

Here are some quick facts about CD4 cells:

  • A normal CD4 count ranges from 500–1,000 cells/mm3.
  • When your CD4 count is 350 cells/mm3 or less, it’s time to consider treatment.
  • A CD4 count of fewer than 200 cells/mm3 is one of the qualifications for a diagnosis of AIDS.
  • Your CD4 count can vary from day to day. It can also vary depending on the time of day your blood is drawn and on whether you have other infections or illnesses, like the flu or STDs.

What is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?

Again, let us first consider the name of the disease.

Acquired - AIDS is not genetic. This is a disease that you acquire after birth.

Immuno - pertaining to the immune system.

Deficiency - You get AIDS when your immune system is deficient, or not working properly.

Syndrome - A syndrome is a combination of signs and symptoms of a disease. AIDS is a complex illness with a wide range of signs and symptoms.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the final stage of HIV infection. People at this stage of HIV disease have badly damaged immune systems, which put them at risk for opportunistic infections (OIs). An opportunistic infection is an infection or disease that has the opportunity to invade the body due do the body's weakened immune system state.

You will be diagnosed with AIDS if you have one or more specific OIs (such as pneumonia), certain cancers, or a very low number of CD4 cells. If you have AIDS, you will need medical intervention and treatment.
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Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to HIV/AIDS:

Q: Where did HIV originate from?

A: Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

Q: How is HIV spread?

A: HIV is most commonly transmitted through specific sexual behaviors (anal or vaginal sex) or sharing needles with an infected person. It is less common for HIV to be transmitted through oral sex or for an HIV-infected woman to pass the virus to her baby before or during childbirth or after birth through breastfeeding or by pre-chewing food for her infant.

Q: Can I get HIV from intravenous drug use?

Yes. At the start of every intravenous injection, blood is introduced into the needle and syringe. HIV can be found in the blood of a person infected with the virus. The reuse of a blood-contaminated needle or syringe by another drug injector (sometimes called "direct syringe sharing") carries a high risk of HIV transmission because infected blood can be injected directly into the bloodstream.

Sharing drug equipment can be a risk for spreading HIV. Infected blood can be introduced into drug solutions by:
  • using blood-contaminated syringes to prepare drugs;
  • reusing water
  • reusing bottle caps, spoons, or other containers ("spoons" and "cookers") used to dissolve drugs in water and to heat drug solutions
  • reusing small pieces of cotton or cigarette filters ("cottons") used to filter out particles that could block the needle.

Q: What are some less common ways of HIV transmission?

A: Though unlikely, there are several ways that this can happen.

  • Receiving blood transfusions or blood products. In developed countries, the blood is rigorously tested.
  • Eating pre-chewed food by someone with HIV.
  • Being bitten by an HIV+ person.
  • Open mouthed kissing with an infected person.

Q: Can HIV live outside of the body?

A: No, it cannot.

Q: How is HIV not transmitted?

A: There are various ways HIV is not transmitted. Here are some of those ways:

  • Air or water.
  • Insects (such as mosquito bites).
  • Tears, sweat, and/or saliva.
  • Shaking hands.
  • Closed mouth kissing.
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HIV Testing

Testing of HIV

As a matter of preventive medicine, everyone should get tested for HIV. Keep in mind that HIV may not appear on a screening test right away, so it is best to get checked 6 months apart to be cautious.

Here is what happens during an HIV test:

Oral Fluid Tests – use oral fluid (not saliva) that is collected from the mouth using a special collection device. This is an EIA antibody test similar to the standard blood EIA test. A follow-up confirmatory Western Blot uses the same oral fluid sample.

Urine Tests – use urine instead of blood. The sensitivity and specificity (accuracy) are somewhat less than that of the blood and oral fluid tests. This is also an EIA antibody test similar to blood EIA tests and requires a follow-up confirmatory Western Blot using the same urine sample.

Rapid HIV Test – A rapid test is a screening test that produces very quick results, in approximately 20 minutes. Rapid tests use blood from a vein or from a finger stick, or oral fluid to look for the presence of antibodies to HIV. As is true for all screening tests, a reactive rapid HIV test result must be confirmed with a follow-up confirmatory test before a final diagnosis of infection can be made. These tests have similar accuracy rates as traditional EIA screening tests.

Home Test –The testing procedure involves pricking a finger with a special device, placing drops of blood on a specially treated card, and then mailing the card in to be tested at a licensed laboratory. Usually the patient is given a phone number to a hot line if any questions arise.

Ribonucleic Acid Test – RNA tests look for genetic material of the virus and can be used in screening the blood supply and for detection of very early infection rare cases when antibody tests are unable to detect antibodies to HIV.

So now that you have your test result, what is the next step?

Negative test result ~ Even if you receive a negative result, take follow up tests on a regular basis to confirm this. This test only reveals *your* HIV status, not your partners. Therefore, make sure your partner gets tested for the disease too. Continue to protect yourself from acquiring the disease.

Positive test result ~ The sooner you take action to deal with the situation, the more success you will have.

It is vital that you immediately seek a healthcare provider to consider your treatment options.

Smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, or using illegal drugs (such as stimulatnts) can weaken your immune system. There are programs available that can help you stop or reduce your use of these substances. Also, get screened for other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Undetected STDs can cause serious health problems. It is also important to practice safe-sex behaviors so you can avoid getting STDs. Take precautionary measures so you prevent passing the disease on to others.

Testing Resources

Canada HIV testing:

Alberta: 1-800-772-2437
British Columbia: 811 or 1-604-215-8110
Manitoba: 1-800-782-2437
Newfoundland and Labrador: 1-800-563-1575
New Brunswick: 1-800-561-4009
Northwest Territories: 1-800-661-0844
Nunavut: 1-800-661-0795
Eastern Arctic: 1-800-661-0795
Nova Scotia: 1-800-566-2437
Ontario: 1-800-668-2437
Prince Edward Island: 1-800-314-2437
Quebec: 1-888-855-7432
Hotline for women living with HIV/AIDS in Quebec: 1-866-240-0090
Saskatchewan: 1-800-667-6876
Yukon: 1-800-661-0408

Click here to enter your zip code to locate a HIV testing site if you live in the United States.

If you live in the United Kingdom, please click here and enter your postcode or town to find a testing site near you.
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The good news is that there are a lot of treatment options available nowadays. The disease is manageable with what is called HAART therapy although the SOC (standard of care) can be a bit pricy, depending on what your insurance provider is willing to fork over. 30 years ago AIDS was a death sentence, now there is hope. That being said, prevention is the best medicine, use contraceptives and common sense.
The good news is that there are a lot of treatment options available nowadays. The disease is manageable with what is called HAART therapy although the SOC (standard of care) can be a bit pricy, depending on what your insurance provider is willing to fork over. 30 years ago AIDS was a death sentence, now there is hope. That being said, prevention is the best medicine, use contraceptives and common sense.

This is good, specially for those who were confronted with antagonism and misinformation.
How are we today on this subject?
I heard another day that girls are not so worried because they know they can get treatment.
They probably don't know this is gonna be for life, so I wander I TV, and series stopped talking about it.
When they do, it seems that protection is only good for not getting pregnant.
I'm just curious about this. I don't have it, thankfully......... but I was wondering something about it. If someone gets it, is it possible for them to live a relatively normal life with it or are the symptoms and side effects of the medication just overwhelming and miserable for the person. I know it's permanent and incurable, but when it is "managed", does it cause symptoms that impinge on one's life or are symptoms kept minimal?
As far as I know it's treatable with plenty of meds and routine medical appointments. I suppose most people adapt but have to deal with a multi clinical treatment to handle all side effects, including social and emotional issues. It must be hard to live like that, assuming that some of them also have hepatitis c, drug rehabilitation etc.
Sorry, can I just say....

Do you have to put headings in BIG BLOODY BOLD RED LETTERS so that when someone is trying to get advice on this matter, anyone walking by their screen can see what is going on?

Not a rant, but I think that it is something that should be considered.

I read an interesting fact recently. Only 6% of new HIV cases are from intravenous drug use.
It has no become a chronic manageable diesese . The combined therapy even gets the virus to undetectable levels. Even though the pills work they have some side effects and are hard on the organs. I don't have it but have known someone who died from it in the 90s . Since then I have a intrest in it . A good documentry to watch about the early days of aids is called we were here. It's shows how the gay community got together because the Reagan administration ignored it .
It has no become a chronic manageable diesese . The combined therapy even gets the virus to undetectable levels. Even though the pills work they have some side effects and are hard on the organs. I don't have it but have known someone who died from it in the 90s . Since then I have a intrest in it . A good documentry to watch about the early days of aids is called we were here. It's shows how the gay community got together because the Reagan administration ignored it .
We Were Here is a fab and realistic movie. I lost several friends and a cousin to AIDS. My father’s partner died of AIDS in 1991 and it was so prolonged and horrible. My father was HIV+ since some time in the 1980s and he was scared to death of dying the way his partner died. People like my dad, who were HIV+ and didn’t see a big drop in T4 helper cells, a big jump in their viral load, or show other symptoms of AIDS were, at that time labeled “Long term Non-Progressors”. Doctors were very interested in this group of people and their apparent ability to keep the virus only detectable by a blood test. The Long term non-Progressor terminology is not in use today. I believe Magic Johnson was another person that fell in this category.