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Historical incident of accidental datura poisoning, for the hilarity of BL


Jul 8, 2021
I just came across this account from 17th Century Germany :

" Servants ate of a dish of lentils, whereto by misfortune datura seed was added.
Anon they all became as fools.

The lace - maker show'd herself most uncommon busied about her work ; she threw the bobbins back & forth yet succeeded only in the tangling of all her threads. The chamber - maid meanwhile strode in the hall, shouting so loud as to split all ears, Look! all the devils of hell are come!

A man - servant bore logs of firing wood in to the privy chamber one by the other, declaring he must commence distilling spirits of wine there within ; whilst another beat 2 wood - axes together, saying the while he must cut wood. Another crept about in the yard on all four limbs, tearing the sward with his mouth and rooting in the soil beneath as does a hog. Yet another still, him thought he were a wheel - wright, and wish'd to drill & make holes in all the wood. Anon he seiz'd a great piece of wood, wherein a great hole had been burn't, and put that hole to his lips, and took a stance as he were a-drinking, and said, Now I have drunk such a mighty draught, O how well it pleases me! And so the good knave was drunken in his mind, from pierc'd wood and empty hole. Another went in to the smithy and call'd on his comrades that they might help him catch the fish, for fish be a-swimming within the smithy by shoal upon shoal.

The following morn none might remember himself that yester day he had made such foolish works as to present a very comedia. Neither would any one believe nor be told that he had been thus out of his wit. "

.. wish I'd have been there watching with the popcorn
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yeah, that sounds about right.

the servant trying to distill rings my bell, having made a damn fool of myself on tropanes.