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Highly tolerant Benzo user, possible to manage wds with Etizolam?


Sep 12, 2015
Please direct me to the correct place to pose this question if I am in error, I am a first time poster.

Issue: Benzo Withdrawal

I am prescribed diazepam 10mg (120ct), clonazepam 2mg (60ct) and alprazolam 1mg (90ct) each month. (Incidentally, from the same NP, unbeleivable right?) The reason I get away with this is because I have a long and documented history of Bipolar I and benzos, in combination with lithium and gabapentin has proven itself to be the most effective method of stabilizing me. Needless to say, I have a dependence on benzos, along with a moderate to high tolerance (had taken 18mg of alprazolam while at work the other day and my co-workers were commenting on how cheerful and upbeat I was.) Usually, I have my fun with the Klon and Alp, and use the Diazepam as a method of keeping myself from what could be serious withdrawals at the diesel I take. Unfortunately, this month, along with a few others, I am out of all of my meds for quite a while.

My question is this: Should I consider using Etizolam as a method of safely and effectively coming off the 45mg 2 day alprazolam binge until I can get my lovely long-acting Valium back? I am not trying to get high off of it (don't think it would fit my fancy anyway), just trying to avoid the insomnia, extreme irritability, and potential seizures that I'm now facing. I do plan on cutting the shorter acting benzos out of my treatment plan (the first to go will be the Xanax. It's fun but I'm fully aware that if I don't take action things are really going to go downhill.) Will Etizolam cover wd symptoms effectively and, in your opinion, is it a safe course of action to take? I have no refills left on any meds, so now would be a good time to consider only requesting a refill on 1 of the 3 Benzo scripts I have (probably clonazepam, as it does have more actual value to my mental health than the other with which I play around with).

Any help or advice will be appreciated, however I do not need to hear that the situation I am in is foolish, because I already know that. My goal is to successfully manage withdrawal symptoms while cutting back to only one scripted Benzo, and I'm wondering if Etizolam would be any help.
I don't completely understand your situation, but it sounds like you're facing a few days without any benzos whatsoever until you can get a refill? In that case, yes, get the etizolam. Your daily dosages are not low, so things could go south while you wait. Not saying they would for certain, but it's better to be safe than sorry. If you're planning on quitting both diazepam and alprazolam, then you will need to do a taper most likely, with clonazepam. You should speak to your doctor about it though. Etizolam is not good for tapering because of its relatively short half-life, its only use would be as an emergency if you're completely dry. Depending on how good o' terms you are with your doctor on, I think you can just increase the clonazepam for a while and taper back to a lower dosage.

I'm sorry if I got your situation wrong, correct me/elaborate if needed. At one point you're saying "until I get my Valium/diazepam back", but then go on to say that you actually want to stop using that. Anyway, short answer is etizolam will stop withdrawals, but it's not good for tapering, you need a longer acting benzo for that - diazepam or clonazepam.
Sorry for the misleading information, but you did hit the nail on the head. I have attempted to reply three times now but blue light is malfunctioning on its mobile platform, so Ill just present the basics to my response.

1. I can get my Alprazolam refill in 10 days
2. I can get my diazepam and clonazepam refills in 20-25 days.
3. I don't want to be sick for even ten days, so I am considering RC benzos (somebody suggested a longer acting one)
4. I have reservations about filling my alprazolam. Even if I were to take as prescribed and remain comfortable, that leaves me with at least 3 more fills of a med that I need to cut from my regimen.
5. I am wanting to discontinue two of the three meds. I will either take diazepam or clonazepam, as of yet undecided on which would work best.

So in short, I want to manage wds short term and at the same time set myself up for the task of talking to my doc about only taking one med. And yes a taper will definitely be involved. Thanks for your response, sorry mine was so cut and dry. I got tired of re-typing my reply.