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Highest you've ever been?

What's the highest high? How do you define it?

Some may say it's the amount of euphoria, some say it's the degree to which your consciousness is altered. Some may say the highest is he who's nodding, others say is the one who hasn't slept in a couple days...

So how do you define high?

What's the highest high you can get? If It's the degree to which your consciousness is altered then a high dose of LSD would do the trick. But if 'high' is tweaking then amphetamines would be the highest...

You get the drift.
What's high?

To me, it's amplification of good, minimization of bad (obviously this can only be sustained for a very short amount. of time, ..try... 24 hours.) And by amplification I mean.. energy, self esteem, feeling good, happiness, loss of fear and some inhibition.. to me, the highest high is a good clean speed high.

What's yours?

Edit: All drugs of course have negative effects, but I'm overlooking those at the moment to get my idea across.
My favorite highest high is heroin + dilaudid + opana + promethazine in one shot plus eating a xanax or a soma...amazing front door plus a great nod and a sustained high after/ between the nods...maybe a little coke in the shot too...definitely not the safest combo but my favorite high for sure.
...I don't...remember.. posting that here..
moved? lol.

IMO it's a seperate topic... but... whatever the mods feel is appropriate
.4m mdma, .5g coke IV, 4 blotters, 50 mg IM ketamine , 3 bags of H IV and a couple bong packs...awesome night
Baptism by acid, ten strip circa 2006. I was sucked back up into God's (I guess that's what it was, although it is a rather limiting, reductive term) cosmic uterus only to be shot back out a light speed to the edge of infinity, so to speak. The transformative LSD experience is such a stereotype and I won't go so far as to say that I "found myself" or some trust fund pseudo-hippie bullshit but it was a powerful experience unmatched by any of my other drug experiences. Really, as silly as this sounds, looking at my life I see this trip as a line of demarkation dividing manhood and boyhood. Plus, cool fractals and shit. Groooovy maaaan.
First Meth bong rip for sure!

After 5 mins of not feeling anything after the first pull I was like "I should be feeling something".

So then I toook 5 more massive pulls 10 minutes later it was like someone was pouring pure euphoria over my head. I was god, finally this is how we should always feel.

God that was strong! it was a bit of a down hill slide from there. I don't do it anymore as it's nothing like that first experience and it changes you personality into someone you really aren't
A 1 gram shot of UK brown smack.

Had me fucking hallucinating for around a minute (it felt very much like when you start to emerge from a K-hole), then I collapsed and OD'd.

THANK fuck my best friend/fuck buddy had a vial of narcain/Naloxone (I cant remember which). If she hadn't, I would probably be dead.

When the narcan wore off I was VERRRRY stoned for a very long time.
Most magical: Lovefest plus the After party, in 2008, San Francisco, candy flipping, 3 tabs of acid, 1 molly cap(200mgs), 1 MDA cap(200mgs), 0.3 grams of ketamine towards the end.

Euphoric: MDMA roll+ 15mgs 2C-I at this massive rave ETD POP in 2009.

Most Intense: 2 grams crack cocaine smoked. Then there's a binge.

Most out of the world: 120mgs of ketamine IV, instant blackout, with white vision, then very weird lego land world.

I once did 6 pills, a drop of acid then a HUUUGE line of ket (which I thought he said "phet"/speed) - at a grimey club (club414 in Brixton)

All I can remeber is babbling something about a policewoman. Faguely remember being sat down on a bench by a girl.

The next thing I knew, it was 7am sunday morning. I "woke up" and found that I was clutching onto the front window of Boots pharmacy - swaying side to side)

I was still utterly fucked. I had done a huge amount of drugs - but it was the ket and acid (though I was having a great time before the ket) that had fucked me. Window signs were melting. I had no comprehension of where I was - not a good thing in Londons most dangerous bourgh!

I walked past a Mcdonalds and thought I would sit down and have a good think about what to do and try and straighten up. To my horror, when I sat at my table I looked at my reflection in the window - FUUUUUUUUUCK.

My face was *covered* in neon psychdelic paint. Not only was I fucked on drugs, but I looked an utter freak - right in the town centre.

After trying rather lamely to wash off this shit from my face in the Mcdonalds toilet - I found that I had merely just blended all the paints together - then spread it thinly across my entire face.

Fuck it.

My plan was to K-shuffle to the underground, get to charings cross, then phone my mate to come save me. Get me the fuck out of here.

The tube was an utter disaster. I found I couldn'rt walk up thje stairs properly - thanks to the ket.
I looked like a paraplegic that had lost his wheelchair as I craweled on all fours.

I couldn't majke sense of the tube map. I could read it - but none of made sense, which was fucking annoying as I commuted on the tube every other fucking day.

I just jumped on the next tube nearest to me and hoped for the best.

Fuck knows what happened here. All I can really remember is thinking I was in a space-age hairdryer

I gave up. When I got of the tube (nowhere near where I needed to be) I admitted defeat and asked this young woman if she could help me get to charings cross "as my drink was.....spiked" - and I was clueless as to what I was doing.

It took a few moments for her to belive me, and that I wasn't a rapist/serial killer. She took me to the other side of London, and frog-marched me Charings Cross.

I offered her a tenner for her troubles, but she wouldn't take it.

Once I finally got home (fucking Martin, my mate took 2 hours to get there) I drank a shit load of stella to try and forget, then slept for an entire day.

I didn't feel quite right for some time. I think I really pushed my mind and body to its absolute limits that time. But don't we all at that age!
most high - bak in my clubbin days roamin the city in the AM on shrooms md g shard weed and keta, i swear to god i was talkin to bullwinkle for 20 minutes in the street , then i got lost within 30metres of walkin down a straight street (king street)

most fukd - my "bad" shroom trip , now that was hell
When I used to go clubbing, I would take so many drugs - that I wouldn't remember anything about the rave the next day. I did this for quite a while before I realised it was bullshit.

But I reckon some of those night must of come pretty close. I fucked up a couple times and ruined the night for my freinds, as I was insanely mashed - and passing in and out of consiosness. They just panicked and argued about what the fuck to do with me (they supplied a lot of the drugs you see).

But even before that A couple of the girls were noticably alarmed at how fucked-up I was getting.

It was never intentional. I just had it in my brain that raves = take as many drugs as you possibly can. Luckily these days I'm much better. Too old for that now!
Without a doubt, when I inhaled a hit of 20x salvia and a nitrous balloon at the same time. Need I say more?
the highest i ever been was wen we took the elevator to the top floor of the empire state building in 2003, but i get really high from cociane
hmmm, i guess 3 tabs LSD, 300mg mdma, lots of consecutive nitrous. i remember hitting a triple balloon and laying in the grass with my mouth stuck gaping open for a couple lonnng minutes. also saw tool that night:)
Most life changing: First IV, it was a shot of hydromorphone... i knew my life would be different from then on

Most intropersepective: One of my first acid trips.... chilled with my best friend down at a pond near my house.. we watched ducks.... and talked about life

Most fucked up: when i first began using opiates.. alot of percs, beer and klonopin.... people thought i was dead lol... i looked like a zombie

Most euphoric: one of my first time IVin OC, tolerance was low bangd 60mg, had 20mg of ambien, 150mg of diph, and 6mg of klonopin

Most horrifying: first k-hole
If one considers 'high' as how fucking ridiculously close to dead you are....
then this takes the cake for me. Counting heart rate 210,220, 225... black.
If one considers 'high' how bent your mind is at the time: DXM + EXTREME sleep deprevation = learning about life and love and mushroom trees from the little nude blue people that live on the river in the sky.

Apart from my stims. addiction, (which I consider more of a life phase than a state of mind) my most horrifying wasn't all that bad, just the extreme anxiety that vyvanse gives me. Oh
god. NEVER
This one night I smoked about 6 blunts of PCP with my friends

I forgot who I was for a good hour or so :)
^Id be blunted alone for more than a few hours. bet your still tripping;)

Most introspective: 5 hits of acid
Most spiritual: 8th of shrooms my first time shrooming
Most euphoric: candyflipping or smoking a gram of crack
Most out of this world: out of body experience dxm off to la la land
Most fucked up: usual potenators and found the perfect dose of dope before I black out + some heady weed: I could not distiguish nodding from the real world or when I was dropping 3-4 fucking amazing xtc at a time--wreckless
Mostly can not remember: 8 bars--2 days gone