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Highest you've ever been?

Two 550mcg blotters of 25C-NBOMe + 100 mg 4-HO-DPT + 100 mg MXE. I wrote a trip report about it too.

50 mg 4-HO-MiPT was quite extreme too.
For me, it was definitely a trip on spice (synthetic cannabis). I had taken quite a long break, so I had virtually 0 tolerance. I took a MUCH larger bong rip then I had planned (I blew out way more smoke then expected).

At first I just felt kinda floaty, so I sat down. Eventually the world totally disintegrated into a world of randomness. Depth perception was distorted to the point of everything just being colored light. I heard 2-3 seconds of ambient music that just kept looping in a rhythm, and most pronounced of all, I had an INTENSE body high.

"Energy" would surge up my body in time to the music, making me more and more nauseous. The patterns of light started to sync up, too. I inevitably threw up hardcore. Four times in a row, when a wave of energy shot up my body, I hurled. It felt difficult to breathe because the vomit was in the back of my throat still.

When I started to came down, my thoughts were random and nonsensical. I ended up feeling fine, but that experience forced me to watch my hits a bit closer. I'm not trying to scare anyone away from spice, though - as bad as this experience was, I've had the polar opposite (intense euphoria, beautiful and complex fractals, CEV's, etc.)
LSDMDMA&10101368 said:
What comes to mind, at least recently, was after i smoked methamphetamine for the first time, after i had finished off smoking 2 bowls back to back (but failing miserably at first at keeping the ice melted and keeping it vaporizing, and i wasn't the best at hitting it slow so i'd get tiny tiny tiny hits, where i'd blow barely any vapor out the first few hits, and i still cant smoke that good after getting a bit more practice, but i digress.
I smoked some eyeballed amount of methamphetamine, maybe 50ish mg? the first time (after having first tried meth earlier that day via snorting, snorted a few times between 1pm-8pm then held off till i could try smoking later that night), after taking like 30-45 mins to smoke the first bowl, i was pretty high at the end of it, but i said fuck it i wanna smoke more, so i packed up more, dont remember how much...nor do i know how to eyeball meth good....and i had started to actually get the hang of it halfway through the first bowl, so i smoked the 2nd one right after, didn't take near as long and i was getting bigger hits than i was the first time (but still small hits it seemed...cause i cant seem to blow clouds most of the time like the youtube tweakers...) and by the time i was finished with the 2nd bowl, i was high as all fucking HELL.
i remember midway through smoking the 2nd pipe i got a decent hit and started to feel pretty good but i just kept smokin...and i cant put into words the feeling i get when i'm finished a meth smoke session (mind you, i havent done it much so idk...)...ridiculous, the most over the top ferociously intense high i've ever felt i'm pretty sure, well the rush after youre done smoking is what i mean...

Sounds intense... a friend of mine told me about what she perceives to be spiritual experiences when she would use meth. She said she never felt closer to god, actually, so I can only imagine the euphoria she was feeling.
Took 800mg of dxm, I had been really stressed about the future (had job issues), and I realized everything was actually ok. Hallucinated like crazy for 3 hours and the next day was just riding a beautiful calm high...
4 tabs and a drop of liquid.

Some serious balls were fucking tripped.
Probably when I took 4.5 grams at a music festival this past summer. They were incredibly potent and before that, the largest dose I'd ever eaten was 2.7g's of some okay mush.

3 dudes were taking care of me, trying to help me drink water. I was laying on the ground, with vomit in my pockets because I threw up so much. I pissed myself several times and was practically unconscious in that all I know about the guys was hearing their voices, I was't able to even open my eyes to see or anything. I shouldn't have taken so much and around 6-8 hours later I had some dehydration issues because of it. I felt high for the rest of the night, even when I did technically "come down."

That was a pretty fucking intense but one of my favorites that I'll always remember was my first acid trip.

Oh yeah, when I first started smoking weed, it was like halloween night and I was meeting up with some friends at a local grocery store to carpool to this one part of town. I got a call from another friend asking me why my car was running with the keys in ignition...30 minutes after I left the grocery store. I was so high I forgot to turn off my car and take my keys with me and didn't remember until my friend called and asked me about it.

I've also been rolling so hard I couldn't dance and so all I could do was sit and talk really fast but thats not too extreme, I think many people have been there.
Its probably a three way tie between heroin+GHB+Etizolam, the time I insuff. Oxy+ate Trizolam+then ate a couple Soma, or the time I really stupidly consumed 150 mcgs worth of Fent patches(can't remember how many mgs)when I was 16 then went to my friends, I had to shovel the driveway before I went and I barely was able to finish, by the time I got to my friends I was nodding for extremely long periods of time and had to be awoken at times. For psyches, the time I consumed 4 hits of LSD/5.5 grams of mushrooms/750 mgs of Mescaline/20 mgs of 2c-e/25ish mgs of 2c-I. I was so fucking confused I could barely remember what I had taken. Another potent time was when I tool my favorite combo, 4-6 hits LSD/750 mgs of Mescaline/20 mgs 2c-e and when I was peaking I loaded up 75 mgs of DMT, vaped it and then immediately grabbed my n2o canister and inhaled 3 or 4 chargers. I don't think I could have done anything but sit and marvel at the beauty I was witnessing, that and WTF all the distorted noises and visuals were. Its honestly kind of hard for me to choose because at certain moments of many trips I was unbelievably gone/what not.
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zolpidem (ambien) and alcohol. blacked out completely yet was still functioning - i told people i was a rocket scientist and that i had found a cure for cancer, oh dear.

the most enjoyable high musta been ... 2mg xanax, 2mg lorazepam, 500mg dihydrocodeine, 40mg dexamphetamine, line of coke and about half an oz of weed. damn i was so high i could barely move.
theres been a few times, but last month i did shroom chocolates that also had a little weed in them. for like 2 or 3 hours my trip was amazing, but then it just got too intense. i was by myself in my room and my mom was asleep and i was freaking the fuck out. im pretty sure i had a full on anxiety attack, because for a little bit i could barely breathe and was convulsing on my bed. i also know i was talking to myself but i have no idea what i was saying. i told myself i was quitting drugs, and even got rid of the rest of the shroom chocolates lol (i ended up getting high the next day lol). i thought i was possessed by the devil, and i told myself i was going to become a preacher, and i was about to wake up my mom to tell her this (thank god i didnt). also i was having conversations with people in my head that i thought i was having over text messaging, i dont know man it was intense. so thats probably the highest ive ever been, although the most "blackout" type high ive ever been was when i did 4 and a half lorazapam at school in 12th grade for my first time doing any benzos. i puked twice at school, once when i got home, and really dont remember much of the day at all. i remember i looked at my notes from the middle of that day in class, and they were literally scribbly lines.
the most "blackout" type high ive ever been was when i did 4 and a half lorazapam at school in 12th grade for my first time doing any benzos. i puked twice at school, once when i got home, and really dont remember much of the day at all. i remember i looked at my notes from the middle of that day in class, and they were literally scribbly lines.

haha reminds me of college all too well.... ive taken 5 of em whilst i was at school once and the exact same happened to me.. when i read over what i had wrote during my classes half was uncomprehendible, filled up pages with scribbles, and some of it was just random words stringed into a sentence... NEVER AGAIN!
The first time I tripped (besides salvia), I ate an eighth of really, really good shrooms. I was "writhing in the carnal ecstasy of being," rubbing my mouth with my fist and getting spit all over my face and not giving a shit, and channeling the thoughts of the shroom goddess. Ever since that night I've been "chasing the psychedelic dragon" so to speak, and have yet to attain such heights again.

Another time I was sipping on some 10 mg / tsp tussionex, underestimated how long it would take to kick in. I was feeling it a little, which lowered my inhibitions enough to get me to drink ~75% of the bottle. Never nodded so hard before or since, I actually think I came close to ODing.
DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE. end of story. that is all i have to say about that :) , oh and heroin for best feeling
probably right before i got arrested, LOL. 20 minutes after I did a shot of red & black which was an hour after I did a shot of some different shit but nonetheless I was high as a kite, and before that I shot a 30mg oxy. I think it was a 6pm- 9pm time frame that I did all that. I was pouring in sweat in front of an AC unit however after this one, and my boyfriend was doing his shot and what do you know the cops walk in (were LET in 8) oh and only I went to jail, aint that some shit). I told the cops that I didn't ride in cars and that I ride a magic carpet. I was so high I took the charge for my boyfriend. lol I told the police I was going to puke on them. it was...a whirlwind of a shit storm. :| :!

that's the one that sticks out at me the most lol..
oh and the time i thought my dad was poisoning the wonder bread with nail polish remover??
back in 2009 the og pokeballs

8 pokeballs (yes, very stupid...)...two lines of ketamine...and a fine bitch to make out with!

too bad i couldn't do anything more :( she was completely sober....
2x550ucg blotters of 25C-NBOMe, 100 mg 4-HO-DPT and 100 mg MXE. I don't think I would want to do it again. I entered the hole alright, but it was so extreme I couldn't puzzle together the experience afterwards.
90mg hydrocodone in three doses throughout the day, but the first dose got me:

30mg hydrocodone
500mg Lyrica
2.5mg diazepam
700mg Soma
0.25g hash oil in a chocolate bar.

Hollllly shit, I was watching Blue Man Group in Vegas with my brother, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. :D

I took it too far, though. Kept on dosing somas, took about 8 350mg's over the day, along with 60mg more hydrocodone, and I nodded out during dinner, had to be taken back to the hotel by parents and brother started twitching pretty fucking badly, turned pale, threw up, and twitched my way to sleep. I'm still not sure if I had a seizure in my sleep that night from all the Soma, Hydro, and Lyrica. :\
I used to keep a journal when I wanted to get off the stuff, so I could reflect on how ridiculous my drug-use had become.
A miracle I didn't die that night or so many other nights. Never overdosed or anything.. This one is pretty much the most I ever took that I could find in my journal.

Don't try this at home people.

60mg diazepam
8mg clonazepam
36mg bromazepam
7,5mg lorazepam
8mg lormetazepam
10mg alprazolam
800mg tramadol
80mg oxycodone
50mg amphetamine
50mg ethylphenidate

Fucked up times.

Edit: The first time I took a high dose of lsd (1.2mg) without tolerance was pretty freaking intense too, to say the least.
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