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High dose Benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Charles Bronson

Sep 9, 2011
I'm ready folks, today I got a prescription of 50 x 5 mg Valium.

I'm going to take 3 the first week (16.667* days)
Take 2 the next week. 14 tablets.
Th eon to 5 mg with the 10

Plus, I got Lyrcia (10,200 mg.)

Whaddya reckon, in terms of harm reduction?

SHould I take 300 mg of Lyrica in the morning and nigh-time?

I'm coming of Xanax 2 mg twice a day, Paxam 2 mg twice a day.

I guess the main reason why I want to stop using benzodiazepines, is because of the tolerance/psychological addiction importantly, physical withdrawal syndrome.
Also, I have found myself heavily reliant on codeine containing products/Tramal.

Bronson, over and out!
hey dude. can you rewrite up your dosing schedule, its not very clear at all?????

from what you're taking right now 4mg xanx + 2mg clonaz i'd say that approx equals to 60mg valiums.

So I would suggest you take maybe 50mg valiums every 2nd or 3rd day. (remember vals' half life is a lot longer than both xans and clonaz,) about 20hrs - 100hrs

do that for 2weeks or so, then drop it down to 40-45mgs, do that for 2weeks again. if at 40mg your body is not confortable then yeah do 45mg. The idea is to drop about 5-10mgs in your dosage every-10 2weeks or so until you are down to liek 5-10mg. then stop.

And if your body is no way confortable at all at the changes every 2weeks then do every 3weeks brother.

The key to this is to do it slow. If you rush through the tapering down phase, your body will just tell you to fuck off, and you will feel like hell then most likely relapse and take a lot more than you want to etc and the Cycle begins.

so take it slow and see how you go.

Also, may I ask, how long have you been taking 4mg xans and 2mg clonaz everyday for???
the longer that is, the harder is it for you to quit.

May the force be with you brother!
next time i get benzodiazepines, i sure as hell ain't
gonna abuse them cause where i live doctors treat
it the same as heroin, if not fucking worse.....

and there one of the few addictive substances which
actually have a positive impact on my life..... :-\ i would
have no idea how your prescribed all 3 benzos like that is
amazing man, i'd definitely go light... or elze you might experience
the full withdrawal, i was talking to someone about that this morning,
benzo withdrawal is worse than opiate withdrawal if it's heavy.
I would try and make a fairly big jump first and eat like you said 3 x 5mg a day for the first week, then 2 x 5mg for the second week, then 1 x 5mg for the third week, and then space out what you have left of the 50 pack.

Still prob won't be fun but I have done that taper dose when I got back from thailand and it landed me safely. However I was abusing high dose for short period of time. can't remember but was taking like a couple bars a day for maybe a month max (so not a real heavy habit)
To headdah, yes sir, I take 4 mg of Aprazolam daily and 4 mg of Clonazepam daily, all legitimately prescribed.

Thanks mate. I got a feeling that the Lyrica will work well in reducing my withdrawal symptoms. After reading a post by drug_mentor, he said that he converted his dose to 20 mg Clonazepam and tapered of that shit. Crazy fuck! At least Valium has 3 active metabolites, oxazepam/temazepam/nordiazepam and the short-acting diazepam, which will provide me with sleepiness (Temazepam), mild anxiolytic (Oxazepam) and the 200 hour long acting and most important, nordiazepam. This is important to me, as I find diazepam shits all over clonazepam and alprazolam.

To Chem X,
Yeah man, benzos are worse than heroin. Why can't we figure out a non-addictive/abuse potential limited anti-anxiety drug? I reckon 100 mg Mofanil and 300 mg of Pregabalin twice daily is the way to go, only if they mixed the two together and sold it through the PBS.
Opioid withdrawal is a walk in the park compared to benzodiazepine withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal can kill you/delirium/disassociation/loss of ego and identity and not to mention the painful psychological and physical effects.

That's why I'm quitting. Doing my own taper program.
You are lucky that your benzo dosage isn't that high.

I had to start my taper at 20mg clonazepam and 300mg lyrica daily and I still had a few seizures.

Be very careful coming off benzos.
To headdah, yes sir, I take 4 mg of Aprazolam daily and 4 mg of Clonazepam daily, all legitimately prescribed.

Thanks mate. I got a feeling that the Lyrica will work well in reducing my withdrawal symptoms. After reading a post by drug_mentor, he said that he converted his dose to 20 mg Clonazepam and tapered of that shit. Crazy fuck! At least Valium has 3 active metabolites, oxazepam/temazepam/nordiazepam and the short-acting diazepam, which will provide me with sleepiness (Temazepam), mild anxiolytic (Oxazepam) and the 200 hour long acting and most important, nordiazepam. This is important to me, as I find diazepam shits all over clonazepam and alprazolam.

To Chem X,
Yeah man, benzos are worse than heroin. Why can't we figure out a non-addictive/abuse potential limited anti-anxiety drug? I reckon 100 mg Mofanil and 300 mg of Pregabalin twice daily is the way to go, only if they mixed the two together and sold it through the PBS.
Opioid withdrawal is a walk in the park compared to benzodiazepine withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal can kill you/delirium/disassociation/loss of ego and identity and not to mention the painful psychological and physical effects.

That's why I'm quitting. Doing my own taper program.

I think you got me confused with Mr Blonde man, thankfully I never had to taper a benzo addiction let alone one that heavy.

I really think that 15mg of diazepam a day will be quite uncomfortable for you, really you are taking atleast 80mg worth of diazepam a day and I would imagine you want atleast half that dose to be reasonably comfortable, I could be off the mark though. I sorta feel its better to slightly overshoot your initial dose and the taper take a little longer than you not have enough benzos and end up in potentially bad withdrawals and/or possibly scoring black market xanax.
Dude, no offense, but why are you asking us on here, and not devising a tapering plan with your doctor? If you tell them about your benzo problems they can tell you exactly how much to taper so your doing it in a as safe and as comfortable fashion as possible. If your legitimately prescribed these drugs, and are not doctor shopping then they will be happy to help and not give you any lectures. even if you are taking more than you should, they will still help you (though probably tell you off about it). Benzo addiction is very common, so its not like they don't have several patients at any given moment tapering.

In my experience, jumping from something like 80mg diaz down to 15mg will be an incredible shock to your system. I don't know if you've gone through benzo withdrawal before, but it is fucking horrible.
I went cold turkey. It lasted about 2 weeks of intense withdrawals, i.e. hallucinations that were really fucking scary. Then about 2 weeks later I found myself in a slightly better state.

It's like a whirlwind, it starts off slow and continues and goes in to full blast mode.

I am asking you guys here, because I'm annoying and no-one likes me on this forum LOL, but I don't give a shit because majority of times you guys give great advice.

Yes, I will talk it through with a GP. A tapering plan should be implemented, 80 mg a day first off,shit, I'd need a private RX for 200 Valium for 1 week. Haha fuck that!

Plus the duration of my benzo use was relatively short (1-2 months of heavy use, prescribed use).

I don't want to go and see a GP cuz they cost money :(.

I think you got me confused with Mr Blonde man, thankfully I never had to taper a benzo addiction let alone one that heavy.

I really think that 15mg of diazepam a day will be quite uncomfortable for you, really you are taking atleast 80mg worth of diazepam a day and I would imagine you want atleast half that dose to be reasonably comfortable, I could be off the mark though. I sorta feel its better to slightly overshoot your initial dose and the taper take a little longer than you not have enough benzos and end up in potentially bad withdrawals and/or possibly scoring black market xanax.

I have 2 prescriptions in my wallet, 1 for Xanax 2 mg and one for Paxam 2 mg.

Okay, I'll start with 40 mg and taper off that shit relatively quick.

Thanks guys.
Just go with how your body feels. I think you will find that 15mg will result in intense withdrawals only marginally better than going cold turkey. My taper from a 40-50mg valium a day habit, was to go to 20mg then taper off by 2mg every 3 days. That was painful, and each time my body got used to the new dose and begin to feel right again, I dropped another 2mg. My doctor told me before I began that this would be a pretty brutal taper but that he thought because I had only been using that amount for 2 months, and was otherwise young and in good health I could manage it.

I would recommend taking ginger tablets regularly for the nausea, fish oil helps a little for the headaches, and codeine is nice when your really struggling. not too much though, you don't want to change one habit for another. I also found keeping myself busy with seeing friends, girlfriend, hobbies (couldn't exercise though unfortunately) kept my mind of the withdrawals. There are also some over the counter natural supplements you can take to help you sleep (insomnia when withdrawing can suck). check with a pharmacist to see if antihistamines are alright.
This was my benzodiazepine regimen (albeit from a very VERY high dose)

Was prescribed 12mg alprazolam, 120mg diazepam and 2mg flunitrazepam a day. However realistically I was using 30-50mg xanax a day.

Now doctors definitely DONT like this kind of dosages so when I tapered it was difficult for them to give me an equivalent dosage to taper off. My psych couldn't manage to get me scripted more than 20mg clonazepam daily and 300mg lyrica.

It took me four months in total.

Week 1:
Started with 20mg of clonazepam and 300mg lyrica.
Day one I suffered a massive seuizure and my dose of lyrica was increased to 500mg daily.
I survived the first week.
Week 2: 20mg clonazepam and 500mg lyrica one day and 19mg clonazepam daily.
Week 3: 18mg clonazepam and back down to 400mg lyrica.
Week 4. 16mg Clonazepam and 500mg lyrica one day and 15 and 500mg lyrica the second day.
Week 5: 14mg Clonazepam and 450mg lyrica
Week 6: 12.5mg Clonazepam and 450mg lyrica.
Week 7: Alternated between 11mg clonazepam and 400mg lyrica and 10mg clonaz and 400lyrica.
Week 8. 8mg clonazepam and 350mg lyrica - had another seizure so it was ramped up to 500mg lyrica again with the 8mg clonaz.
Week 9: 7mg Clonazepam and 400mg lyrica.
Week 10: 6mg Clonazepam and 400mg lyrica.
Week 11: alternated between 5mg and 4mg with 400mg lyrica.
Week 12. alternated between 4mg and 3mg with 350mg lyrica.
Week 13: Alternated between 3mg and 2mg with 350mg lyrica
Week 14: Alternated between 2mg and 1mg with 300mg lyrica
Week 15: Alternated between 1mg and .5mg with 300mg lyrica.
Week 16: .5mg with 400mg lyrica.
Week 17: Alternated between .5mg and .25mg with 300mg lyrica.
Week 18: .25mg with 300mg lyrica.
Week 19 .125mg clonazepam with 250mg lyrica.
Week 20: 200mg lyrica.
Week 21: 100mg lyrica.
Week 22: 100mg lyrica every other day.
Week 23: Clean.

Just to let you know... This was ridiculously painful and uncomfortable but the australian health system was VERY sceptical about a 20mg script of clonazepam and the doctor had to do it quickly.

Just wanting people to know it can be done. :D.

I can now take benzo's somewhat therapeutically and still have a script for 6mg xanax a day (which I use maybe once or twice a month.

Good luck mate. You are more than welcome to PM me, I am somewhat of a benzo expert.
Was prescribed 12mg alprazolam, 120mg diazepam and 2mg flunitrazepam a day. However realistically I was using 30-50mg xanax a day.

Jesus! You were scripted this?!?! Just out of curiosity, on those dosages how were you able to function - ie. walk around coordinated, and remember what you did the previous day?

Also, is Charles Bronson banned again??? LOL
Jesus! You were scripted this?!?! Just out of curiosity, on those dosages how were you able to function - ie. walk around coordinated, and remember what you did the previous day?

Also, is Charles Bronson banned again??? LOL

It's possible that as his tolerance grew to the drugs he was using (abusing), that his doctor (naive one at that), had increased his dose over time, to the point where it was ridiculously high. Am I right, tripman? How are your PAWS?
Hey TripMan, good post.

I was the one who tapered using clonazepam, no it wasn't using 20mg. 20mg four times a day was my initial diazepam dosage at rehab, once I left there in a state of anger I was forced to use 2mg tablets of clonazepam as best I could to stave off the WD. If my memory was better I could write up something similar to what TripMan has, but I can't remember and also my taper was not the greatest as I was low on clonazepam and basically waiting until I couldn't hold out any longer before dosing again with clonazepam. I was coming down from a large dose of alprazolam each day, was about 16mg a day towards the end but for the most part of my addiction it had been around 8mg or so per day.
I tapered with the help from my doctor and I was legitimately RX'd those amounts.

I had 7 visits to a psych ward, 2 involuntarily which is where my dosages ended up ramped up so much.

I was using them as prescribed, however would abuse them maybe once a week. Yes I was bad. I was very bad. I learnt my lesson the hard way.
I hope that you took Campral during your withdrawal phase, to reduce the risk of neurotoxicity.

That's what I'm planning to do during my withdrawal from clonazepam/alprazolam.

Vitamin B Complex
1 Pregabalin 75 mg in the morning and 1 at night

Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be fucking bad. With the aid of these 5 wonderful drugs + exercise + sunlight + eating healthy shit, it will seem like a breeze.

Only if you're also on a diazepam taper.
My PAWS are shocking... But otherwise ok.

Have been trying to deal with panic attacks in other ways.