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Benzos Hiding the effects of being in substances?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm on Diazepam. I only take 5mg (3-4 times a day) but my dad is CONSTANTLY on my back and threatening me with homelessness if he continues to see me looking/acting "not right" or because my balance is a little off or because I talk/move more slowly that normally etc

Is there anything I can do with this? Anything from how to hide the effects upwards will be great!

P.S. I don't abuse the drug, I take a low dose and genuinely have anxiety.
Have you rather explained to him your genuine anxiety and that it's there to help you alleviate your symptoms rather than mess you up for funzies?

I feel like that is very important to state to your dad lol. If you know that's a lost cause, then all you can do is not do benzos around him or take lesser doses. On benzos, guessing you're probably more inhibited than you realize. It's totally possible with that class of drugs to be very slowed down and feel absolutely sober and normal when in reality you're slurring your speech quite a lot. If you're not getting it legally it's going to be hard to justify in the end.
If you aren't getting it from a doc it's probably going to be hard to explain that you use it for anxiety. If you have to live with your dad for the time being then you'll just have to either take less and/or be very cognizant of your behavior when around him.

It's unfortunate because that hyper vigilance probably won't help your anxiety but it may be necessary to keep the peace until you can work out another living arrangement.
Virtually only possible if you can film yourself normally under the substances, then watch what to change but then the problem of being too aware of yourself while under substances would come. So keep the doses low.
IMO experience helps but there is cross over to that help being a result of tolerance.

It's rather hard to mask being 'high' no matter the circumstances
IMO experience helps but there is cross over to that help being a result of tolerance.

It's rather hard to mask being 'high' no matter the circumstances

This is true. Functionality does improve with tolerance as time goes by. Are you taking everyday OP? Benzo dependency can be scary just asking.

On benzos the eyes become glazed over and people usually look a little zombie'd out facially.