• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hi there, high functioning opioid addict looking to get away from the pills and chat with people who know what it's like..


May 15, 2022
Hi there, I'm in my early 40s, live in the UK. Got a good job, life is ok apart from I have to maintain myself with strong opiates just to be normal. It's really tiring to have to organise life around it, it's expensive and there's little pleasure.

DHC was my go to for years, stable on that until the pandemic. Gone as hard as H and Oxy but never IV'd anything. My wake up call has been these new pressed M30s from the dark markets, they contain a super potent research chemical called Etonitazepyne. It's said to be 20 times more powerful than fent, and has already killed a few people in the UK. I've been using them, and it's something I wish I hadn't tried. They're bad news - nasty withdrawals from even short term use. More people need to know about what these pills are and how dangerous they can be. There's a few news articles coming online now, but little is known about Etonitazepyne.

So I'm now trying to start a taper plan to get me down onto weaker stuff and then off it altogether. My problem is my work is super busy, I need to function and a week of cold turkey isn't really happening. I can do it though.

I am glad I found bluelight recently and hope I can contribute in some way here :) Nobody knows about my secret addiction.

Cheers - Denny
Welcome to BlueLight!
✌ ❤ 😊

I kicked a fairly heavy oxycodone habit using kratom, and I had no WD symptoms. I was able to keep working (I'm a cook in a very busy restaurant) and had no problems.
I've heard that kratom is hard to find in the UK and I am unfamiliar with online vendors, but I know there are reputable ones out there.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Welcome to BlueLight!
✌ ❤ 😊

I kicked a fairly heavy oxycodone habit using kratom, and I had no WD symptoms. I was able to keep working (I'm a cook in a very busy restaurant) and had no problems.
I've heard that kratom is hard to find in the UK and I am unfamiliar with online vendors, but I know there are reputable ones out there.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi there, thanks! Kratom is possible to get here, I've got some here actually... a Dutch company supplies it, never had any problems getting it. I've used it in the past, stomach doesn't like it so have to faff about making tea. That's great it helped you so much, I do find it works on me - I found the green strains energising and useful to substitute for DHC, but it had little effect in easing H withdrawals last year. Not many people remember Boston Legal, which is a shame!!

The first time I quit H was with bupe, the 2nd time (and final time) was with kratom. I did still experience some level of withdrawal with the kratom, but a hell of a lot better than nothing and I was able to function for the most part. I stuck with it and have been heroin free for 10 years now. I think the main advantage of kratom is that it's much easier to quit/taper kratom than either bupe/methadone.

It's really important to find high quality, fresh kratom. There is a stark difference between fresh kratom and stuff that has been sitting on a shelf for a year or two, the alkaloids degrade. A lot of bulk kratom has been sitting on a shelf for a long time after it's processed. Finding the right vendor is key.
Thanks! I'll definitely have to make Kratom a part of my routine going forward as I work out a taper plan. Vendor is top notch, although the Kratom I have now dates from last year so not sure how well it'll have lasted if it loses potency.
Welcome to Bluelight Denny. Glad to have you. The best way to forget about your problems is to join us here and read about everybody elses. :Mario party:

Here in the US the pressed blue M30's have become an epidemic. I watched a documentary on You Tube about the young Mexicans ( 18-25 years old ) that bring 1500 over the border into Phoenix Arizona at a time. The one guy said he got rid of all of his in ONE day. We can't talk prices on here but lets just say he went back home with the equivalent of a very nice used vehicle. And that's just ONE guy. There were 15 or so of them doing it.

Mexico is importing the chemicals to press these and is producing them by the millions. The messed up part of these pills is that you nod out before you are even finished blowing the smoke out. They burn them on foil out there. Then you get robbed. Or raped. And they say the WD's are so bad that they have to re-up every 3 hours. It's like they wake up from smoking the pill and they have to find another one right away. Terrible drug indeed. I really do feel for ya as you would almost be better off having a heroin addiction. At least H gives people time to "re-group " and stay high for longer than 3 hours. One chick they interviewed said that she used to have an H addiction but got on methadone and got better. Then she relapsed with the " blues " and now the methadone isn't working. She said that nothing works for the WD so she is stuck in a vicious cycle of buying them every 3 hours. She said that sometimes she can go through 15 of the pills in one day. Jesus.
Welcome to BL!

Have you used pregabalin for wds?
It can be really useful, but they carry their own risk.
There is a bluelighter, username is Yubacity, great dude and he is in Uk as you.
He will be happy to explain you the whole deal, guy is really versed and knows his shit.
Hi there no I haven't tried pregabalin before I'll look into that. I'll do a post about my taper plan in due course. Thanks! ☺️
Welcome to Bluelight Denny. Glad to have you. The best way to forget about your problems is to join us here and read about everybody elses. :Mario party:

Here in the US the pressed blue M30's have become an epidemic. I watched a documentary on You Tube about the young Mexicans ( 18-25 years old ) that bring 1500 over the border into Phoenix Arizona at a time. The one guy said he got rid of all of his in ONE day. We can't talk prices on here but lets just say he went back home with the equivalent of a very nice used vehicle. And that's just ONE guy. There were 15 or so of them doing it.

Mexico is importing the chemicals to press these and is producing them by the millions. The messed up part of these pills is that you nod out before you are even finished blowing the smoke out. They burn them on foil out there. Then you get robbed. Or raped. And they say the WD's are so bad that they have to re-up every 3 hours. It's like they wake up from smoking the pill and they have to find another one right away. Terrible drug indeed. I really do feel for ya as you would almost be better off having a heroin addiction. At least H gives people time to "re-group " and stay high for longer than 3 hours. One chick they interviewed said that she used to have an H addiction but got on methadone and got better. Then she relapsed with the " blues " and now the methadone isn't working. She said that nothing works for the WD so she is stuck in a vicious cycle of buying them every 3 hours. She said that sometimes she can go through 15 of the pills in one day. Jesus.
I've not touched one of the dodgy pills as since Thursday morning when I had two halfs. I had 24 hours cold turkey a couple weeks ago and the withdrawals were unbelievably savage, I'll write a post on my story with them soon.
all ops ive had have always been cold turkey.

it hurts but it gets better and to be honest the pain is great practice for life :)

most when they go through the situation scream why me.

better to scream bring it on i will get through this and nothing will stop me.
all ops ive had have always been cold turkey.

it hurts but it gets better and to be honest the pain is great practice for life :)

most when they go through the situation scream why me.

better to scream bring it on i will get through this and nothing will stop me.
I never had the patience for a slow taper, apart from that time I took myself off methadone. Usually when it comes to wd I buckle up and push through. Can be pretty brutal but is over quicker.
Hi there, I'm in my early 40s, live in the UK. Got a good job, life is ok apart from I have to maintain myself with strong opiates just to be normal. It's really tiring to have to organise life around it, it's expensive and there's little pleasure.

DHC was my go to for years, stable on that until the pandemic. Gone as hard as H and Oxy but never IV'd anything. My wake up call has been these new pressed M30s from the dark markets, they contain a super potent research chemical called Etonitazepyne. It's said to be 20 times more powerful than fent, and has already killed a few people in the UK. I've been using them, and it's something I wish I hadn't tried. They're bad news - nasty withdrawals from even short term use. More people need to know about what these pills are and how dangerous they can be. There's a few news articles coming online now, but little is known about Etonitazepyne.

So I'm now trying to start a taper plan to get me down onto weaker stuff and then off it altogether. My problem is my work is super busy, I need to function and a week of cold turkey isn't really happening. I can do it though.

I am glad I found bluelight recently and hope I can contribute in some way here :) Nobody knows about my secret addiction.

Cheers - Denny

Hey welcome here ☺️

I'm late-40s. I can't really get my hands on opiates, which is a good thing. I love oxies and was taking 80mg/day for a few months. I got cut off cold turkey and didn't sleep a wink for 7 nights. The anxiety was horrendous.

Haven't had any for a couple of years now. Alcohol is my main enemy. I get Valium and have to ration it carefully, and smoke a bit of meth.

See you 'round maybe. It makes such a difference to be open about your drug habits.

Abbey xx
Hey welcome here ☺️

I'm late-40s. I can't really get my hands on opiates, which is a good thing. I love oxies and was taking 80mg/day for a few months. I got cut off cold turkey and didn't sleep a wink for 7 nights. The anxiety was horrendous.

Haven't had any for a couple of years now. Alcohol is my main enemy. I get Valium and have to ration it carefully, and smoke a bit of meth.

See you 'round maybe. It makes such a difference to be open about your drug habits.

Abbey xx
Last year, oxy was easily available and affordable in the UK, it's gone up in price massively though, and other painkillers like DHC and Zomorph are also much more expensive and harder to find. That's bound to be having a knock on effect on people - for a few years you could order loads of DHC from pharmacies legally but there was a crackdown on that and it left a lot of people who were now addicted scrambling around looking for a new source. Now these fake M30s have appeared and for many there's no obvious alternative.

Can't say I've ever tried meth, it's just not a thing in the UK. I don't think I would do it now, time for that has passed!
Last year, oxy was easily available and affordable in the UK, it's gone up in price massively though, and other painkillers like DHC and Zomorph are also much more expensive and harder to find. That's bound to be having a knock on effect on people - for a few years you could order loads of DHC from pharmacies legally but there was a crackdown on that and it left a lot of people who were now addicted scrambling around looking for a new source. Now these fake M30s have appeared and for many there's no obvious alternative.

Can't say I've ever tried meth, it's just not a thing in the UK. I don't think I would do it now, time for that has passed!

Yeah I've got a couple of friends in London and one said the same about meth today. Said it's thought of as an American thing. It's common here but way more expensive.

My other friend is a pharmacist in London heh. No dodgy stuff though. Australia banned over the counter codeine about five years ago.. They were my go-tos for pain AND anxiety.

Doctors and pharmacists have the govt watching them like a hawk so generally, unless you're old or very sick, you've got a choice of paracetamol/ibuprofen or the black market for pain 😐
I never had the patience for a slow taper, apart from that time I took myself off methadone. Usually when it comes to wd I buckle up and push through. Can be pretty brutal but is over quicker.
my style too

but some minds are not strong enough and end up with the paws or ptsd which I think is the same thing as the withdrawal was traumatic.

but ye cold turkey for me or ill just keep using and lieing to my self.
something I dont understand is why people dont use heroin orally.

it converts to morph and has the same strength and addictive potential as oral morphine which is about $1 per mg on the street.

heroin works out cheaper and unless you bang sniff or plug it your only really taking morphine (yes weaker but also less risk of addiction this route)

the only reason im not interested in it is dilly is so easy to make in oz.

I guess it all comes down to self control

can you only take the stuff orally and not listen to the iv crowd.
Maybe I should start a new thread, but anyone ever encounter totally fake m30s? My friend got some off of the dark web and has a pretty high tolerance (150mg of oxy per day). VD’ed it and didn’t feel anything (except super sick) after taking a decent amount. This went on for several days. Then it occurred to them to test the solution, as well as their urine. It came back negative for fentanyl as well as for everything else. However they said it did help their wtds and didn’t think it was just placebo. Anyone heard of anything like this? I mean pleasant surprise you’re off of opiates from a 150mg oxy tolerance, but obviously the concern is what were they taking? I’ve never heard of m30s with absolutely nothing in them.