• NMI Moderators: Coffeeshroom

Hi new member Sam

Sam Stone

Jul 7, 2019
Sam Stone is an alias (good song with relevance). Been addicted to various drugs in the past and present. Have never ever gotten any help or been to a single meeting. Was clean for 25 years but discovered opiods a couple of years ago. Now its been 8 days since my last oxy pill. Went 6 months once before after stopping then went back to using for 7 months straight.

Anyway, finding reading tons of posts helpful in my recovery. Maybe sharing my experiences can be mutually beneficial. Im on the west coast now but grew up in NYC. Lived through the cocaine 80s in Queens. Was hooked on free basing which became the crack we all know of now. Hung out with the South American dealers... got hooked and beat it on my own. Few years later it happened again and beat it for good.

Good luck and God bless all those fighting dependance and addiction. And thank you BL for helping those shy folks like myself who are too proud to tell close ones about their demons...

Hi Sam, welcome to Bluelight.

Thank you for your intro - it's nice to get stuff off your chest. And if you're looking for even more support, check out the Recovery Forums, in particular you might be interested in Sober Living.

How do you like the west coast compared to the east? And what do you enjoy to do over there?

See you around!
Welcome Sam, well said, you shall fit in here well I suspect.

Any support or questions that need answering, fire away you are in the right place ?
Hi Sam, welcome to Bluelight.

Thank you for your intro - it's nice to get stuff off your chest. And if you're looking for even more support, check out the Recovery Forums, in particular you might be interested in Sober Living.

How do you like the west coast compared to the east? And what do you enjoy to do over there?

See you around!
Thanks, Madness.
Im in Bay Area CA. Moved here in 1991. Raised 2 kids that both graduated college and have good jobs. That kept me straight... weekends spent at baseball tournaments with son or soccer with daughter. All other spare time went into fixing up a house, working on cars/trucks and analog audio (vacuum tube gear).

You can say i'm a rare success from the neighborhood i grew up in Queens. Most of the crowd i hung out with as a teenager are probably all dead or in jail. Theres a few from my 20s i stay in touch with once in a while on Facebook... but yeah, Bay Area is paradise compared to what Queens is like today. In the 70s Queens was not as crowded and a cool place to grow up. I remember days when a group of 20 or more of us would take the subway to Madison Garden to see the best bands like Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin. We would take over a whole car with cases of beer and smoking weed getting wasted before the shows...good times. Bay Area is kinda boring compared to those days- cops all over looking to bust you for a dui.

I have enough crazy stories from my youth i could write a book. I knew some of the best early graffiti writers and we would spend nights in different train yards doing whole cars. Hung out with guys that broke into drug stores and stole all the pills then passed them out (they eventually discovered H and all ODed). Anyway im rambling... but looking forward to sharing experiences here.
Well it would be rude not to get wasted while watching “Ozzy” at work @Sam Stone.

Do you have DOC at the moment?
Im 8 days clean from using oxy daily for last 7 months. Being in my 50s now, opioids make me feel like im in my 30s. Its really a wonder drug if you ask me. Problem is the supply keeps getting lower or thats what my main connection tells me when he refuses to give me a price break (i was buying in good quantities hoping to get a better price). So i said screw that and decided to quit. I also travel for work- sometimes for 2 weeks over seas and hate having to bring enough stuff and fear running out early.

So i have tons of gabbies and sometimes buy kratom though it never gets me high unless i drink some alcohol with it. My son is great friends with a guy here in the Bay Area that has one of the largest pot deliverie businesses. Has all the best latest products made (for vaping). They go to LA to make large pickups. This stuff is so good now I cant handle it..LOL
Maybe sharing my experiences can be mutually beneficial.
Yes it can. Seems what this haven (BL) is all about, essentially.
And thank you BL for helping those shy folks like myself who are too proud to tell close ones about their demons...
Shit... if I tell myy SO what I been on for over 24 hrs she would freak and I wouldn't hear the end of it for daaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyysssssss. Haha Not funny, though, as your statements are on time, IMO.
She probably already knows... I been calling her blind dragon since 24 years. I gotta do right by her. And will. :)
Bless you, too and welcome.
Did you start off on a legit script, then get cut off and had to buy? What is your tolerance like?

You guys really are being squeezed across the pond, here we are still being prescribed the original mouth watering “OC’s” and drs (General Practitioners) are much more open when you have had a diagnosis via a consultant (In my case a Gastroenteroligist).

What is it you are looking for in particular, or is it just some like minded conversation?
Did you start off on a legit script, then get cut off and had to buy? What is your tolerance like?

You guys really are being squeezed across the pond, here we are still being prescribed the original mouth watering “OC’s” and drs (General Practitioners) are much more open when you have had a diagnosis via a consultant (In my case a Gastroenteroligist).

What is it you are looking for in particular, or is it just some like minded conversation?
I started with Vicodin. Had a few bottles in the medicine drawer from various past surgeries my kids and wife had. They were near the experition date so i didnt want them going to waste..haha. I loved those... then had some oral surgery and got some norcos...pretty good.
Ah right I’m with you. Once you feel what floats your boat, it’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle so to speak (no pun intended). Is this still your DOC?
Ah right I’m with you. Once you feel what floats your boat, it’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle so to speak (no pun intended). Is this still your DOC?
Yes, opiods are my DOC. That and accomplishing someone to give me a good feeling. Like i get all this energy and ill do a home or car project and work hard. Then my brain is happy. Plus I'm constantly moving and my brain isnt thinking about things like family issues ( my mom is elderly and in poor health...my wife is nuts, etc). Its an escape and i could rationalize using because of all I would accomplish while on it. For example my son had a 4k labor quote to fix up his car. I did all the work for him for free but needed like 10 or 15 roxy to get in the zone.
So Hydro is your DOC or generally any opiate/Opioid?

The sociability and/or motivating effect to get chores done, or handle family easier, is the draw for most, outside the reason they were initially prescribed, or came across some Oxy or Morphine etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Most of us have been there at some point!!
So Hydro is your DOC or generally any opiate/Opioid?

The sociability and/or motivating effect to get chores done, or handle family easier, is the draw for most, outside the reason they were initially prescribed, or came across some Oxy or Morphine etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Most of us have been there at some point!!
What i found to buy are roxy blues 30 mg. That and tar H which I passed on. So i was buying the roxy though the hydro gave me a more euphoric feeling than oxy. Plus i would also sometimes crush up the blues and snort them- seems to get you higher than taking orally. Think thats why they are so popular... little magic pills.
Never had the honour of trying Hydro, we don’t prescribe it here in England. Always wanted to as I was a big fan of “House” the tv show ?. If it’s more euphoric than Oxy then I would be sold lol.

Insufflating can certainly seem better, as the onset is faster, I find half a “Longtec” 30mg (same as your Roxy’s) snorted and half oral gives the best of both worlds. Stay safe and enjoy!!
Today is day 10 clean. Monday and back to work stressed. Cravings are through the roof. Head is pounding, pulse is racing. This is like the time I quit smoking times 10... body is aching all over. Its like my brain is royally pissed off and wants a dose now!!! Its sending signals to the rest of my body like a war is going on.

Is this typical? How many more days like this? Determined to not text my connection for an order but hate this feeling. Got gabapentin and took 3 or 4...should I up the dose until I see an improvement? Thanks in advance for insight on this from anyone. I quit once before but its worse this time around. Read that's normal so I'm aware- just wanted to mention it for my background.

Trying to hang tough knowing relief is a text away. This is hard : (
Unfortunately it is pretty typical yes, you are certainly not alone. I can’t comment on Kratom but heard it can help. Gabapentin I would stagger dosing if you can, for me that helps more than a single large dose.

I would suggest trying some loperamide (Imodium) not a Fix all, but when I am in withdrawal from about 100mg Oxy per day, taking around 20-30mg (10-15 capsules) helps immensely with slight mood lift (not placebo) but mostly peripheral symptoms, any restless legs and arms, cold sweats, yawning, and of course the bowel trouble!!

Note: Depending on severity I Lower my lope dose slightly every 24hrs.

Hope this helps!!
Lope has been helping- thanks for suggesting it.... At the 2 week mark...things getting better...head not pounding.