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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Heroin, Methamphetamine, Xanax, Soma, what more could someone ask for?


May 7, 2015
Hi! I am new to this forum but have had quite an interesting day so I wanted to get onto a forum and share it with people who would really appreciate it. Well SWIM started out the day with a shot of Black Tar Heroin, or "Dope" as its commonly referred to in these parts. (Not to be misconstrued as the way people say "dope" in reference to Methamphetamine when they really man "shit".) I mean come on people, get ur junkie slang right! Lol. So SWIM dropped his friend off at work so he could borrow his car, at which point be proceed to run errands. Towards the end of the night, SWIM, went to return the borrowed vehicle to its rightful owner when he recieved a text from a friend who's house he had pre-arranged to stay at for a couple weeks while he got on his feet stating that he would not b able to stay there tonight/last night because of plans the friend had made with a girl. What happened to bros before hoes right? Anyway just when it seemed like hope was lost another friend whom SWIM had met in jail called to ask a few questions, and just so happen to mention that his parents were out of town and would be for about a month or so. SWIM, trying not to sound too desperate as to scare him away, asked if just for the night he could stay
over. Fortunately for SWIM, with almost no hesitation the friend obliged and SWIM was dropped off at said friends' house. After smoking smoke BTH on foil, (that friend of SWIM'S does not inject), they both when about 15 minutes away by car to a older friend of his, let's say his name is Ted, to all the friend this and friend that confusion. Now this Ted is a rich, gay man, who enjoys his Methamphetamine.Upon SWIM and the his friends arrival, the first question SWIM was asked was "Do you party?" To which SWIM replied, "Does the Pope shit in the woods?" At which point SWIM and his friend were promptly greeted with a freshly packed pookie pipe, or "Incense Burner" as certain smoke shops prefer to refer to them as. Now, having injected a what can only be described as a syrup-like liquid into his external jugular prior to arriving at Ted's house, SWIM was let's just say, "on one" to put it mildly. As a matter of fact, whether it was because of his so infrequent Methamphetamine or any stimulant use for that matter, or the potency of the shit, but SWIM felt he needed some sort of sedative to calm down. Fortunately, SWIM always comes.prepared for just such an occasion so he went into his friends car, opened his portable safe, and retrieved one his prescription 2mg alprazolam (Xanax) tablets and took it.
Within about 20 minutes SWIM could feel the effects and it definitely relaxed him enough to the point where he could take a few more puffs off the pookie pipe and feel totally normal. Well, mostly normal ;]. At this point, Ted also pointed out that he had 2 350mg so as just sitting km the ledge of his entertainment unit, and politely offered them to SWIM. Having been prescribed somas before and genuinely liking the buzz he got from it, was more than happy to accept Ted's offer with open arms, or in this case open hands and mouth I should say :). The cornucopia of substances free-flowing throughout SWIM'S system made for an interesting combination. Relaxed, yet not too sleepy. Talkative, but not wired. Essentially, SWIM was diggin it. After a few hours, with both SWIM and his friend feeling a bit sleepy felt they'd make the 10 minute drive back home, make smoke a little bit more BTH and hit the proverbial hey. Maybe it's because SWIM has been couch surfing for quite some time now and hasn't really had a stable place to call his own, but as soon as he laid down in that bed he felt like it was sleepin on a cloud. A hazy, sometimes energetic, sometimes nodding out cloud but a cloud nonetheless. This is what we in the biz call, "Knowing How to Handle Your Drugs", especially when SWIM was to be mixing them. It reminded SWIM of the times he used to get prescribed the 20mg Opana ER, or Oxymorphone Hydrochloride ER, and he would lick the time-seal coating off (Just like the original OxyContins), crush them up, grab some Xanax, crush that up, and finally, topping it all off by adding some Cocaine to the concoction. SWIM then would proceed to insufflate the trifecta drug combination all together. In SWIM'S opinion, as long as you are careful and know your limitations, the best bang for your buck, if you're into/open to type of high is mixing an upper, a downer, and a benzo. The somas were kinda just the cherries on the cake, but don't take those too lightly, SWIM also quite enjoys the somas high on its own. That is all for now. Will keep any interested readers for all intense and purposes safe, and enjoy life. Last but not least, SWIM said this before and he will not say it again, please, KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS, and do not try to out-do yourself by seeing how much you can handle. "SWIM knows probably better than anyone here the downside or pushing your limits and the GRAVE consequences it can have. Enjoy your life, try to have the best quality of life you can, and do unto others as you'd want done unto you.
Until next time,
Much love ~
Hey man! I'd love to read this but it's really jumbled and hard to read. Also you can refer to yourself as "I" on this forum as using "SWIM" is useless and against the rules :).

Break it up into some paragraphs.