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Heroin heroin and food


Bluelight Crew
Mar 13, 2014
i'm normally not a binge-eater, my body type is naturally ectomorphic, but every time i smoke heroin i get a huge craving for junk food. does this happen to anyone else? its way more intense than weed munchies. also, does food interact with heroin in any way?
also get this but not with my DOC oxy though for some reason.

its something i've always wondered about, especially since heroin sometimes (but not often) makes me vomit? i've gone through like three packs of quavers and just finished half a pizza over like two hours haha
This reminds me of a couple weekends ago when I got what I assumed was heroin cut with an analogue of fentanyl - it was so strong that I could dose, binge eat, throw up and repeated that process about 8 times. I had access to quite a bit of this stuff and a private breakfast bar at a Ritz, so it wasn't the classiest thing I've ever done, but damn it was awesome.
Morphine makes me big time hungry, weed has nothing on it.

That's why I rather eat a steak an hour before, that way I won't get hungry.
This reminds me of a couple weekends ago when I got what I assumed was heroin cut with an analogue of fentanyl - it was so strong that I could dose, binge eat, throw up and repeated that process about 8 times. I had access to quite a bit of this stuff and a private breakfast bar at a Ritz, so it wasn't the classiest thing I've ever done, but damn it was awesome.

how Roman of you, pinpoint.

That's why I rather eat a steak an hour before, that way I won't get hungry.

steak and then morphine, stay classy man.
Well hell if I'm going down for the count I want to be found in silk sheets wearing a bathrobe with the Ritz initials 'RC' for the lulz.
Opiates/Opioids seem to give people munchies. I know the feeling though. I believe it's normal.

I think most sedatives do. On Benzos I even work up a decent appetite and crave food.
Opiates/Opioids seem to give people munchies. I know the feeling though. I believe it's normal.

I think most sedatives do. On Benzos I even work up a decent appetite and crave food.

now you see for me benzodiazepines have the exact opposite effect; suppression. over the few years of my etizolam addiction i became very, very thin.
Opioids make me very hungry when I am dependent on them. If not, I find they have the exact opposite effect.

Benzos always make me hungry; never been dependent on them though so I dunno what would happen if I was.
This is a common phenomenon. Inexperienced users will feel nauseated and not want to eat, but once you grow accustomed to it and especially when you have a tolerance, the munchies are comparable to weed.
Yeah I typically crave candy and other junk food like crazy while on dope.

Sometimes it's any food in general that I will binge on like crazy, but this was before I got on methadone and I assume was caused by the fact that I didn't want to eat shit in withdrawal, but as soon as I got well my body would want to catch up on all the food I deprived it of while I was sick.
Everytime I tie off or snort some boy I immediately go to the fride or gas station. I've been doing it so long I've developed a sweet tooth even when I'm not high. 3 years ago when I was a casual user I didn't crave sweets, craving food/sweets didn't start until about a year ago for me.
3 years ago when I was a casual user I didn't crave sweets, craving food/sweets didn't start until about a year ago for me.

I don't have any proof of this, but I imagine that those who are dependent on opiates are more likely to experience the extreme craving for sweets than someone who only takes opiates once in a while.
I don't have any proof of this, but I imagine that those who are dependent on opiates are more likely to experience the extreme craving for sweets than someone who only takes opiates once in a while.

From what I have seen/experienced I definitely agree with you.
Yes, me too I always after sweets when I'm high on opiates. With h., you don't even put on weight..
Common. Heroin and pain pills do this too, but for me, methadone presented the most intense cravings for sugar of any opiate. I'm surprised I still have all my teeth, quite frankly.
Common. Heroin and pain pills do this too, but for me, methadone presented the most intense cravings for sugar of any opiate. I'm surprised I still have all my teeth, quite frankly.

Same here. I've always had a little OCD when it comes to my teeth though. I'm assuming if not for that they'd probably be in pretty bad shape.
i cant even eat until i have some kind of opiate in me... after i dose... i dont care what food is there - i will devour it all!
My appetite is average while I'm high, and completely goes away when its wearing off.