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heroic doses of dxm mixed with ketamine


Feb 22, 2011
Has anyone ever tried mixing high doses of dxm (900mg+) and ketamine together? I feel like this would be one hell of a dissociation seeing that dxm and ketamine are two of the three best known dissociatives other then pcp. I have done extremely high doses of dxm in about the 1200-1400mg range and high doses of ketamine but i have never combined the two. Any thoughts?
Well if you take a line of K like (200-300mgs) it would over power the Dxm there for i think it would be a little pointless. If i may add dxm above 900mg and even at 800mgs is extremely dangerous, i'd say just do the K. Dxm is only fun in smaller doses such as 300-400mgs. well at least in my opinion.
Well dxm in the 300-400mg range is a totally different trip/plateau then im used to. When i take dxm Im always looking for the 3rd-4th plateau because that is when things get VERY interesting. I used to take dxm in the 300-400mg range but the trips just started getting boring and redundant. I find when you take dxm in higher doses it is always a mind blowing experience and its different every time. I am curious as to why you think high doses of dxm is dangerous keeping in mind im not using otc drugs.....well i am but i extract the dxm out of them to get it into Chrystal form. I know your heart rate gets quite accelerated but i think that is the most dangerous thing about it....
And i never mix marijuana with high doses of dxm in fear of the increase in heart rate.
yeah, a few times:-\
w/ n2o(+lsd often)

id stick with the

the fear can give you a heart-attack, the mj, id rather learn not to worry
Ehh I feel like ketamine can only get you so far out of your head....I feel like dxm is necessary to break through the door to the hive mind as dan carpenter would say (rip!)
shpongle -

I detect a preoccupation with DXM in you. I can tell you that this drug will give you a ride you will never ever forget. My advice is to do your research first before going any further. The trips in store for you will be better if you aren't preoccupied with physical fears. Learn how to take this stuff safely. (Is there a way?) I recommend that you tend to your spiritual needs before exploring DXM further. Pushing DXM limits is hairy business. She is a mistress like no other, brother. I've been there.
Yes, and being an uber-dissociative-fiend, I did pretty large doses of both.

I consumed two zicams (~394mg each), 200mg shot of K (IM), and a few ballons of nitrous before I entered the void.

I won't attempt to put it into words for anyone because they won't understand. It was ultimate dissociation. Nothing, and nothing else.

I can barely remember the experience with my normal brain because it was so 'different'.

It's doable, its fun if your absolutely insane like me, its probably not going to kill you, but its intense.
that sounds like an amazing combo, i would LOVE to dissociate out that much....the only time i over did it with dissociative s is when i took a little under 2 grams of dxm power, and just like u said, ITS IMPOSSIBLE to put into words.....only thing i can say is that when it kicked in i instantly thought i had died and my whole trip i thought i was in the after life because i thought there was NO WAY any human LIVING could possibly be exposed to the information and and experience in general givin to me
Might you not as well just take something closer to an anaesthetic dose of ketamine and avoid any potentially unwanted synergies/toxicity from mixing different substances? Not that I would in anyway think this a good idea.
It's different, an anaesthetic dose of ketamine can't really be experienced by the waking consciousness. Thats the whole point of an anaesthetic, it knocks you out, completely.

Complete dissociation, on the other hand, is attainable in the waking state. You don't have to mix drugs to get there, but you can...
Indeed, but isn't the it just a question of upping the dose of ketamine then? I.e. dosing up from what you would consider regular k-hole dissocation until you get the desired state of effects - which is obviously before anaesthesia.
^ Yes, but having both experienced extreme dose ketamine, as well as ketamine + DXM, I would say the two are qualitatively different. It isn't something I would do often, but I'm glad I experienced it.

I'm have a bit of a dissociative fetish, so a combination like this might not be right/enjoyable for everyone, but being that K and DXM are two of my favorite drugs, I wanted to experience the synergy between them.